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Where do I start......


Beaker - TOP BLOKE!


HouseWhore - TOP BLOKE!


Kate - TOP GIRL!


Sali - TOP GIRL!




Deiby - TOP GIRL!


Deiby's Crew - TOP PEOPLE! (There are just too many to mention!)


HouseWhores Crew - TOP PEOPLE! (Sorry peeps, didn't get names!)


Garlands - TOP CLUB!




Thanks to Kate for putting us up this time, we seriously owe you and Deiby big time for your hosptality over the past Liverpool trips!!!!


Cheerz Guys!!!!


[ 23 April 2002, 11:12: Message edited by: CreamyC ]

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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The weekend blew my mind - I'm actually speechless now and its certainly flicked a few switches in my head and removed my head from the sand. SO many SUPERB people.


FAO Tara & Others: I can see why you get arsy with us going Liverpool all the time but I promise we WILL now be moving around the country as CreamyC is right - we hardly knew anyone up in Liverpool and whos to say the same thing cant happen elsewhere. I guess its just because the Liverpool Crowd completely blew my mind and I didnt think communities like this existed outside Ibiza & Thailand !


James [smileJap]

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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Tara, it would be nice to see you on some soon!!!


Homelands in June is the next "Gatecrasher Weekender" so hopefully you can come on that!!


As for for other places, let me know what you fancy!!!!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW Members

Beaker------------> [Well Happy]


What can i say, another

[shocking] Blinding [shocking] weekend!!!!


I seem to get new phone numbers from people every week, meet new people (and may i say sound people) So made up you guys love it up here, I'm gonna try and come to more events with you guys. Garlands never failed to impress again mainly i think because every night is different, a new adventure even! Creamy will know this for sure with his naughty antics at kates!!!

[Freaked Out][LoveFace][Freaked Out]


Also the contacts of Clubtheworld are reaching new levels with key people hearing about the site, one example is

[star] Housewhore [star] who vowed to wear the official Clibtheworld T-shirt whilst DJ'ing!


->Onward and Upward!

---> Beaker <--- 
Times may change, but standards will always remain.

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Onwards and most definately upwards is the only way! Thanks once again to Beaker for the continuous work he has put in since joining the site and helped make even more popular with all the top dudes from Liverpool! As I've said before sooner or later we are gonna have to return the compliment to ALL of you guys for the way you have treated us!!! An additional thanks to HouseWhore for his vow to wear a CTW T-Shirt whilst DJ'ing!!!!


The snowball is ever rolling peeps and its thanks to every one of you that contribute that makes it what it is!


[MultiColour] WE'RE IN THIS TOGETHER!!!! [MultiColour]


Thank you ALL!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW Admin

[censored] me - the progress is incredible at the moment - I WISH MY MEMORY WASN'T F*CKED because I want to be able to tell you all about all the things going on !!!!


Beaker is sure right about KEY PEOPLE getting involved in the site - I'm so excited I'm actually shivering whilst I'm typing this (gods honest truth)


I can just picture HouseWhore now with the new T-shirt & logo - I promise I will move as fast as I can getting these ready - keep the emails coming - right now I have at least 20 members wanting them!!! These are gonna be the ULTIMATE chill-down tops ! I hadn't even thought about the DJs wearing them until HW mentioned it - FANTASTIC !


As Creamy says quite rightly...

[shocking] "We are all in this TOGETHER" [shocking]


If there is one thing I love about life it would be that I LOVE CONTINOUS IMPROVEMENT !!! It's all too easy to have one idea working and be 'content' but we have LOADS of ideas and half of them aren't visible yet - and they are ALL for the benefit of US THE CLUBBERS !!


[smileJap] James [smileJap]

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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Creamy- I am definately coming to Homelands, none of my crew are gonna' be able to make this one so when you guys are getting your tickets let me know, COZ I'M COMING!!!! [Well Happy][MultiColour]

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Tara, I will be sorting out the arrangements for Homelands very, very soon, I will keep everyone informed as to when I've got the details!!! After James and Pauls visit I believe on the May Bank Holiday Weekend the Homelands event will be the next Liverpool trip! It will be BIGGER than Gatecrasher and there will be no restrictions with cameras or anything so I've been told so it should be pretty damm good!


I should have FULL details within a week!!!!



MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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