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The Gatecrasher Experience!


What a night, bloody having it mate!

Cheers to James, Kev, Tara, Jon, Soph, Durnie and Dinger. A great night, absolutely tip top! Julesy, PVD, Picotto, Scot Project and Tiesto, all hammering. 6 1/2 Hours Driving 9 hours stomping, and i have not slept and will not until tonight! Quality :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

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sounds like a good night then!


Hope to hear from y'all soon how it went. I dont expect to until about 4pm though. [Made Up]


hope it went as well as Robin said (im sure it did! [Razz] )


see ya,


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It was an amazing night, PvD probably worth the ticket alone! Also have to rate X-Press 2. Listen out on Dave Pearce for shouts! Cheers to the clubtheworld crew for a top night, and funny breakfast conversations (the turbanator!)


Rob [Fecked Off][Fecked Off]

OSM aka Rob D


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Excellent night, amzing music, brilliant atmosphere and a top crowd made it for me, thanks again to everyone who was there, I owe you one people

Nathan Bell: Don't be afraid, to let yourself go
MSN: CTWDinger@hotmail.com

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A full review will come later on today but what a fantastic night it was! Where did the 9 hours [censored] off to eh?? Didn't feel like 9 hours to me, went far too quick!!!


Anyway, most importantly thanks to ALL of you guys, apologies to the ones we didn't actually meet, we hope you had a good one too and apologies to Lia, think I may of been a bit rude to you when I see you, it was Hi and then I run away but I had to meet Dinger (Nathan) at the other end of the arena! Hope you had a good night anyway!!!!





MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW Admin

EXCELLENT NIGHT - meeting up with some of the members made it EVEN BETTER.

I am so sorry to @Lia & her mates and Jane and her mates for not being able to hook up properly. Myself and @CreamyC were running very late and other understandably wanted to get in there straight away so we couldn't all meet up outside. I didnt mean to appear rude or anything its just that I was also trying to track down Tara and a couple of others I didnt even know the name of !! Talk about trying to find a haystack in the eye of a needle!! I do apologise but I will put it down to experience and learn to plan things better next time - there will be LOADS of next times! Remember we are all very new to this and we will improve honest!

I confess I was f*cked off for the first 2 hours because I wasn't allowed my digital camera in and I was BLOWN AWAY by the amount of effort people made dressing up and just kept thinking what great pictures we could have got - plus I wanted some big group photos so everyone on the board knew who was who.

Apologies for falling asleep towards the end - I just needed a kip before driving home - it didn't help that I was stupid enough to go to Bagleys till 7am on Friday night - again perhaps next time I will learn by my mistakes!!

Apologies to Creamy for scaring the shite out of him when FIVE (5) times I veered off the road whilst 'sleeping at the wheel' !! Thank GOD we stopped for something to eat!!

Thank you to Rob (@Freano) for his AMAZING Hard House MiniDisc - this managed to keep me well awake for the rest of the journey ! Rob is going to go a LONG way.

I have to say the main stage at Gatecrasher was AWESOME and when Van Dyke appeared and fireworks went up he and I nearly had a heart attack - mine was through pure delight - I think his was because he sh*t himself!! AWESOME set - I'm now on a downer!!



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Yep what an awesome night it was!!!

Blinding music, Van Dyck and Tiesto's sets were superb!

Big it up to all the Club the world crew ESPECIALLY Creamy and Rob who kept going all night, well done guys!!!

James next time, maybe skip the friday?! LOL /images/icons/rolleyes.gif

Big cheer to Soph who was flying all night, glad you enjoyed it hun!

Shame we missed the rest of you guys, but trying to meet up was a nightmare, must have spent about £10 on texting that night!!!

Anyway I'm glad we finally all found each other!

James- Me and Soph are going to have some wicked photos of Gatecrasher so you can stick them up! /images/icons/grin.gif/images/icons/grin.gif/images/icons/grin.gif

  • CTW Admin

hang on ! - I'm sure I was only asleep for the last hour!? J [Confused]

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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well i agree with every one, gatecrasher, was a blinder!!!

i loved it!!! and will deffinately be going back to the next one!!!

taras boyfriend and friends were top! like to meet you all again???

rob, dinger, and i cant remember the guys name??? guy in the home mad outfit???? (sorry!!) you were all top too!!! sorry if i kept telling you all i loved you, truth is i do!!!!

anyway thanks to everyone, i had the best night ever!!!

sory lia, and jane that we couldent all meet properly, if you ever in london, give us a call and me and tara would be glad to show you around!!! (thats if your not from london???)

any way chapps thanks again!!!!





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Hiya peeps, i have finally made it in to work, i was that f*cked on saturday that i had to have the monday off work cuz when i got home sunday morning we all carried on up the pub for the rest of the day! Gatecrasher was wicked and i agree Van Dyke with the fireworks were great! /images/icons/grin.gif

Sorry i didn't get to meet you all properly i was looking foward to it, /images/icons/frown.gif but like James said it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Maybe next time hey! i will have to come to the next arrange night out! /images/icons/wink.gif

I have got some photos that i could send you when i get them back.

Anyway role on the next one! /images/icons/smile.gif

  • CTW Admin

Hi Lia !

Yeah - if you can send them in I'll put them up - I think Soph got some as well - I manged to get TWO outside - sob sob!

Thanks again for the trouble you took finding me in the queue - like I say next time we will be far more organised - cant wait to have a proper conversation and for you to meet the rest of the gang.

James /images/icons/smile.gif

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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Wow, I can't wait to see them!!!

I'm gonna' have to wait a couple of weeks before I get mine done! [Happy]

  • CTW Members

Hello everyone, I'm new here. [Happy]


Yeah the NEC was a storming night wasn't it? I thought that Scot Project was exceptional, but Mauro Picotto was also very good (I'm a big Picotto fan).

Roll on Gatecrasher Summer Sound System in June!



Children of the night, step into the light...follow me!

  • CTW Members

hi everyone the NEC was absolutly brill i had a WKD nite,


sorry we didnt meet up with u guys its just we didnt get are tickets an stuff till sat morrning so we cudnt make any arrangments incase we didnt go, nevermind hope to meet up with everyone sometime soon. loads of love x


PS hope you all had as gooda nite as i did [Razz]

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