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  • CTW Members

Strange night for me to get into this one. Music was typically extremely hard. Cheeky boys/Rob Tissera and Lisa Lashes being the highlight for me. Still yet to work out what the hell the regualar Sunny D types dance like, thought they were having epilletic fits the first time i saw them but i guess thats Hard House for ya [Roll Eyes] - Think ill stick to funky and trance...


Met Sarah PVC and her bloke (lovely girl even if her bf's dress sense did freak me out somewhat [Crazy] ), plus Shan, Guffy and the other 4Clubber peeps.


Funkissential was a strange addition to the club, some really nice funky beats in what can only be described as a bar squished onto the side of Sunny D. Was a nice haven for me to get away for a bit when i needed to chill though.


Overall seems a nice club, bouncers are arsey though (had the most thorough search ever!), pissed one of them off when he thought he'd found pills on me only for me to throw a pack of chewing gum in his face (WANKER!! [Well Happy] ). If you're into ur music VERY VERY hard and want to gurn with the champion gurners this is the club for u but sadly dont think ill be in a rush to go back too quickly.


[ 01 July 2002, 11:50: Message edited by: CreamyC ]

  • CTW Promotors


Originally posted by scouseladuk:


Overall seems a nice club, bouncers are arsey though (had the most thorough search ever!), pissed one of them off when he thought he'd found pills on me only for me to throw a pack of chewing gum in his face (WANKER!!
[Well Happy]

Bouncers? Wankers? Never! Bouncers are never wankers!!!


I see you have that problem as well then Dave!! [Angry Fire]


[ 04 June 2002, 14:03: Message edited by: CreamyC ]

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW Promotors

The bouncers have got a bit of attitude in there - they are always peering over the toilet doors at u! ! As for the night - it was one of the best Sundissentials i have had. Top set played by the hard as f*** Lab4 ! Top sets played by andy farley & rob tissera (i know im being biased again!!) Met up with Scouseladuk who was wandering round looking scared as hell most of the time! (thats hard house 4 ya!)

Full report to follow when ive recovered!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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