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Reviews here please ...


[ 11 August 2002, 19:17: Message edited by: CreamyC ]

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I really enjoyed it despite the 2 hour walk to get there as the buses every 5 min service turned out to be every 2 hours [Confused] but we still had laugh walkin it - thank-god we all wore trainers [Well Happy] i loved it - my 1st proper clubbin festival - only been to reading etcc b4! but what i will say is there was soo much good music on all the same time - i wish they'd do what reading and the other big rock ones do and spread te whole thing out over 4 - 5 days - this would be wicked coz the time went far 2 quick and 2 much crammed into 1 nite i thought,well we turned it into 2 days anyways coz the 4 of us spent the day til 6 crashed out in the park with our cd, didn't get in til 8.30 - it was shame everythng didn't go to plan tho as my phone went off and i didn't get all my texts til 7 the next mornin [Roll Eyes] about meetups there, luckily the little group of 5 of us i was wiv arranged if we got lost to meet up every 2 hrs on the hour by the ferris wheel - this worked out real well as few times we got lost and always met up ok [Well Happy] hopefully ones i didn't meet there will meet ya sometime soon - and apologies ones i did meet - wasn't til 8 the next day when i jsut crashed out and ignored ya all- think it wass the 2 hur hike did us all in [Crazy]

  • CTW DJs

For a start, I got very [censored] at GKGG. So please, bear with me on this.


Glorious sunshine once again rained down on the festival goers, making it a perfect season so far.


After the obligatory poppers purchase, and some random fairground rides, it was off to see Mr Jon Fleming tear apart a still not-quite-packed godskitchen main arena.


the lovely Mr Oakenfold took things up a notch with his set. You would be amazed just how many people know the words to 'Southern Sun'.


Following some skilful/lucky negotiating (thank you Sarah!) I managed to get into the backstage area of the Sundissential Arena during Lab4's wicked set. Finishing off AGAIN with their amazing take on Eminem's "Without Me", the Lab4 boys again proved why they are THE hard house act to follow.


Managing to random Rob tissera, Andy Farley, Lisa Lashes and Anne Savage took up a fair bit of my time, before I decided it was better to wander around randomly.


After staggering across the festival site to the Gallery arena in time to catch John Kelly, I started yelling "Mr Fleming, what are you playing at?" at the top of my voice.


After being made to stay outside for a while, I eventually ventured back inside to hear Judge Jules play a, shock horror, quality set.


Proceedings where finished off by Scot Project, keeping the main arena buzzing til 7am. All in all, a good festival, marred only by mild sketchyness.


Special Mentions to;


bunnykins , for looking damn fine in a PVC nurses outfit.


James , for organising an excellent meet-up, and managing to keep it organised, despite some random wandering off.


Elysxbells , for making us some SUPERB little name tags. And for not slapping me when I jammed a safety pin in her arse.


CrashinCarey , for his ironic t-shirt.


ClaireDC , for being nice enough to let me take a picture of her arse.


SarahPVC , for showing us how to pole dance up a support line of a tent, and for letting us in the backstage area.


Mr Christian , for being a very naughty boy! (you know what I mean!)


CreamyC , for having a quite quality outfit, and for not losing the plot altogether.


Lisa Lashes, Rob tissera and Andy Farley , for not being completely terrified by my pilled up rantings, and for being nice enough to pose for photos.


Anyone else I've forgotten , for helping to maintain the promise "Clubbing the world together .


Nicely done everyone. And beware the photos! they'll be here by Friday!


[ 02 August 2002, 12:00: Message edited by: wub_wub ]

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Members


Originally posted by wub_wub:


Special Mentions to;


, for looking damn fine in a PVC nurses outfit.


bunnykins- you stole my idea!!!!! (hehehehehehehe!)


[ 29 July 2002, 10:34: Message edited by: James ]


  • CTW Promotors

I too had a wonderful time - full review in the review section to follow shortly. A huge 'HI' to everyone i met,

Ellie - thanks for the CTW id tags - they were briliant!

James - thanks for letting me practically 'kill' you during our CTW dodgem battle!

Claire DC, Bunnykins, Oddball, Jilly - was lovely to meet you at last - u r all top people.

Wub_Wub - for letting me do the upside down pole dance thing from the tent ropes (i have severe rope burns across 3 fingers to prove it!)

Creamy - loved the outfit!

CrashinCarey - didnt get your voice message til next morning, so sorry i didnt see much of u.

Andy Farley - thanks for 1) pushing me around the stage on a scooter when lab4 were playing!


& to everyone else that was part of global! [Happy]

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW DJs


Originally posted by SarahPvc:

Wub_Wub - for letting me do the upside down pole dance thing from the tent ropes (i have severe rope burns across 3 fingers to prove it!)

And I've got the photos of this......oh, happy days!

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Promotors

Overall it went too quick I think!


But dedications are due for:


James: For not letting me drive his car AND putting up with my directional faliure skills!


SarahPvc: For wearing her PVC again!


Rik: For wearing his unbelievable outfit again!


SLUK: For helping me get two bruised knees! And no, you dirty bastards, this was NOT a perv game we were playing!


ClaireDC: For providing THE weirdest dance ever seen!


CrashinCarey: For providing the world record for losing everyone within seconds of arriving!


Lia (-B): For not recognising you BUT you were there, whoo hoo! (to GK)!!!!


Wub_Wub: For not buying a black and white camera this time!


Bunnykins230: For wearing her nurses stuff! That suit was quite unreal!


ELSxBELLS: For providing us with some wicked neck tags as well as more cards!


Mr Christian: For meeting up with you for at least 2 minutes!


Dylan: For looking totally partied out - you looked rough in my car mate!


Tara: For not seeing her for ages and probably not again now til Ibiza!


Jon: For being the ever-present 'wherever' person whos a top bloke!


*oddball*: For not minding to total [censored] he had to put up with in my car!


Jilly: For being scottish!


ON A FINAL NOTE: Anyone that takes pics of me please remember to make sure I am READY! I will personally be suing the person responsible for making me look even more like a knobber - and that includes James!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW DJs

I'd also like to mention *oddball*, for wearing the EXACT SAME OUTFIT as me.

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Promotors

Had so much fun- but where did the time go? Seemed like I was only there a few minutes! Was annoying to lose so many people so early on, but had a ball with the smaller group of us anyway. Tara & Lia can't believe I didn't see ya there. But to the others I did dance with- thankyou for making the night! [GroupHug]

  • CTW Members

well just about back to normal after about 20 hours kip. what a night - thought it was really good.


Spent most of the night in the Sundissential Arena - thought Lashes and Tissera were spot on as usual. Its weird how Rob Tissera seems to play the same records every set yet i never get fed up of hearing him - think the man has magical powers. The jury is still out on Lab4 for me - don't think they are bouncy enough, still worth seeing. Ian M was quality, first time i've seen him - didn't disapoint me. Lisa Pin-up was a suprise, though she was a poor choice for playing out when i saw the set-times, but she was outstanding - probably the best set in Sundissential, if only for playing 'its over 4 me'.


Saw a bit of Tiesto & Digweed - quality. The highlight of the night for me was Mauro Picotto [King] , the man has never failed to impress me, his set was AMAZING!! and i can't decribed the moment when he dropped 'born slippy' [Well Happy] definately the best DJ known to man.


Nice to meet some of you! Cheers to Creamy for the lift - nice one mate, Mike , Scouselad, Claire and all the others of you that i met but names i've forgotten??? Sorry, my brain was mush by the end of it all. And how could i forget James, never had so much amusement watching you in the carpark at the end. If only i had a video camera [Happy] hilarious.


You all seem like sound people, hope to see you all again soon. [Wavey]


i have 104 friends

  • CTW Members


Originally posted by wub_wub:

I'd also like to mention *oddball*, for wearing the
as me.

you know it made sense mate.


i have 104 friends

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ClaireDC: For providing THE weirdest dance ever seen!

Weird?? [Confused] what was weird bout it?? [Razz]


Right, here's my list (hope i dont miss u out, if i do then am sorry i have a memory problem lol and also in no certain order...just as i think of em)


Dave (SLUK) For takin me down and listenin to me chat [censored] for over a day!! U r a [star]


CreamyC For bein u and laffin at me (as usual [Roll Eyes] )


James for makin me laugh so much when u were fukt... "ignore this sentence, listen to the next one" lmfao [Laugh] NUTTER


Sarah PVC For bein such a nice person and havin a right lil laugh with me!!


Rik For bein a thoroughly nice bloke hehe and tryin to help me find something too!!


Paul For bein a laugh and lettin me corrupt you along with James (get ur minds out of the gutter, im not talkin bout in that way [Roll Eyes] )


Jilly For drivin down and bein such a nice person...dont know where u got to at the end tho [Confused]


Lia For bein a really nice girl and chattin as much [censored] as me/putting up with mine lol


oddball For bein a laugh and also bein willing to take me to the ketathon which i never ended up goin to and it didnt really happen anyway lol


Crashin Carey For the sweetie ring u gave me, i did eat it in the end lol, hope to speak to you soon!!


Bunnykins230 For bein on carpark with me for a couple of hours then finally realising who i was as was about to leave lol, will see you again sometime probably!!


ELSxBELLS For providin me with a name tag even tho u didnt think i was comin and even tho it had someone elses name on hehe, and also for puttin up with me in the car when droppin u off in Stratford!!


wub_wub For takin a picture of my arse!!


MrChristian For continuing to sniff poppers with me on route to droppin u off with Ells, and for havin the laughin fit with me!!


And like i said, if i have missed anyone out then its not done purposely, i think i did rather well remembering all them as it was lol!! [Roll Eyes]


[ 29 July 2002, 15:30: Message edited by: Claire DC ]

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

  • CTW DJs


Originally posted by Claire DC:

For takin a picture of my arse!!

Hun, the pleasure was all mine. [Wink]

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Members

Had a seriously top time - first time i've been to something like that and there's sooooo going to be more on the cards!!! [Well Happy]


Would just like to say a huge thanks to everyone i met - u were all so friendly and totally made it what it was for me! [star]


Sorry for my vanishing act at the end but at 6.30 i had the sudden realisation i had to drive a million miles home and, as i was feeling quite awake, i thought i'd get a head start - didn't want to seem an unsociable git but u know how it is when u get something into ur not entirely clear-thinking head!! [Crazy] If i'd chilled out after i would never have got up again - had 24 proplus and 4 coffees on the way home as it was - and then fell asleep on my trolley in the Sainsbury's queue at the end, people were seriously staring!!!! [shocked][shocked]


Anyway, all in the name of fun - and i had plenty!! Cheers u guys, hope to see u again soon!!


Oh and Creamy - are u ready for your photo yet???

ok then, if you twist my arm....

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