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Ive stumbled over here from 4Clubbers to say hello!


i can mostly be found at Sundissential North bouncing around the 2nd room or at prety much every hard house event in the north!! [Well Happy]


So big hello to everyone! [MultiColour]


*Im not easily amused.......ooh look, a blue car!!*

  • CTW Admin

Hiya KeT KaT !


Cant believe how many have registered over the last few days - thanks a lot!


See you at the Sunny D weekender in a couple of weeks ???


James [sun]

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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its crazy how many people av registered the last few days or a week! 60+ av registered since i got here a few weeks ago! nice1 peepz [Well Happy]

Email : xxkinkykellxx@aol.com
MSN :xxkinkykellxx@hotmail.com
Mob : 07732357014

*Eat Smarties..Wear Pat Butcher earrings.. and romp with naked sumo wrestlers..

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Aye il be at SS North on the 7th!!!


Cant bloody wait, it seems ages since the last one! [Confused]


so which is the main forum that everyone posts in....theres so many to chose from....i get confused easily these days! I blame the weekends! [Razz][Wink]


*Im not easily amused.......ooh look, a blue car!!*

  • CTW Members

durin the day peepz normally post [censored] loads in the "general discussion" forum or "on the pull"..theres obviously more people on during the day coz theyre all at work being noooorrrty people n postin on ere instead of doin work tut tut im jst the same mind [Roll Eyes]

Email : xxkinkykellxx@aol.com
MSN :xxkinkykellxx@hotmail.com
Mob : 07732357014

*Eat Smarties..Wear Pat Butcher earrings.. and romp with naked sumo wrestlers..

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Im a bit of a daytime poster myself.....but got a job interview tomorow! [Freaked Out] I dont wanna get a job *sulk* but the moneys running out and im not one of them people that can stay in on a weekend, i always think im missing somethin! [Razz][Wink]


*Im not easily amused.......ooh look, a blue car!!*

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i need a job meself..unless SLUK is willing to give me a raise i shall find business elsewhere [Wink]

Email : xxkinkykellxx@aol.com
MSN :xxkinkykellxx@hotmail.com
Mob : 07732357014

*Eat Smarties..Wear Pat Butcher earrings.. and romp with naked sumo wrestlers..

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Originally posted by kinkykell:

good luck for the interview sweetie!
[Well Happy]

Cheers mi dear! [Well Happy]


I need all the luck i can get! lol! last job interview was over two years ago! [Freaked Out]


Just got to get this into my head....*think of the money...think of the money!* im sure that wil inspire me! [Razz]


scouseladuk - ello! [Razz] are u going ssnorth on the 7th?


*Im not easily amused.......ooh look, a blue car!!*

  • CTW Members

eurgh i hate job interviews theyre horrid! good lucks anyways! just think of the totty that can be had once u got some money..that u can spend to go out with in search of some serious totty [Wink]


SLUK's off to ibeeeeefffaaaa on saturday! lucky bastard! [Flipa]

Email : xxkinkykellxx@aol.com
MSN :xxkinkykellxx@hotmail.com
Mob : 07732357014

*Eat Smarties..Wear Pat Butcher earrings.. and romp with naked sumo wrestlers..

  • CTW Members

yup i will be at SQ on the 6th and SS Norf with these nuttarrrrs on the 7th me deary. u missed me?

  • CTW Promotors

I will definatley be there as i havnt missed a single Sundissential North yet!! [shocking]

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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Originally posted by scouseladuk:

yup i will be at SQ on the 6th and SS Norf with these nuttarrrrs on the 7th me deary. u missed me?

Aye i have that! Il be lookin out for you at Norf! You can point out some of the peeps on this board to me! [Wink][Well Happy]


*Im not easily amused.......ooh look, a blue car!!*

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