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hello everybody,


I met creamy the other night at the arches in glasgow and he told me to post and join up on here so i am. anyway this is a great site, one of the best ive been on and it seems so friendly. I have to say that kev is one of the most funniest blokes i have ever met - apart from him thinking the club shut at 3am when it shut at 4, him losing his friends all night and making me leave the club with him so he wouldnt be on his own, ahhhhhh, hehe. kev, i tried sending you a private message but it said it was full, so i left you a lil message in the FAO column.


thanks for the laughs babe, speak to you very soon.

  • CTW Members

Hi carrie,


you actually saw me briefly at the bar when you and Creams got talking, I went off to boogie while he went off somewhere not to be found for the rest of the night, met him later on at 4am when I left, him having had a wander with you (I think), then waiting outside for me.


About snapping him up, I think LibbyVD and Lia might have something to say about that [Well Happy]


Ehhhhneeway the Arches was class and I'll be going there again soon, maybe for the 13th Rezurrection thingy


Hey and I would like to accept the mantle of Glasgow Rep now Creams, slap it under my name!


Roight, back to work.


ps [Wavey]

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OI! Creamy! Look!

  • CTW Promotors

Sorry, missing lots of posts lately! Thanks for looking after me after I got lost! I sear my ticket said it shut at 3am, then again the walk around Glasgow was pretty funny!!!!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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