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  • CTW Members

Just thought I'd pop on here and say hi to those that came to Bosh! Bit worrying that Bungle managed to miss practically the whole of my set, but i'll forgive him


Sunnies pre and post activities also deserve a mention - nice to meet a few new peeps, shane katie baby hudson etc


Cheers sue for letting us hang out at yours all w/e, greatly appreciated!! grin.gif


dunno if any of u lot will see this, but it's the thought that counts tongue.gif

  • CTW Members

how could u forget me sad.gif

  • CTW Members

State of you. State of everyone =)

  • Author
  • CTW Members



i've not forgotten u, the fact u drank my entire bottle of alcohol on saturday is enough to make sure of that wink.gif


moo, state indeed!! were u there when i turned green and went spastic on the floor?? that bit was my fave innocent.gif

  • CTW Members

Hahahaha!! Sadly i wasnt!


I think i need to have a shower.

  • CTW Members

i only saw you for a few seconds at sue's then you disapeared behind the sofa, then in sue's room, where you were never to return grin.gif

  • CTW Members

Ermmm can I remind you who you travelled to SS with yeahrite.gif



Has the GREEN stage passed now wacko.gif


Just got back myself uhm.gif



  • CTW Members

Well I managed to get home at midnight lats night and I've just got out of bed. Thats almost as much sleep as chewi had sunday night!


Chewi - missing your set was blatantly all sue's fault, or possibly the fault of the alcohol that was inside her. I was ready to leave leicester at 8.30 thumbsdown.gif



Anyone fancy a bongle with bungle?

  • CTW DJs

yikes.gif wat an epic weekend, and an eye opener, Chewi u were a scream & so was everybody else there, all ulot made my w/end something special, lmao. ACE!


Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


1. Best Dj
2. Funniest Member

  • CTW Members

Why was it an eye opener then? Was that not a perfectly normal weekend? scratchy.gif

Anyone fancy a bongle with bungle?

  • CTW Members

u all got to see me pissed smile.gif not something u see everyday tongue.gif

  • CTW Members

Why do I always end up missing quality nights out mad.gif


Chewi how are you? Haven't spoken to ya for ages. Wat ya been up 2?


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

  • CTW Members

i told u to come jenny tongue.gif

  • CTW Members

Yes but I'd start to really worry about my sanity if I began to take your advice tongue.gif


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

  • CTW Members

lick my rim bitch. wub.giftongue.gif

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