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Y Fankshoes [Well Happy] !! I said my boss was comin and that id ring back in an hour so if anyone fancies takin up the conversation please feel free, bear inmind i have a slight manchester accent thing goinon!! [Agreed][Laugh]


[ 21 August 2002, 13:07: Message edited by: Claire DC ]

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Originally posted by Claire DC:

Y Fankshoes
[Well Happy]
!! I said my boss was comin and that id ring back in an hour so if anyone fancies takin up the conversation please feel free, bear inmind i have a slight manchester accent thing goinon!!

bear inmind i have a slight manchester accent thing goinon

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Thats really funny Claire!! Well done [Laugh][Laugh]

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i feel really sorry for that bloke now. What shits women are!!! Makin him sleep on the couch while she fucks some prize dickhead in his bed! [Angry]

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I do feel much better now thanx for askin creamy!!


And as for the ex gf of his he said he loved iit somore fool him for lettin her get away with it..ipersonally wouldnt do it as its outof order but hey each to their own!!


Ooooh, he did ask if id ever fantasised bout somethin like that...i said no, never even entered head,i mean has anyoneever fantasised bout this?? [Confused] God knows [Roll Eyes]

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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I feel really bad for him now! I bet he was so totally in love with her he forced himself to go along with the sitation, and now he can't deal with any different. I be he's really emotionally scarred. [Confused]

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one of the most popular male fantasies is watching your partner with another man.


of course in fantasies the woman always returns to her husband/bf. and he controls his fantasy. it's actually quite a selfish thing. i know of a couple where the man wanted the wife to sleep with another woman. she did so and he was delighted, until he found out that his wife was buying jewellry for her lover. this wasn't in his script because suddenly he wasn't in control. she ended up divorcing him.


once you cross the boundary of fantasy and reality you can never go back. think carefully before you live out your fantasies.


having said all that, why don't the girls take it in turns to call him every half hour. each of you has a different accent and see when he twigs?









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jsut got back from job interview afternoon and lmfao!!!! this post is well funny! that's sooo funny Claire u rung him!! I reckon we should all ring him - i'll ring him when i'm mashed fri mornin coz i'll have more guts then!! Shall we all arrange to meet him at cyberdog one afternoon!!! [Laugh][Laugh]


[ 21 August 2002, 19:12: Message edited by: Bunnykins230 ]

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nothin to lose if you go in a group and get a load of free clubbing gear off the mug !!!

Someone should text his number and describe a made up sick fetish !

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
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it's a bit harsh posting his mobile number on the site!


but not as harsh as if everyone went down to their local cottage and wrote his number on the wall with a message saying "i'm rob, i like to be humiliated and wear lingerie, ring me for a good time now"


that really would be harsh.









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