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thats really [censored]!!!


I would be fuming if that happened to me.


I would suggest getting in contact with Gods Kitchen directly and telling them exactly what happened. Tell them that you have been to numerous enjoyable Gods Kitchen events in the past and that the treatment you recieved at Eden has really shocked you.


If you get no luck from GKs management you should write to Mixmag and Ministry mag

I'm sure they would be more than happy to print your letters


I'm betting you would probably get a refund and a apology then!!!


do it man!!! dont let the fuckers get away with it.

no sleep 'till bedrock!!

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Get in touch with Godskitchen directly - if you PM me i can give you a few contact numbers.

I did notice how 'hot' the security were inside - didnt seem that bothered outside but once inside it was another story!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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All I can say Tara is that nearly every point you´ve just made there is complete BOLLOX and there are reasons behind each "excuse". I shouldnt have to explain myself and my actions really but I will in full detail when I return.


As the infamous Flakey Dove has said many times you cant please all the people all of the time. I find it a little hurtful though that after all the positive effort i did put in to meet others i get attacked for what - perhaps 2 times when i didnt show up. Tara - the only one i remember with you was for not meeting at coastline - this was because i couldnt get everyone to budge from bar m and i was fooked myself and couldnty be arsed to move up there on my own as i knew you were going onto another club anyway.


yep - i shoudnt have gone as i didnt have the cash but í´ll know next time

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I just want to make a point here. James is utterly correct. You cannot please all the people all of the time. Having known James for a few months now, it is clear that his dedication to this site and group is beyond question.


I have to thank him for arranging this week (I went for one week) because without this website, I probably wouldn't have made it out to Ibiza this year - and I would have missed out on the fantastc experiences I had.


The way I saw it was that there are too many different tastes in CTW for us to spend every night together. That is fine.. No problem - it would be dull if we were all into the same thing. So what I did was use the week as a platform to go and do different things. Happilly most of the things we did we did together. (Dave Pearce, We Love Sundays@Space, Garlands) but some some things we just went off and did cos other people didn't fancy it.


Once again, James - thank you for the effort you have put into this site. I for one am looking forward to the next time we meet up, and the next CTW trip to the 'White Isle'.


Ace. cool.gif

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PeteN thats really shocking I was in Eden twice and I never got any probs although I don't think I ever visited to toilets funily enough... hmm... jesus I didn't whats wrong with me man... anyway that is really terrible you make sure you get in contact with GK and do something about this... i have to say over the whole week and the 5 club nights I went I never came across one bit of trouble with the bouncers or bar staff... but then again I was so mashed they could of been calling me all the names under the sun or hitting me over the head with a baton I still would have been smilling or wanting to hug them. laugh.gif


let us know any outcome that comes from it

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oh [censored] I just remembered I did have trouble one time... although it was just with some random Spanish bloke and not a bouncer or bar worker.


After the raves where finished I used to go down to the sea near Cafe Mambo for an hour or so to chill and come down a bit anyway one particular time must have been about 8.30am or so and I was walking back to my appartment and walked past like a little square anyway theres not many people about usually this time except for a few locals getting ready for [censored] but this young Spanish lad I'd say early 20s started shouting over do I have a light I shouted back that I never but stupid as I am sometimes I stopped as he jogged over to me... next thing I know he had his hand holding up mine looking at my nice ring and watch... luckily enough I reacted quickly and yanked my arm away from him forcefully and asked him what the [censored] he was doing he backed off when he noticed what big eyes I had lol.


Made me think thou that I have to be carefull... but apart from that ... that was all the trouble I had... well unless I remember something else smile.gif but I'm fairly sure that was all.


Numb bum

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Cheers for the advice peeps. I'll get some contact numbers and we'll see from there! grin.gif



WAIT......We can't stop here - this is bat country!

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No way... Pete thats is [censored] freaky


I just replied to the favourite film thread and then this one again and read your signature at the end of your message... got a mental head rush of de ja vu there... weird smile.gif


made me laugh as well thinking about that scene.


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well i am still in ibiza!!!! and coming home tonight. i had an absoloubtly fantastic week!!


to be totally hinest with you i diddent go out every night! firstly i couldent afford to, so when i did go out it was to the west end.


secondly james never pulled anyone, except me! and i trust him 100%


thirdaly, i want to thatk him for making my week one of the best holidays ive had! although we were skint, we made the most of it! and now i am sad to come home. frown.gif


james- love you hun, thaks!!!


tara- i wasent there for the week you were, and i can uderstand why you were pissed off, i can also undetstand that the guys were on holiday and just wnted to let theire hair down. in the long run, they culd do wha they wanted!!


any way this will be the last time i am on the net for a while now!


take care!




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Well, i have to say that there really is no point inputtin a post up and complaining about people....if u had a problem with them whilst u were away, which u obviously did then u should have said something to them face to face, not over a website where theres no need to air ur dirty laundry in public....i dont wana sound harsh or as if im havin a go at you cos im not and also i wasnt here for the week u were......but i have to say a few things........


1. The only big night i went to was slinky, i actually stayed in about 2 nights and went the west end for the rest, oh and also went to DC10s too but that doesnt make me not a "PROPER CLUBBER"


2. Ok, so some of the lads might have pulled but theyre single and theyre allowed to....theres no law against it, no ibiza rule sayin if u pull ur not a clubber. U didnt pull fair enough but u have a bf and he was there....u cant tell me that if u were single and out here with just ur mates that if the opportunity came along to snog a lad u fancied the arse off that u wouldnt cos ur "PROPER CLUBBER"


3. People have different reasons for goin on holiday, like for me it was more to get away and clear my head after havin hassle in the past few weeks and also to get a tan and see some of the CTW group that i know, yeah i got a club night in there too, but the main thing is that u enjoy urself whatever you end up doin.


4. Ok so james was skint....doesnt mean to say that he shouldnt have gone on holiday, its his desision and if he´s happy just doin what he did then i say fair play to him.


5. Like james said nobody was meant to feel pressured into goin out doin things they didnt want to or couldnt afford, this was said before the holiday so i dont know why its bein nrought up now.... its not about provin urself to everyone to be the best clubber, drug taker, dancer or anythin else...its not a fuckin competition for gods sake.


Errrrm anyway, sorry for the rant, if i have been a bit harsh, or u feel i have then i apologise i just dont like the way u have publicaly slated people that are supposed to be ur friends and i felt i had to say all this, i have nothin against you tara, i would have said the same to anyone so please dont take this as a personal attack, just please think about what u post in future cos i think u do leave urself open to replys like this by postin like that...other than my lil rant, im glad u and ur fella had a good holiday, its what its all about, hope you dont take offence with this and hope to see you out clubbin sometim in the future!! smile.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Have to say Tara what the [censored] are u bangin on about? Didnt meet u out there and THANK [censored] I DIDNT! I spent probably about 60% of my holiday at nights out in the West End and enjoyed every min of it. If thats were people want to go - then they should go! theres no reason to spend every nite in an over priced clubs with mediocre DJs that play free sets before hand and Mambos and Savannahs. I was gettin a bit of stick of a few of my crowd for not going to Ed Paradis or Pacha or Eden but so what? I went were i wanted to go cos it was MY holiday as it was JAMES' holiday. Do u really think u cud afford to go out and pay those club prices for 2 weeks as James could? NOPE! Tara get a life and get off his back - stop stickin ur nose in where its not wanted. Im fuckin glad i wasnt out there with the rest of u CTW lot if thats the way ur heads [censored], for the ones i was there with, Kev, James, Ray, Soph and Claire - Good holiday...glad u were there with me smile.gif


See u all soon...probably

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I'm only being honest with what I think, sorry if some people have a problem with this. I just don't like being messed around, especially when I'm on holiday.

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ive only just read that post properly, i think you are right to have your opnion tara, but i dont think its fair to slate everyone for a a few reasons:


ray creamy and james were there for two weeks, so im sure they wernt going to be clubbing every night!


the heat in ibiza nackerd everyone out, well done to you for being able to keep going, but i would have been ill if i had!


not everyone wants to go to the same clubs, look at tash and ellie, they were hard core every night - yet you didnt see them?


ive got to say, there were a few times YOU didnt turn up, and im in no way having a go at you for that, its just plans always change!


also, not everyone takes drugs, and i think the people who dont did well to to keep up.


me and neil had a wicked time, i spent loads of time on the beach, we had meals, and went to some great nights.


i think that what you are trying to get at is that you were pissed off waiting around for people.


my advice is DONT! if you want to do somthing, dont wait around to do it! i know how annoying it can be when people are late, but its a holiday, so you just do what you want!


i know we were late loads, but its to be expected!


lets face it, i think everyone on this site is reliable most of the time! smile.gif





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