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Ok, well if u felt u were bein messed about then maybe u should have said something face to face or over msn or thru a PM, not publicly slated them, i do think some of the things u said were a bit out of order and definately think this type of thing needs to be done face to facem or at least behind closed doors, a lot of ur comments werent really about bein messed about to me, the way i read it is like u didnt like the things they chose to do on THEIR holiday, ie "if u wana pull go to tenerife" i mean come on tara theres no need for comments like these is there?! But its too late to take them back, whats been said has been said, whether i or others agree with you we cant turn the clocks back, maybe u should sit and have a chat with James etc in private and sort it out that way because to be honest this kind of thing shouldnt be on the message board, iv even had another member pm me and say this.......


Don't know you from Adam, but just wanted to voice agreement with your last post on the ...back from Ibeefa thread - thank god somebody said something! I'd have been tempted to stick my 2p in, but given that I'm a newbie nobody I thought this would just put people's backs up. It's a shame that some of the posts from the last week or so have let the whole site vibe down, but I still reckon ctw's one of the soundest places in clubland.

At the end of the day, if you go on holiday you get to enjoy yourself - you have no responsibility for other people and they have no responsibility to you. Poor old James has, rather unjustifiably, been taking a kicking - just for having the initiative and the commitment to get ctw up and running in the first place...lucky he's got some staunch chums along for the ride.

Looking forward to meeting you, Sarah and James sometime soon.


Again i dont want this to sound like a personal attack on you, like i said id say the same thing if james said it to you. But when its makin other members say things like this i think its time to think about what is posted before u post it....anyway, iv ranted again....sorry if this offends u, its not how its meant!! smile.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Beckie- Yeah I was pissed off waiting around for people, that was the main problem.


The only reason we booked to come on that date was coz CTW were going and thought it would be nice to be out with everyone. I had other mates in Ibiza at slightly earlier dates who wanted to go clubbing, if I had known this b4, I would have gone with them.


I have nothing against you and Neil on this holiday Beckie, I thought you did what you wanted and had a good time in your own way, thats great, its the others I'm annoyed with and I will not take it back. I will always say what I think even if I do lose friends over it but I will not sit back and be messed around especially when time is precious.


oh and we spent every night except monday with Tash and Elly, I never said that I didn't see them?!






  • CTW Members

Claire- Whilst in Ibiza it was said face to face many a time but they still did the same. That's what I have the problem with. I respect my friends and I thought they respected me but this holiday has proved otherwise.


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I had a few mixed feelings about this holiday - met up with James, Ray & Kev a couple of times, saw Bunnykins, Tara & Ellie practically every night & also met Neil & Beckie properly! I had a great time but i did theink there was a lack of good communication between everyone as far as meet-ups etc. I didnt get chance to go into an Internet Cafe til midweek so didnt see that everyone was meeting at BarM every night & no1 told me! Maybe it was because everyone was staying in San An & our lot was out in Playa D'en Bossa - but this was my 1st time in Ibiza so didnt realise they were that far apart! Next year i wanna do it properly - stay in San An & make sure i meet up with everyone & poss plan it better before we go out there! smile.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Members

I *really* think u all need to have a chat, be it by phone, msn, pm, email or in person....i just dont think it should be done on the board!!


I really hope it all gets sorted out cos i know these lot are a wicked bunch of people who wouldnt have wanted to piss u off or mess u about on purpose.



You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

  • CTW Promotors

I think a lack of communication was the main cause of any meeting probs. Only the odd night had more than a handful of the CTWers there. If we all do this again next year we should def try to stay in the same hotel and def in the same area. I have to agree to a lot of the points made by Tara- we all had phones so if people couldn't make places they could have called, plans were made that not everybody was told about, and on occasions people were told they weren't welcome as they'd ruin their chances of pulling!!! Lets get a bigger group for next year, that way we'll have a good crowd even if the group does splinter! Tara, Jon, Sarah, Bunnykins and Comfortably Numb you guys were stars out there. 2nd weekers~sounds like you had a blinder too!!

  • CTW Admin

1. If you couldn't afford to go to Ibiza why did you go in the first place?


I could afford to go to Ibiza and booked the week which won the poll we all participated in. Just prior to going some of the members wanted to change their Ibiza week to the following week as Garlands was re-opening and they obviously didnt want to miss it. I didnt want to miss their company whilst out in Ibiza either so I booked an additional week at a discounted cost but realised I would then have to take it easy for both weeks to due cash-flow.


2. You knew you were coming months in advance so why didn't you try and save enough money so you could appreciate Ibiza properly?


Having just bought a new house and all the 'bits' which goes with it such as flooring, alarms, gardening, furniture it was impossible to save any more but as a lot of you know I never spend money which is saved - its always just chucked on a credit card in either case. I would agree that looking back you could argue it wasnt really worth going for 2 weeks as I couldnt thouroughly enjoy it properly but having said that I feel a lot better this time round after the event than last year - I hammered it every night for 2 weeks last year and was on the biggest come-down-from-hell (Soph can vouch for this!) - this time however I took it easy and went out every 3 nights to a club and I feel fantastic.


3. If you couldn't afford the clubs, how come you could afford to blow loads of money on drugs? That costs just as much as the clubs, if I had the choice between chemicals and clubbing, the clubbing would always come first.


Errmm - I dont think I did blow loads of money on drugs actually. By the way I heard you can get pills out there for £3 each (5 euros) - most should only need 1 or 2 - thats 10 euros - entry to most clubs are between 30 and 50 euros. I have to say I was VERY disappointed in the club population this year - it was less than half full on every club I went to - even the garlands party was pretty empty in the main room after about 3am. The lack of people and the high population of 'Beer Monsters' really ruined it for me this time round and this was partly why I resorted to the more free-and-fun mini-clubs around the west end. I have to say if I do go back next year I would probably just do a week in the west end - the music was f*cking awesome - proper hard house and non-commercial trance - they tend to have specific slots for certain genres. It was a much more 'fun' atmosphere and far more mixed in genders. I think Dave (ScouseLadUK) and Paul would agree with me that it was more fun and you were always bumping into each other. Why pay 50 euros to go to a club when you can go to the pre-parties for FREE and enter all the mini-clubs for FREE and also alcohol is a [censored]-load cheaper and you aint paying 8 euros a bottle of water. I've had 4 years in Ibiza now and this year was apparently 40% DOWN on profits in the clubs - I wonder why - people are getting fed up with being RIPPED OFF. You can see the SAME DJs and sometimes the SAME sets at the pre-parties - and its far more classy at the likes of Mambos/Del Mar/Coastline than it is in the clubs. Eden used to be a really cool club for me but now I think its pretty poor. Amnesia is shite and I hate Priviledge, space was pretty cool though. Pacha I'm afraid I still didnt get to. Es Paradis is a lovely looking club. But for me you cant beat Play-2 and the other 'tacky-but-fun' free clubs in the west end!


4. Why did you buy all your drinks at Bar M (which is v.expensive) when you can buy drinks down the west end (or even next door!) for much cheaper? I thought Bar M was meant to be a meeting point and not where the entire week was to be spent. No wonder you had no money!


Every evening I would buy 4 bottles of smirnoff ice from the little beach bar just opposite the Hawaii - this would set me up for the night and I would buy no more than 2 bottles in Bar M - you cant really sit in there and not buy a drink plus it doesnt 'look right'. I DO agree with you though that it was very difficult to 'budge' people once we all got to Bar M - we all had seats, the music was wicked and the quality of people there were classy but you are right we should have 'moved on' it was just so damn difficult though getting everyone together - someone would be at the bar getting more drinks, someone would be getting fags, someone would be getting money out across the road, someone would be talking to the DJ or chatting up at girl/guy, someone would be talking to the 'looky looky' (not lucky lucky) men etc.. etc.... I fell into every category every night I'm afraid! You are right though that we should have met at other bars too but again the communication was very difficult to keep going - especially after 3 people had their phones nicked and 2 couldnt get their phones to [censored] once in the country. Also the cost of using them can mount up. Next time I reckon we should all get walkie-talkies or buy SIM cards over there.


5. The fact that you didn't bother paying entry to the clubs, after finding out your name wasn't on the guest list, seems to show that you were not really interested in the clubbing. A true clubber would not miss out and you should have expected to pay high prices for entry.


I wasn't actually on any guest list for the entire 2 weeks. I could have organised myself a bit better and planned guest lists but to be honest I knew that I was very 'spur-of-the-moment' and 'lastminute.com' that I really didnt know how I would feel from one day to the next - both in terms of health and what type of night I was up for on a specific day / how much I wanted to blow that night - so I didnt bother - I would just see what most people were wanting to do and go with the flow. I'm sure all of my closest friends know that I dont run this site (or any other projects) to gain cash or 'percs' - if I do ever get free entry somewhere I treat this as a bonus but I NEVER expect it. And if I do get in free the chances are its because I have agreed to write reviews or take pictures. Some of the clubs I wanted to go to wouldnt allow me to take my camera in - even after trying to arrange it beforehand - this angered me as I wanted to actually remember each night and have pictures to show all of you and the new members - so if it was Manumission with no pics or West End with loads of fun pics I would deffo (and did) opt for the venue where I could get the best pics. I think you will be pleased with the results when I've finished organising all the pics.


"seems to show that you were not really interested in the clubbing" - total BULL. O, and as I said the occasion I was talking about wasnt MY guest list it was Claire and Sophie's - I bought my ticket as I wanted to go with them to see Rob Tiserra and Lisa Lashes at Es Paradis and was really looking forward to it. When we got there the VERY RUDE guy on the door (o, and by the way I'm getting increasingly [censored] OFF with RUDE door staff - like that girl on the door of Eden)... anyway... the very rude guy on the door basically said p*ss off you're not on the guest list to Claire and Soph and we decided it was best to give my ticket to Claire as she was looking forward to it even more than me plus I didnt want to get split up with Soph.


6. You were obviously in Ibiza for a "lads holiday" so you could pull and get pissed. Fair enough, but please do not arrange to meet people and not turn up. It is not hard to send a text or quick call.


I never said it would be JUST a 'clubbing holiday' - you can do what you what on holiday - relax in whatever fashion you like. Personally I think part of the clubbing culture IS the pulling in some respects. There was only one occassion I didnt turn up and that was when I had 5 Absynths at Bar M and was completely TWATTED - so much so that I, and others, forgot to turn up at Coastline - I literally couldnt move.


7. I understand that this is your holiday (and not centred around what I want!) but I just expected you guys to be a bit more reliable and I thought that club the world was about finding reliable clubbing mates.


I did attempt to get us all in the same hotel and after all the changing around and people having different budgets and different agenders it was near impossible to get us all in one hotel this year. At one point I was actually [censored] off with the whole thing but was in comfort by the fact that we were going to all be able to meet up with at least a few members each and this is better than nothing - and for me cetaintly better than the disaster last year when I went away with non-clubbing mates. Next year I reckon we can plan better and get EVERYONE in the same hotel. Basically it will be "this is the hotel, this is the price, do you want to come or not?" - no negotiation, no changes to plans or dates - ONE DEAL. It is a MUST for us all to be in the same hotel if we ever intend on getting ALL members out to the same club on one or two nights - I believe this is possible and I will quite happily take up the challenge of organising this next year!


James, I'm sorry if this seems harse but as I said, I will always be entirely honest with you.

I had a great week and don't regret a thing, I went to every event and whether it turned out good or bad, at least I was there to find out. Its a shame you can't say the same.


I respect that you are honest with me and at least people can see what we are all really like and that we aren't all perfect. I wish I had the funds you and others had to really make the most of it but to be quite honest at least 3 of the clubs I had no interest in going to as I had been several times in previous years and didnt 'rate them'. Next year (or whenever / wherever) WILL be better. At the end of the day this was the first attempt and its an eye-opener - its all good experience and at least but raising these issues we can all help to ensure that next time no one is pissed off and everyone enjoys their holiday.

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  • CTW Admin

I think this is the key - it is innevitable that the group WILL splinter and its also innevitable that people WILL fall out with people. The best way forward is to ensure we have as many people as possible then if there are 3 groups going to 3 different clubs it wont matter as each group will have 10+ people in it anyway and it will still be an amazing experience.


Because this time round some of the splinter groups ended up with only 3 people in those 3 would think 'is it worth it' and not bother. If the group of 3 was a group of 5+ then I think people would decide differently. This is the whole concept of CTW - ensuring that we have larger and larger groups so people want to come along and meet up and dont feel 'on their own'


One thing I've learnt recently is that there have been examples of people being 'nervous' or 'scared' to meet us as we are a bigger group now and they feel alienated. PLEASE DONT FEEL LIKE THIS - I know it was easier to meet up with us in the early days because it would just be like me or kev or say 5 people to meet but our group still really isnt that large that you should feel worried about meeting us - please NEVER put off a meet up - like Kev and I keep saying we will personally come and meet up with you prior to a night out so you feel welcome immediately. And as Sarah states all the time - at the larger events you can meet up with us at a service station first to meet 'part' of the group first. I would be very upset if anyone misses out because they are scared to meet us - I really DO believe we are the most friendly and welcoming bunch in clubland and to be honest if we had members who didnt agree with our principles we'd tell them to f*ck off - but this hasn't happened and I really dont think it will ever happen.

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  • CTW Admin

Claire - I would disagree - I think this is EXACTLY the place to discuss these things - it extreemly important to me that the new members KNOW THE FACTS about how we run and that we are striving to improve our meet-up processes etc... It very importantly to me that if we should ever have to shut down or if we 'make it' people we have access to a fully written history of 'what went wrong' or 'how we succeeded' - this might sound like bullsh*t to most but its important to me to record all of my actions and decions and so I can fuel the continuous improvement process. All the lessons learned on this site will aid mine, and others future projects.......

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ok, enoughs enough everyone


I have had it up to here with this post already.


I didn't realise we were all being monitored so closely on what we wanted to do on holiday!!


I did do, AND WILL ALWAYS DO whatever the [censored] i want on holiday...... it is no-ones business other than my own and I hope everyone on here has the same view


I certainly wouldn't expect any of you guys to change your holiday plans for me (beckie excepted)


for the record I had a great holiday..... The worst thing about it being this fuckin post....


Would love to do it all again next year.......hopefully with CTW, but if I do I will still do whatever I choose when Im out there


If me, James, Kev or whoever didn't arrange meet ups with everyone...Well tough tittys, we all had phones, all you had to do was call.


Can we now put an end to this fuckin post, its puttin a dampner on what was a memorable and wicked holiday.





no sleep 'till bedrock!!

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