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who has a pet?


i dont actually have one at my flat as im not allowed frown.gif


but my mum and dad have two cats.


neils' sister has just got a st bernard puppy- i would love to see him i bet hes sooo cute and hes called wally! laugh.gif

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My parents would never allow me and my brothers and sisters to have pets so we've adopted our next door neighbours cat. It comes in2 our house gets lots of attention and then goes home to be fed. My housemates and me were considering getting a fish for our Uni house but we didn't want to be responsible for an innocent fishes death.


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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Used to have two goldfish called. One of them had been alive for about two and a half years.


And then they both died recently when I had to leave my flatmates to take care of them cos I had to go away somewhere. Needless to say ... they didn't. Properly.




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a) I have an Elephant called Boris.


B) I have a small Iranian Tree Puma called Thomas.


c) I have a Lurcher called Jake.


Guess which is the true statement.



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We're gettin some fish when we go back to uni....so we can stare at them in amazement while playing fish by mr scruff.....how fun does that sound! laugh.gif


Likes it HARD!!!!


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I used to have a cat called jasper when i lived with my mum, but the house I've got now like Beckie i cant have pets so he stays at my aunties house going into early retirement going fat!

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my friend juan pablo saturday night ate my goldfish for a bet.


it was piss funny, we were all off our herads and he just downed it live with a pint of water!! laugh.gif

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Tsk Tsk Miss La La, that was not a funny incident - I had a petition up against Juan Pablo Sat night for doing that !


Fish are a perfect pet, and if anybody wants me to come and sit in their house and entertian them, I am more then happy to oblige !


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I used to own 6 horses at one point as used to compete for a living but then got too busy with [censored] to have time to do my own so had to sell them! Kept 1 as a hobby but studies took over so had to sell him too! frown.gif

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You could entertain our fish when we get them at uni! Think we're gettin 3 so it could be a fishy party! grin.gif


Likes it HARD!!!!


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I used to have Horses, i used to have 4! i loved them but like Sarah i got to busy and my mum left the country so we had to sell them all! frown.gif

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Did have three black greyhounds, then two, now one.

One died a few weeks back, so its just the youngest one alone now. The other two were bro & sis.

Its weird, he def. knows somethings wrong, think its hit home to him that he's a loner now. smile.gif

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I had 2 doggies - the youngest died last week - jsut got his ashes bak 2day frown.gif

My eldest one Terry died 6 months ago, here's a pic of 'em both. Sunny never did get over his big bro dying so least their together again i guess.

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I have two pets, who can both be seen on my website, Penny is a blue teddy bear who has just turned 4, and Louie who is a little dog, coming up on his first birthday. They never need feeding, are always happy to see me, and when they need washing, I just put them in the washing machine (which is actually quite traumatic)

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I have a shetland sheepdog and her name is Sheba she is my babe smile.gif


Bunny you was very lucky to have such wonderfull dogs Terry and Sunny are beautiful... I know how it is to lose a dog you have had for a long time they are as much family as having a brother or sister and sometimes better as they don't answer back... like you said at least they are in doggy heaven together now smile.gif


I'll put a picture of Sheba up again on my faceparty page... if anyone wants to see a picture of her... oh yeah I have some goldfish too

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