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When did you last...


1. Have sex, who with and where?


2. Do a poo


3. Get drunk, and where


4. Laugh at somebody's misfortune


5. Cry, why and where?


6. Punch somebody, who and why?


7. Get punched, by who and why?


8. Scream, where and why?


9. Shout in anger, why and at who?


10. Grin in total happiness, why?


Some of the questions may be a bit personal, but hey, you don't have to answer them if you don't want to do you?


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1. Have sex, who with and where?

Three nights ago with my new girl in her bed


2. Do a poo

Last night


3. Get drunk, and where

Last night, in 5 different pubs in Aylesbury


4. Laugh at somebody's misfortune

Last night, at my girlfriends team (Liverpool) drawing against Birmingham City (see answer to number 7)


5. Cry, why and where?

28th July, my bed room, comedown from hell after caning it for 7 days in Ibiza.


6. Punch somebody, who and why?

Really dont know.


7. Get punched, by who and why?

Last night, by my girlfriend, cos I took the piss out of her footy team (see answer to question 4)


8. Scream, where and why?

Probably at GCSSS when Danny T dropped Music is the Answer


9. Shout in anger, why and at who?

I never let my self get angry enough to raise my voice.


10. Grin in total happiness, why?

Last night, I sent a text to my girlfriend saying "miss you cuddling me again tonight, sweet dreams, xxx" and she replied "miss you to sweetheart, kiss kiss" ahhhhhhh!!!!



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My answers:


1. Have sex, who with and where?


Couple of weeks ago (cus hes miles away ) wiv my boyf in the shower!


2. Do a poo

I dont poo!


3. Get drunk, and where

Last Fri in Tamworth-I looked a state!


4. Laugh at somebody's misfortune

dunno probably today???


5. Cry, why and where?

frown.gif Because of my cousin yesterday at home


6. Punch somebody, who and why?

Never punched anyone-I'm an angel! grin.gif


7. Get punched, by who and why?

Never got punched!


8. Scream, where and why?

Not really a scream but when my mate jumped out her car while it was goin cus I was walkin on my own-we were both fookd and she said it seemed urgent at the time!


9. Shout in anger, why and at who?

I never get mad-well I spose I do but cant remember when I last shouted!


10. Grin in total happiness, why?

Always but especially the last time I went to sundissential wiv some good mates *they are diamonds!*


Some of the questions may be a bit personal, but hey, you don't have to answer them if you don't want to do you?


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Your so loved up aren't ya! Its really sweet! grin.gif


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Hi all,


1) My girlfriend - 2 nights ago on the sofa at my house

2) Yesterday, I have been taking penicillin it has upset the old bowel movements

3) Last weekend at a rios ( a mosher club in bradford)

4) 4 days ago, when my friend got paralytic and ended up sleeping with a 43 year old woman - trust me lads it's an horrendous sight.

5) When me dad died

6) Honestly can't remember

7) About 6 months ago for walking out of a pub saying lets leave all these wankers (which they were!)

8) In Ibiza at the garlands mad hatters beach party

9) At me girlfriend about 4 days ago

10) See 8)



WAIT......We can't stop here - this is bat country!

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1. Have sex, who with and where?

Girlfriend , last Sat night, her bed.


2. Do a poo

last night grin.gif


3. Get drunk, and where

Merry last Sat but not drunk


4. Laugh at somebody's misfortune

can't remember but i do it enough


5. Cry, why and where?

cant remember either.


6. Punch somebody, who and why?

lad at secondary school, started on a mate


7. Get punched, by who and why?

primary school, 3 days before finished, heated footy argument with a black belt in taekwondo !


8. Scream, where and why?

last night at mum for bein a dick and constantly presuming things


9. Shout in anger, why and at who?

see above


10. Grin in total happiness, why?

cant remember frown.gif


TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif Smile damn it! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif


You comin to sundissential Oct 5th? That should be really good! What about tidy weekender? If you go to either of these I'm sure you will smile! grin.giftongue.gif


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1) about 2 weeks ago, in bed, name withheld


2) yesterday night


3) last tuesday, in my bedroom!


4) can't remember


5) monday, reason withheld, in my bedroom again!


6) about 3 years ago, cos he tried 2 shove his c**k up me when i said no


7) never been punched!


8) last time i was out clubbing


9) can't remember


10) about 7 months ago, again reason withheld!!! laugh.gif


  • CTW Members

1. Have sex, who with and where?

My bf on Sunday at on his bed.


2. Do a poo

Can't remember exactly,


3. Get drunk, and where

Last Thursday night in Guildford


4. Laugh at somebody's misfortune

I don't remember laughing at anyone's misfortunes recently but I remember laughing at a lot of people on Saturday nite thou I haven't a clue why confused.gif


5. Cry, why and where?

This morning, cos I felt really ill and my bf was being a c*nt



6. Punch somebody, who and why?

I've never really punched ne1



7. Get punched, by who and why?

I got slapped by a girl at school once for calling her a whale.



8. Scream, where and why?

"TUNE" at Peach vs Slinky couple of weeks ago


9. Shout in anger, why and at who?

I shout a lot a my little sister for wearing my clothes so probably yesterday.


10. Grin in total happiness, why?

Saturday wen I meet up with my mate who I hadn't seen for ages.





Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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Hope you feel better soon! What a quality insult....callin someone a whale! grin.gif


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Hope you feel better soon!


ThankU grin.gif and *hugs*


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

  • CTW Members

1. Have sex, who with and where?

(this part intentionally left blank)


2. Do a poo

This morning at about 7.45am, they came out a bit wet


3. Get drunk, and where

About a week ago in the pub round the corner... the night before an exam. Whoops.


4. Laugh at somebody's misfortune

This morning when someone else at [censored] commented about deaf people in the pub watching football last night - an easy goal gets let in, and one deaf guy taps another on the shoulder, turns to the guy and just makes the WANKER sign, no words (obviously). ok i had to laugh ...


5. Cry, why and where?

can't honestly remember.


6. Punch somebody, who and why?



7. Get punched, by who and why?

Never! (pretty lucky)


8. Scream, where and why?

can't remember!


9. Shout in anger, why and at who?

at flatmates for not clearing up their [censored] about 2 weeks ago.


10. Grin in total happiness, why?

The other day when I remembered I'm going back to Edinburgh on Friday and going out Fri + Sat. smile.gif




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1: my girlfriend on the the breakfast bar last night ....never did finish cooking tongue.gif

2: ewwww

3:last sunday at home

4: tuesday

5:wednesday night when i found out it wasnt me who wont the lottery frown.gif actually it was coz of my mate having a bad time



8:see 1: tongue.gif

9:in traffic an old guy with a hat

10: getting roses at [censored] today from my girlfriend


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