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  • CTW Members

Well Ive delated those posts of gary glitter and got round to someone sorting out this [censored] computer.

Glad to see everyone's back,the bits I did catch on here was a load of old bollox whilst you'd all split.

I notice all you beetha peeps have just had a mad barney.Excellent stuff,normal service is well and truly resumed.


  • CTW Admin

nice to see you back mate !

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The comp went a bit 'chicken oriental' on me,so it took me a while to get it sorted.I was a bit paranoid about the more,er,adult nature,(cough) of information stored on here,so me mate came round,twiddled a few knobs,yanked a few ends and hey presto Im back on board,waisting my life away sitting at this thing again.

Well,its good to see your ugly kippers again.


  • CTW Admin

best to clear cache from your browser - and all offline content - hope you remembered that one !?

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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Naa,its just your bog standard hardcore porn lurking about,with possibly the odd horse accidently thrown in for good measure(now how did that get there?).

I may pay less frequent visits to my friends at the hun from now on. smirk.gif

  • CTW DJs

a,its just your bog standard hardcore porn lurking about,with possibly the odd horse accidently thrown in for good measure(now how did that get there?).

I may pay less frequent visits to my friends at the hun from now on.

Good lad laugh.gif

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Members

Welcome back flakey....or would u prefer me to call u dove?? tongue.gif


Heheh anyway, good to have u back, best stick to buyin the porn next time eh?? That way can just be thrown away!! wink.gif



You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Tut tut claire.

Don't you know its sacrilege to throw away porn?There's an unwritten rule stated that no man,under any circumstances whatsoever must discard any porn/porn products and any such items must be stashed,for future use, in either the back of the(least used) cupboard or under the bed.

The only exceptions to this are;-

A) discovery by girlfriend/mother/aunt shirley/a priest

B) over use leading to said pages being welded together by man paste.


Hope that clears it up for you sweetie. smile.gif

  • CTW DJs

B) over use leading to said pages being welded together by man paste.


We've all had that happen.

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Members

laugh.gif hahaha, "clears it up"........ i should hope so young man!! wink.gif


And if my fella had a porn stash, id only be pissed off that he hadnt shared it with me!! wink.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

  • CTW Members

Welcome back mate.

You missed a stormer in Ibiza. You around on the 28th ? I'm probably coming up to Garlands, bit of a birthday celebration as well ! cool.gif

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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