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Goin out tonight, on my last piss up before I go to uni! What drinks would ya recommend???


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Well My fav drinks are


Vodka & Redbull

Southern C & Coke grin.gif

Chill, Take a Pill

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Vodka and red bull definately sounds like a plan! grin.gif


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Pint of Fosters / Stella


or if your gonna drink spirits / shots - go for Southern Comfort & Lemonade or Absynth / AfterShock !!!!

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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TVR - Tequila, Vodka and Redbull


Pint glass half full with Stella, topped up with Smirnoff Ice.


Smirnoff Ice in a glass with a double Vodka (lethal)


Traffic Light - All three colours of Aftershock, one after another


Snakebite and black is always good for a laugh


Or just stick to the old faithfull - Champagne.



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The original SnakeBite is a right fucker !!


Pint glass half full with stella or another strong lager, the rest of it filled with any sort of cider.


Neck that !!

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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Some quality suggestions!!!! Dont like lager on its own, but like snakebite, and dont liek champagne but other than that they are quality!!!


We have nearly finished the wine now and my boss is taking us all down the local pub at lunch! What a quality day!!! grin.gif


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Vodka + Redbull + Proplus laugh.gif

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hahahaha.....I will never sleep!


Me n my mate once thought it would be a good idea to take half a pack of pro plus each........we were literally shakin lol! laugh.gif


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The only drink i will ever touch .......... Absynth!! wikid

James - bring back any memories?? laugh.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
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I always drink a pint of Cider and Black




get a pint and put some blackcurrent in it and a shot of taboo and get a Smirnof Ice and put it in with it, give it a stir!! its lush!!

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Why not go the whole hog and Try Meths - Several tramps can't be that wrong !!! laugh.giflaugh.gif

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If you don't like champagne, try slamming it with tequila.


replace the soda in a normal slammer with the champagne , slam it and drink the resulting foam down in one go, doesn't really taste of much, but it will get you pissed faster than any other drink ever.


Wickkkeddddd hearmeenowww

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Or even lighter fluid...far superior to Meths, i hear... laugh.gif

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Baileys & Brandy - treat it with respect cause it will hurt you in the morning!

Wine - always does the job

TiaMaria & Coke - My advice - 4get the TiaMaria wink.gif

Vodka, Archers, Taboo lime & lemonade - If you have a 2nd mortgage!

Slippery nipple - Baileys & Sambuca -Mmmm I like this one ALOT wink.gif



Love n affection XxX

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