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  • CTW Members

Whats the biggest difference you have had when seeing someone ? I met someone last night who was considerably older than me, but certainly didn't look or act her age !! confused.gif

  • CTW Members

16 years my elder, but she seriously didn't look it - what a fantastic month that was ... *slips into a daydream, remembering the good old days* grin.gif

  • CTW Members

My current g/f is 12 years younger than me. It's early doors yet, but seems to be going well.

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

  • CTW Promotors

When i was 18 i went out with a few of my brothers mates (not all at once tho!) who were 15 - it was excellent!! smile.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
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  • CTW Members

the biggest, probs 5 years now. I've been with a few lads older than me, maturity and experience wink.gif

Tonight Matthew, I am going to be. A chicken.

  • CTW Members

5 yrs older is the greatest difference i've had.

i found that the age has nothing to do with it, its how the person is. tongue.gif

  • CTW DJs

I'm 20, and the missus is 28 in November. But she acts sooooo childish you wouldn't notice laugh.gif

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Members

my girlfriend is nine years younger than me (i'm 34, she's 25). the age difference is not an issue.



"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

  • CTW Members

12 years (my last 2 g/fs have been *cough* 17/18)


Personally, I found that, understandably, they weren't mature enough to deal with a full-on relationship. It wasn't the age difference, it was their age....sticking to women over 24 now (well, apart from if it is a one-night thang wink.gif)

  • CTW Members

when i was 17 i went out with a CID officer who was at the top of the harold shipman case. he was about 35. he also headed a fraud enquiry in the shop where i worked on a sat, and he didnt know i worked there until he had to interview me as part of the investigation!!


needless to say we split up quite soon after that!


i think that age is very important. ie: i would not go out with anyone under 25 now because most lads just want a shag. in fact its looking nearer the 30 mark the way im going on these days!!

  • CTW Members

well when i was 16 i met james and he was 28 been with him since and to be honest i dont think there is any big deal about age difference!!!


i am 19 now and he is nearly 31!!!




  • CTW Members

would not go out with anyone under 25 now because most lads just want a shag. in fact its looking nearer the 30 mark the way im going on these days!!


funny - I find the opposite, msot guys I've been out with under 25 have wanted serious relationships and it's the older ones who r emotional cripples - really f**ked up and jsut after a shag - my reckoning the older they get the worse they get!! either that or they expect u to act like a married couple jsut coz u give 'em your number confused.gif

4 some reason i always seem to attract really young guys - like even 17, 18 yr olds - scarey that young! crazy.gif Ideal age would b 23 + I reckon, I've never really gone 4 older guys, even when I was younger, oldest I've been out wiv was when I was 15,he was 20. My x who I was wiv 4 years was year older than me.

  • CTW Promotors

Have had big age differences older and younger- late last year I went out on a couple of dates with a fella 10 years my junior and a couple of years before that I went out with one of my managers who was 11 years older.


I agree totally with Tash~ the older ones have sooo much emotional baggage, younguns for me every time!!!! wink.gif


Oh, and wub hun, you say I act immature~ maybe thats why we get on so well!!! confused.gif

  • CTW Members
laugh.giflaugh.gif don't mean to be laughing at you! but we usually go for the older ones when we cease being jail-bait!!

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