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If anyone's at a loose end this weekend come down to Serious at The Cross, King Cross, London.


It's a very popular nite, with the best atmosphere and friendliest mixed crowd in London.


2 arches of music play from 10pm till 6am.

Matt Hardwick and Resident Luke Neville will play it hard and trancey in the main room, where Norman Jay, 2Funky and Mr Pink funk it up in the Dusted room.


Always a good nite with many friends made.


Get there early to avoid disappointment.


Dress code: Cool and Smart Clubwear


Price: £15

  • CTW Members

Would be right up for this mate, unfortunately it's Fishy's birthday, so will be in Liverpool. frown.gifgrin.gif

Might be up for the Cross on Sunday tho, got some guestlist places thru UrbanTorque, will put a post up later.

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

  • CTW Promotors

Will be there with Bells on (as my name might well suggest!!!) grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

  • CTW Members

AArgh! I'm supposed to be there - it's a mate's 25th birthday. Unfortunately I managed to mangle my finger playing rugby while you lot were larging it Tidy style. Dislocated my ring finger, had to have surgery under general, spent a night in hospital and can't drive for 4 weeks. Have a good one at Serious - you might even meet my chums.... wink.gif


Sow and thou shalt reap, oh brother.

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Your finger will be fine!

Come along, take lots of mind numbing drugs and forget about it!

It'll be worth it i'm sure! grin.gif

  • CTW Members


Can't wait for Saturday Luke Neville is going to be good!!

Although i may find myself in the funky room for a bit. Might save my need for funky house until the next night at Pacha so i can enjoy the whole of Luke's set. That sounds like a better idea.

See you soon.

  • CTW Members

can't drive for 4 weeks


This causes problems! Torquay's a little further from KingsX than Herts. Also, I may still be on prescription pharmaceuticals at this point and I don't really fancy a venue as crowded as The Cross without empathic abilities - especially with a buggered hand wink.gif

Will definitely be there again soon - every 3rd Saturday in the month innit?!


Sow and thou shalt reap, oh brother.

  • CTW Members

Oh alright then - I'm coming!!!


Saw the surgeon today and got a new splint for my hand so I have decided to come - also stopped taking heavy duty painkillers so I'll be able to have a good time smile.gif

I'll PM Evil, Rachel and Els to try and meet up. ooo.gif


Sow and thou shalt reap, oh brother.

  • CTW Members

I was s'spose to be working but looks like i maywell not be now - so am prob gonna be up 4 this now - b wicked to c ya all again!! grin.gif anyone meeting in pub 1st?

  • CTW Members

we usually meet in the Ruby Lounge at about 9.30. Do you know where that is? its just off York Way. If you don't know where it is let me know and we can sort something out.

  • CTW Members

See yah' all there guys!

Ooooooooooo its like an Ibiza reunion...........those were the days.................. cool.gif

  • CTW Members

Just wanted to say that Saturday was absolutely wicked!! Couldn't tell you who was playing, but I was in the hard room all night, bar a couple of toilet breaks and the mandatory cool-downs on the outside sofas. The relentlessly superb selection of hard uplifting trance had me flying all night long. An appreciative and vocal crowd got the best out of the superb venue and banging choons...anybody who has not made 'Serious'@The Cross really needs to get themselves down there on the 3rd Saturday of the month.

Really nice to meet up with Rachel, Helenthenurse, ElsxBells, Ed and Tara. My first taste of ctw and a very pleasant one at that...thanks for making me feel welcome guys, hope I see y'all again soon.


Laters, ooo.gif


Sow and thou shalt reap, oh brother.

  • CTW Promotors

Wicked music~ and was really good to see Ed, Helen, Rachel and Darren again!!! And of course to meet Fin for the first time, and Tara who's always good company!!!!


Ed~ are you gonna put the pics up on here?

  • CTW Promotors

Glad u all had a good time - any pics would be greatly appreciated. smile.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Members

It was a wicked night guys! Music was banging! Found the club a bit wierd temperature wise tho, some parts were freezing from too much air conditioning and other areas were roasting?! Never encountered that before, lol!

It was great to meet you Fin, hope to see you out again soon!

Ed- Thanx for you know what wink.gif I haven't had any sleep yet! Oh that sounds dirty but you know what I mean, lol! laugh.gif I'll let you know about the 16th, if I've got the money I'll come!

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