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  • CTW DJs

You wouldn't really appreciate that, would you?



You'd get all sorts of inappropriate propositions from our newbies.

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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  • CTW DJs

Fair enough, we'll just keep it a closely guarded, established members only secret.

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Promotors
Ladies, anyone ever complained they found you a bit loose


i dont do 40mins of situps every other day for nothing!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Members

cant say ive been told that laugh.gif the question is tho..we have our exercises ..... but what can you do to get bigger ...collagen ? wiggle.gif its not always us blush.gif


Your unique biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own... Resistance is futile....

  • CTW Members

I went our with a girl once and she had a fanny like a wizard's sleeve. Funnily enough, I also went out with a girl who had 3 kids and she was a lovely fit. Strange.

It's so wrong, yet it's so right.

  • CTW Members

Claire - Ya better be careful with your bloke wen avin sex caus your good intensions might end up causing him to loose the blood supply to his dick and it might fall off ;) Never the less being able to stop a bloke entering with out using hands, etc must be a good thing!!! Lets just say you av to be the other extreme to this post from wot your saying!!! Phew (wipes sweat from forehead)... you don't get any posts like this on the Tidy board!!!!

(,") ** www.CUPID4CLUBBERS.COM ** (",)

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