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hahaaaaa lol nut.gif


She will see the funny side



























Maybe lmao thumbs.gif

My new tune - Acid Test
Read the CTW music news HERE DJ collapses after World record attempt
"Dont u think its about time you grew up?"
Girl's are the Devil

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Well i did find it amusing yes, but i dont think im enough to be 100% of anythin!!


Plus my life just got worse, i got told last night that my decks and ALL my vinyl which i had lent to a friend have been stolenn and theyre not insured onthem and dont think its their responsibility!! icon_smile_sad.gifcry.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

  • CTW Members

ditto with the uni [censored] thing. Let's see, i hate my course, the [censored] is difficult and not getting done, family all ill at the moment, housemates getting on me nerves, [censored] up sleepign pattern, hardly get chance to go out much, last time i went clubbing before 2 weeks ago, was in june, have no money, am feeling ill, friends are all being poop, and am single.

So all in all i would ahve to say about 10%


Plus sides being, i am alive, am ok apart from the cold i picked up, and am not in debt yet. And a very few number of good friends, none of whom are at notts.


grouphug.gif know how ya feel, especially the annoying housem8's and no money part. U should come down to Leicester for cheer ourselves up nite bigsmile.gif


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

  • CTW Members

I second that! Don't think I'm going to try to put a % on how happy my bf makes me LOL...


As long as I'm able to club, I suppose I'm doing fine!

I am NOT a dj

  • CTW DJs

Tricky one... if you'd asked me five months ago it would have been easy:


Dumped by the love of my life; made redundant from my job; in debt; stressed trying to find a new flatmate cos the previous one moved away; no friends in London; I even lost my interest in writing music, which used to be my passion. Self-esteem nil. At least my mum still loved me (!)


Liquideyes: 5%.


Things have turned around a bit now. Best mates with said ex-girlfriend; got the best job I've ever had (earning more dosh to top it off); social life is steadily resurfacing (partly through new flatmate, partly through CTW. thumbs.gif) Also, dated another girl for a few months - we're not together any more, but it rebuilt my confidence a bit. Getting back into the house music big-style! luvu.gif


Liquideyes: 65%.


Hopefully in a few more months, I'll have fully sorted out my debts, my social life will be back in full swing ... I'm determined to write a killer tune ... who knows maybe I'll meet a special woman too! I truly believe one day I'll be back at 95%. smile.gif


So to the 10 percenters among you: you'd be amazed how much life can change in a few short months!! I've learnt to make more time for my friends, because every now & again life really kicks you in the gut, and your friends are all you've got left.

  • CTW Members

"know how ya feel, especially the annoying housem8's and no money part. U should come down to Leicester for cheer ourselves up nite"


hehe, cheers hun, well next time anything's on then let us know! you going to the ctw night on the 6th? spliff.gif

~fighting for peace is like f***ing for virginity...
msn: maladjustedfreak@hotmail.com

  • CTW Members

Definitely going to CTW on 6th, missed last nite due to doing assignment so there is no way I'm not going out nxt wk/end. U going 2?


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

  • CTW Members

yep, am definately going to this, would be a bit slack not going seeing as i'm at notts! So see you and everyone there. Am well looking forward to it seeing as i've not met anyone yet.

Hmm, speaking of assingments i really shouldn't have gone out last ngiht either. ah well, looks like it's gonna be a long night for me. once i get some sleep anyways.

~fighting for peace is like f***ing for virginity...
msn: maladjustedfreak@hotmail.com

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