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  • CTW Promotors

The car park / market thing sounds well funny!! ha ha wisi i'd seen that.


Was top to meet so many wonderful people off here. smile.gif


After party at that bar was well scary though & how did i get in such a mess?! blush.gif


Sorry i couldnt come back to Shenlongs - had to be back up here sat afternoon.

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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Fooking spot on, guys! What a wicked night! Have to admit, I'm a little jealous at the sound of the afterparty, but I'm sure my bulk would have made life less comfortable for everyone else. I would like to say thanks to everybody who made it such a great night:


Sa for organising it in the first place.


James for starting this whole damned thing off.


Ellie for the sweeties and the hugs.


Creamy for being an all round, wicked geezer.


Tony P, Steve Spectrum and Gilly for some phat [censored] choons from the good old days.


Wub and Tommy for the insanity and randomness.


Fred the Baddie and Neil (Nice1bruvva) for living up to expectations.


(In particular and in my humble opinion)Peps, Tara and Nina for providing top quality eye-candy - and much more besides of course!


Mattd for giving me the courage to piss in the street! wink.gif


Tash (Bunnykins) for not disappointing on the fluffy boot front and vaguely remembering a chance meeting on a street in Ibiza.


Lawrence (Mr. Happy), Shen and Groovster for being so well and truly and utterly wasted.


Everyone else who was there who helped to make it such a wicked night - the last half hour was special. Such an awesome vibe...top choons and special peeps made for a great atmosphere.


All I have left to say, is that I'm really looking forward to the next one. And can we please, please, please have a trance only music policy in one of the rooms? - It all went spangly when a certain dj sensed our burgeoning desires and dropped 3 Drives... thumbs.gif


Sow and thou shalt reap, oh brother.

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The whole nite was amasing, thanks to all the dj's for playing sum quality tunes. Had a really good bounce around in both rooms especially downstairs but that was more cos the floor was like a bouncy castle. It was wicked meeting everyone, I think that everyone I spoke to Fri nite were all really lovely.


Top marks go to Creamy for his outfit. Now understand why you didn't get changed in the pink pub laugh.gif


The wander around Nottingham for an afterparty was quite entertaining. It was cool meeting Saffy at Bar None and talking to Neil and Fredthebaddie.


Then another entertaining wander around Nottingham looking for James car, only to find it parked in the middle of the market but on the plus side did get to buy about 10 banana's for 50p which I thought was a bargin.


BIG THANKS TO SHEN for the after after party! Thanks to James for enlightening us on so many levels. I now know what qualifys as random, that I look like a cartoon and so many other things that I'm sure will slowly return into my memory.


Thanks to every1 for the hugs, they were much needed.


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

  • CTW DJs

Myself, Fint Beast, MattD and DJTommy all pissing against the same bins, and Tommy coming out with the line "It's no good, it's not flowing".

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Members

mr wub_wub.

i muchly appreciated the story of how you became known as wub_wub but you got so carried away and i had to remind you that you needed the toilet because you seemed to have forgotten somehow. confused.gif

  • CTW Members

hehe Tommy couldn't get started, and I just kept on going and going Austin Powers style !!

  • CTW DJs

Then another entertaining wander around Nottingham looking for James car, only to find it parked in the middle of the market but on the plus side did get to buy about 10 banana's for 50p which I thought was a bargin.


didnt they keep trying to sell u £2 worth tho laugh.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
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Deffo a highlight for me was the Carpark which morphed into a Market - but even funnier / cleverer was Pepsi actually thinking of buying some fruit whilst we were there and making the best of a bad situation - after clubbing I SOOOO want stuff like fruit to re-vitalise me but all I could think of was getting the hell out of there - so fast that I went the wrong way and both cars got deeper into the market, we then reversed and were directed out like a plane being taxied in at a fooking airport with the market seller using bananas as batons...


Funny thing was though that when I finally got over explaining how clever Pepsi was back at Gordy's house and she offered me a banana I totally forgot to eat the bloody thing!!!!


Times like these are classic, thanks to everyone who made it happen and for the actors at the market stools - I dont know how you guys pulled off such a staged event with such short notice of knowing where I parked - perhaps wub wub tipped you off ! lmao




Needed filming though banghead.gif

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right next time you should right it down on your hand james, or make you a tag that says: ask me about the vid camara!


hehe, i think mr happy claimed your banana, he was going through em like nobodys business!


i am eating the last one now as i speak *munch munch* grin.gif

~fighting for peace is like f***ing for virginity...
msn: maladjustedfreak@hotmail.com

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[censored] it i'm gonna take a bowl of fruit next time!! Sod sweets we'll have fruit!!

  • CTW Members

Oh my ... I am so glad I went at 6.30 now ..lol You lot would have made me blush like mad .. which I do anyways !!


Narr ... would have been good to have come along with you all but M was tired ... or SO HE SAID .. Think he was just worried I'd be extra ill this week ....


FINGER'S CROSSED as today is Suicide Tuesday ...


It was lovely meeting you all ... and MrM thought you were all great peeps too ... weheyyyyy .. means he will probably come along to the next one!


Remedy was a bit shite .. dunno what was up with Andy and Lawrence ... WEll .. know what was up with Andy .. he was off his head ... Wasn't nearly as dark and dirty as I like it .. or maybe it was my mood, as I was hankering after Blueprint and wishing we'd gone there. ( People were too posey in Remedy )


Bar None .. loved the place .. a bit too POSH for me .. I like it a bit more down to earth ... music was OK I guess and the crowd were lovely .. but, I dunno, seemed lack lustre all night to me ... Should have come along to The Edge !!!


I did keep bouncing around a bit .. but didn't feel the URGE to dance as I normally do ...


More than made up for it at the afterparty at Andy's tho ... could have been something to do with my waking up even more ...



Memorable moments .. .NickG telling me he hadnt had ANY alcohol and being more awake than anyone ...


Being picked up .. a lot .. "Is it because I is small?"


You certainly DO have the prettiest girls of any board I think ...



I was in my element ... knew so many people ... and kept wandering around chatting ... loved it !!


I dunno whether I would go back to Bar None again tho .. ( after the next Smokescreen night at Blueprint ) .... prefer an afterparty at someone's house ...





  • CTW Members

So gutted that I couldn't make it


I guarantee I'll be at the next one!!



Any messages you may receive bear no insight whatsoever into the mind of the sender - He hasn't got one!
  • CTW Promotors

I really wanted to come back to after-party - hope you all missed me ! Def the next one tho! smile.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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