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i think mr happy claimed your banana


I think Monsieur Happy was trying to 'claim' Mr Wub Wub's Banana too ! lmao

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(not as good as Big E's list sorry!)


Buying a nice new hooded top in Camden which made me look like a 12 year old and then forgetting the bring it, whilst having that "I've fooking forgotten something I KNOW I have" feeling all the way in the car up to Notts


Buying my new big booty trainer thingies and really looking forward to wearing them - and they didnt fit. Then realised I forgot to stand up and walk around in them in the shop because I was in a hurry - they 'felt' good sitting down. Arse.


Taking more than a hour to get from the car to the club


Being driven by DJ Tommy & Wub Wub like I was Miss Daisy listening to a huge phat bassline of Drum n Bass, looking for sweets (no, I mean real sweets) in any Petrol Station we could find. The first few were open but remarkably shut with no fooking sod in site - kinda spooked me out.


Wub finally finding some sweets which he then passed to Elly to pass back to me - strange! hehe


Not getting searched at all on the way into the club and not being tripped up the stairs by the person behind me


The lovely cheap beer prices


CreamyC in his Somerfield uniform


The CTW girls in their lovely outfits, some of them hand made - was quite amazed how cool they were


The amazing CTW banners Elly and Soph made


The music downstairs at the beginning of the night and the music upstairs at the end


Seeing Tony, Steve & Gilly with the CTW logo behind them - classss


Not getting thrown out or strip-searched


Really friendly staff and really nice friendly atmosphere


Plenty of room to sit down when you needed it


Seeing lots of old friends as well as lots of new ones


Realising Mr Happy is actually a nice guy ! hehe


Mr Happy realising who I was !


Walking around for hours talking shite to a couple of people ! hehe


Being invited back to Shenlongs (or was it Gordy's ? hehe)


Wub Wub's avatar pic


Parking in a magical carpark which hides itself as a market


Seeing the look on this guy's face selling potatoes


Scaring the hell out of Amelia in the short car journey to Gordy's


Gordy admitting that although he lived in Notts he didnt know exactly where he lived! hehe


The bouncy floor downstairs which felt like it was going to break - reminded me of CreamyC the first time we went to Garlands - he nearly broke the already slightly broken podium whilst doing his infamous "Sword Dance" - lmao


Forgetting to eat YET AGAIN and no kebab shop being open afters :(( (hang on, that shouldnt be on this list!)


The very comfy sofa and people at the after-bar ;)


Only visiting the toilet once throughout the whole night, but 1000 times when I got home later on the saturday


Realising that Pepsi was actually very much like her signature picture


Not being told to [censored] off by wub wub at any point - lol


Sarah not knowing who Nick G was all night


Some random girl wanting me to take pictures of her entire group and then having nothing more to say to me! :((


The lovely barmaid in the ctw room - lol


The tiny window in the cloakroom which i tried to fit my jacket through about 5 times whilst constantly forgetting to take valuables out - then realising I just needed to pass the coat through the door on the left of the window


Constantly doing jerky head movements with Si (again) - leading to involutary similar actions later on at the after bar


* Will update this list tomorrow *

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(not as good as Big E's list sorry!)


Nope, It's just as good, even better, imho!!



Not getting thrown out or strip-searched


James, u are def going to the wrong sorta clubs..i have been clubbing for a long time...first club - Fridge - SoulIISoul, 1987 - 18 YO, best part of 15 years and i have never been thrown out of anywhere or strip-searched!! (touch wood).


Wooo...won't belong b4 i've been clubbing longer than some peeps who are clubbing have been alive....don't that make u feel proud!!!...


'I was there when u where an embryo!!!'






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