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  • CTW Members

Just noticed you've been posting alot more recently. Does that mean that you've got lots of things that you should be doing and are avoiding them by posting on here.


Or am I just being really cinical and you're just being nice? unsure.gif

Anyone fancy a bongle with bungle?

  • CTW Members

Bit of both my cynical old chum smile.gif I am trying to be nice and contribute a bit more...and there are an awful lot of things I really should be getting on with! I suppose it's a bloody good job i'm *so* talented and can catch up on work in the blink of an eye...woop! look at all that it's all done!..amazing!....who was that masked man?...who am I talking to?...why can I not post a post without rambling off into complete and utter incoherence...ho-hum grin.gif

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I think the problem you're experiencing is called club-the-world-itus. It seems to afflict most people at some point.


I'm also putting off doing things that I should be doing. I've been attempting to carry on with some paintings all day, but its just not happening.


I was late getting up, checked my mail, came on here, made some lunch, watched neighbours, attempted to beat Tonys tetris score, failed badly, sent a few emails.


I reckon I could be painting by about 5ish if I put my mind to it sad.gif

Anyone fancy a bongle with bungle?

  • CTW Members

Hhhhhmmmmm I don't envy your position there...as much as i'd love to stop doing all this commercial design nonsense and just do the art that interests me (either that or go freelance) I know that i'm just not that good at applying myself unless I have the impetus to do it...like having loads of pressure in work...mmmmmmmmm drink up the tension, let if flow around you, then ignore it all and continue as you would normally smile.gif

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