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  • CTW Members

Who's up 4 drinkies again this week then?! beerchug.gif

  • CTW Promotors

Oh, go on then!!


Bebe~ I'm in shock seeing a post from you LOL!!!!!

  • CTW Members

i may well pop down

  • CTW Members

I wanna' come but I have 6 essays to write by wednesday! banghead.gif Will do my very best though! grin.gif

  • CTW Members

Soz guys, I can't make it, I still have 6 essays to do and the clock is ticking! Guess I should get off here then really! shrug.gif

  • CTW Promotors

thought you were being a bit ambitious LOL!!!!!


Hope u get 'em finished ok.


they'll be loads more midweek drinkies!!!



  • CTW Members

Yeah I'll be there next week for sure! Why does college always have to get in the way of all the important things in life?! banghead.giflaugh.gif

  • CTW Members

I've being a sad bastard watching the footie tonight. You are all probably pissed by now. Oh well there is always next week. Get $ on friday. So i will be beerchug.gif

  • CTW Promotors

pissed on 4 smirnoff ices, how sad.


not as sad as the blokes there.....me & bunnykins took to telling a few porkies to amuse ourselves. Though the blokes believed me, but not bunnykins!!! laugh.gif

  • CTW Promotors

nah, it was pretty [censored] really. we told these 2 guys we were australian out of boredom with the blokes in there!! they didnt believe bunnykins was australian, but they wanted to hear all about australia from me. i said i was from sydney, one of them had just come back from sydney. wot r the odds!!!LOL anyway, I've never been to australia, but had a full conversation on wot i thought of sydney compared to london!!! they never cottoned on, even when i couldnt think of the capital of australia for bout 5mins!!! idiots! laugh.gif

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