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  • CTW DJs
QUOTE (Louise @ Apr 28 2004, 08:26)
I still go out and I am looking forward to Dance Valley - its a pity more members dont make the effort for some of these meets as THIS is in fact what CTW is ALL about, and as you will see long term this is what it will ONLY be about - varied trips to varied locations with varied people.


no offence but its comments like this that, that make me feel left out and a member that dont put in the effort. sad.gif


i cant afford to do london meets never mind meets in amsterdam, but i still thought i was putting in the effort by getting to the meets once a month

attending any meet-up, when or where-ever and being part of the community IS being a member. everyone has a limit to how much they can afford how often wink.gif

www.djphilbenson.co.uk - updated 28/08/04

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sorry guys - i didnt mean if you dont go abroad or spend lots on travelling then you aren't supporting the site - i was just making the point that the site was actually originally set up first and foremost to visit varied clubs/locations - of course, since then we all use the site for far more than just this - plus the DJ and event assocation thing etc...

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QUOTE (Lizard @ Apr 26 2004, 15:36)
Ok here's my two-pence worth smile.gif

I don't normally bother with web forums at all...why? because in my experience they don't work...they're a lovely idea...a space on the net where, from the comfort of their offices or homes, like-minded people can share views and opinions about the things that interest them. Unfortunately for...well, anyone concerned really...human nature just doesn't work like that and what they *actually* turn into is a place on the web where like-minded people try and convince everyone else that they know best through the power of scathing insults and schoolyard namecalling, eventually the whole thing descends into packs of people who agree with each other marauding about the threads looking for anyone who disagrees with them...or just anyone who happens to be around...and flaming them whilst cackling madly...well perhaps not the cackling madly part...but you get the idea.

But the problem with both the 'Ideal'and 'real' versions of forums is they centre around one idea...the 'sharing' of your opinions (note the quotation marks round the word sharing...yes that means i'm being sarcastic)...which is where it all falls down really, I don't care what anyone says, deep down you always believe that *you* are right...I know I do, even when i'm wrong I still don't care what someone else says, as far as i'm concerned i'm right smile.gif and that's not just me being arrogant ('cos i'm not) it's just the truth, as far as everyone's concerned *their* opinion is the right one...therefore trying to convince them that *they* are wrong is not just intensely difficult, it's impossible...even if they agree with you it's more than likely just to shut you up! you're NEVER going to change someone's opinion by talking to them about it because we're only people...which means we're petty, small minded, jealous, egocentric idiots (myself included...obviously to a lesser degree than the rest of the world but still a little bit smile.gif) which is all why I don't normally bother with forums, after all i've got better things to do with my time than waste it on people who get their kicks from being rude to people behind the safety of their computer.

You'll notice, however, that is said *normally*, I think CTW is a bit different than the other forums in that it seems to be a friendlier place...it certainly should be since that's what it's trying to be...a community...and that's what brought me here and is why i've been posting more recently...because it seems a lot friendlier and more effective than certain other forums I could mention. Yes lively debates are interesting and make good reading but when does a debate stop being a debate and start being a slanging match? Yes too much moderation is bad but if there are obvious rules and they are blatantly flouted surely you'd expect something to happen? And yes (even to me a relative newbie) the board seems quiet at the moment but would it make things better if everyone were to start being 'controversial' (which in this instance seems to mean insulting new people they don't know) again and making people, like me, not bother with the site anymore? I certainly don't know smile.gif

Sorry about the long reply  sorry.gif


This is probably one of the most sensible replies EVER



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ironic being posted by lizard and all wink.gif

  • CTW Admin

still reading all these posts - onto 5th page of replies now ...


I have a suggestion...


Why dont we have a week of NO moderation AT ALL, during that week we can all maintain a thread, posting the URLs to the posts which we think should be moderated - and WHY. Then, from this list we can ALL COLLECTIVELY draw up a list of what should be in the forum guidelines and what shouldnt.


As far as i'm concerned the moderating on this new board is a LOT more consistent than the old board, but we simply cant ever win this debate without letting YOU LOT decide what should be moderated and what shouldnt - so I say we have a trial of letting EVERYONE comment on what should be removed/edited - there is a disclaimer however that we cant promise to actually remove/edit ANY posts for 24 hours due to our work commitements.


Yes or No ? If not then please suggest something better - failure to suggest any better solution by close of play this FRIDAY 30th April will result in the present guidelines and moderators acting indefinitely.


Surely this is then proof that the CTW Team DOES actually give a stuff about this ?????


ps. I've had PMs off all the people ever on full moderation on this new site to say they can see our side of things clearer now - if they can appreciate it, why cant the other members ? Again, PLEASE PM me for more details - DONT sit on an issue for months and month until someone else finally posts yet another topic like this one. I'm simply not prepared to ever go through this moderating re-evaluation EVER again after this phase.... It will be simply time to close the site...

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i just glanced at the front pages for every forum and there is only one (unpinned) thread which is currently locked. certainly, i frequent CTW less than i used to but i don't recall seeing a lot of thread and post editing by moderators.


i'm not sure where this "the site is overmoderated" issue is coming from. that said, i'm not so naive to believe that my perspective is the only correct one.


anyway, that's my $0.02.



"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

  • CTW Members

Im pretty much of the same opinion as Lizard and Russell.

Ultimately, each person will get from this site what they individually put into it.

If you dont post or dont attend meets then the whole site takes on a very personal perspective, it will look and feel as your personality dictates. We all change and life moves on, its as simple as that.


In the interests of common decency and respect, moderation is a must & the right way to go


Ive been a member of CTW for over 2 years. Ive attended two meets and would like to have attended many more, but owing to work and personal commitments, i just dont get the time. On a personal level, im really not that interested in adding to posts that discuss what everyone is having for tea or what milkshake they like (analogies). I will scan odd posts from time to time and express a tactful and considered opinion.


I hope to make more of a personal effort this year & attend more meets. Dance Valley is on my agenda and im very much looking forward to going and meeting up with people who have a common interest - Dance Music - albeit hard house, trance etc..i really dont care. The biggest buzz for me is just meeting new people and sharing that experience. Surely this is what CTW is all about & what its been created for...? If anyone is looking for it to fill every other void in their life, then it isnt going to happen here (again, an anology).


Ive visited several other boards just to take a look. In my opinion, they dont compare...this will only change if personalities come in to play, and make it change.



  • CTW Members

There seems to be far to much to read in the last couple of posts here.


We all love CTW otherwise we wouldnt be posting these concerns in the first place!

So why dont we just leave things as they are and just get on with it!!




  • CTW DJs

Sorry guys, I cant really be positive with my reply.


This thread has just made me think *same shit, different day*


Ive not been here the longest by any stretch, but it feels like ive heard all this before.


Ive used ctw pretty consistantly since joining over a year ago, and feel CTW still provides what i want it too. I come to meets as often as i can to meet new ppl and go out to clubs I love going to.


Think we are getting caught up with the actual board and forgetting that it is just the engine for what the site is really about.



Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

  • CTW Members
QUOTE (LiamStyles @ Apr 28 2004, 23:24)
Think we are getting caught up with the actual board and forgetting that it is just the engine for what the site is really about.

Pretty much like a vitural soap then!

  • CTW Members

QUOTE (Tony @ Apr 28 2004, 23:50)
QUOTE (LiamStyles @ Apr 28 2004, 23:24)
Think we are getting caught up with the actual board and forgetting that it is just the engine for what the site is really about.

What is this site about? Once it was many things to many people.. . now it seems even more like a place where a very few people post lots and lots, and some hard house event's and dj's get promoted.


Hardly likey to get people dropping everything to log on.


And it's easy to say 'well if you don't like it don't come here and don't post', but that is exactly what's happening. As CTW seems to be hemoraging active posters.


Oh but what about the meet up's ? erm Widchild, Lashed & Tidy. When we used to have all those meet up's up and down the country, mid week drinks, serious, frantic, bedrock, the end, and many many more.


I agree with much of what lizard says, except that on boards where the majority tacitly agree to ignore stuff they don't like, don't agree with, rather than reacting The community becomes a great deal more friendly, and needs a lot less policing.


Sgnt Major Monkey.



  • CTW Members
QUOTE (LiamStyles @ Apr 28 2004, 23:24)
Think we are getting caught up with the actual board and forgetting that it is just the engine for what the site is really about.

well said


And as for the moderation issue - who fucking cares. come on, it may be in some peoples eyes heavly moderated, in others, not enough. Get over it - it ain't the end of the (clubthe)world.

  • CTW Members

i dont associate ctw with the forums - but with the meetups - thats what its all about?


i see the message board as a place to post upcoming event dates and to keep in touch with those who for some reason or another, dont use MSN. its always nice to see new faces on the forum, tho i look forward to meeting them in person - as apose to talking endless codshite on the forums.


the forums like any other are just a communication point - the 'real' ctw is us lot getting together off the forums and having a hell of a time woot.gif


imo anyways yes.gif

  • CTW Members
QUOTE (DJ_Elemental @ Apr 28 2004, 17:29)
the forums like any other are just a communication point

for many CTWers who would meet up but cannot (for example because they live far away) the forums are clubtheworld.



"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

QUOTE (alasdairm @ Apr 29 2004, 03:31)
QUOTE (DJ_Elemental @ Apr 28 2004, 17:29)
the forums like any other are just a communication point

for many CTWers who would meet up but cannot (for example because they live far away) the forums are clubtheworld.




*No its only you & no one really cares.







The above insult although truthful was utilised to show how futile creating internet slagging really is.


May it be a lesson to you all.


ONE LOVE throb.gif

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