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its Dons fault.



Cheers Don...

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I dint expect my comments to turn into such a heated debate. I wish i never said anything now...


A lot of people are taking things far too personally for which i am saddened. there has been far too many un-retracable comments made in the heat of the moment on here, that won't be forgotten by some. Comments that just broaden the divide i see between some of the 'cliques'.


when the old board went down, there was a lot of 'off board' politics going on, to which i have found since making this thread have not been fully resolved and for my part i want nothing to do with. a lot of bad feeling was caused by another board being used as a 'temporary CTW' for a week or so. Comments were made that were taken personally (see lisa's 'addition to the gutted thread' thread for the probable reasons). It was bound to happen... get over it and let it lie...please!!!!


Being good friends with people off both boards, i cant help but feel stuck in the middle sometimes and actually paranoid now about what people think of me for posting on the other board... esp now i got another gig lined up because of it.

I was gonna hope to see some faces, who i might not normally expect to see at that kind of event support me at Serious, but it seems to be opening some sort of political minefield, so i cant see it happening.


The last thing i want to be percieved as it some kind of CTW 'traitor' cos im really looking forward to representing CTW at wildchild, which still means as much to me as the Serious gig.

I hope this thread hasn't been seen by some as a kick in the teeth to people, esp James, who has put so much of his time and effort into the site, and got me the wildchild gig for which i am so thankful for.


I hope my personal clubbing preferences (which if im honest, CTW has never really catered for, I met the majority of my freinds off here at hard house events) is not an issue for people.


On which note, on a constructive level...


id like to see events coodinators for different genres.


Everyone is still going out every weekend it seems, but there seems to be a case that its all being organised off board. which to me is defeating the object of the site and keeping people off the board who may actually post on here. How it would work i have not really thought about... its just an idea.






actually its Ians fault.


Cheers Ian

  • CTW DJs

Good comments Ian.


Just a few random thoughts in no particular order...


1. Maybe Don's choice of words was not too subtle, but I hardly think he's alone in thinking that there a few "monkeys" on here ... nobody's saying this is CTW's fault, it's not as if CTW have encouraged "monkeys" to join (!) but the fact remains ... just as a trivial example, look at the volume of tripe that gets posted in the chat forums.


Also there's a large volume of CTW members with a rather daft attitude towards drugs. Just my opinion like! I hate to "compare boards", but like, you don't get so much shit in the Seriousworld forums. But like I said, it's not CTW's fault, I just stay clear of the more inane threads.


2. Like Ian, I don't really have any strict allegiances with specific boards. I talk about different stuff on Seriousworld and CTW. I hardly think that's "stabbing anyone in the back". I still think CTW is great, and I've made some good friends through the site / meet-ups.


3. Maria, the tone of your replies is basically "if you don't like CTW get lost". That really is how it comes across. I don't think that's what you meant it to sound like; I know it sucks when people slag off CTW for stuff that isn't really CTW's fault; but all the same I think you could have phrased things better. smile.gif


4. I think CTW should carry on doing what it does best - providing forums for debate and music chat, and encouraging people to post invitations to their clubbing (and non-clubbing) excursions.

QUOTE (LiquidEyes @ Apr 29 2004, 17:22)
1. Maybe Don's choice of words was not too subtle, but I hardly think he's alone in thinking that there a few "monkeys" on here ... nobody's saying this is CTW's fault, it's not as if CTW have encouraged "monkeys" to join (!) but the fact remains ... just as a trivial example, look at the volume of tripe that gets posted in the chat forums.


I hope I'm one of those Monkeys Liquideyes.



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QUOTE (Jay @ Apr 29 2004, 17:04)
actually its Ians fault.

Cheers Ian

You can always rely on me to fuck things up Jay toast.gif

  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Jay @ Apr 29 2004, 17:36)
QUOTE (LiquidEyes @ Apr 29 2004, 17:22)
1. Maybe Don's choice of words was not too subtle, but I hardly think he's alone in thinking that there a few "monkeys" on here ... nobody's saying this is CTW's fault, it's not as if CTW have encouraged "monkeys" to join (!) but the fact remains ... just as a trivial example, look at the volume of tripe that gets posted in the chat forums.


I hope I'm one of those Monkeys Liquideyes.



Does appearance count?

  • CTW DJs
QUOTE (Jay @ Apr 29 2004, 17:36)
I hope I'm one of those Monkeys Liquideyes.


Jay, I think you're full of shit, but you're not a monkey. smile.gif



  • CTW DJs

Lets make love not War!


Im here to stay so if anybody wants to join me then you are all more than welcome, i havent met half the people on here properly yeat and cant wait to either, i mean up to now ive met some really good mates, some of the best infact and i only joined in Feb (i think), i think your all top banana and when we all get together its an absolute rite laugh, lets keep this community the strongest on the web(well i think it is haha)!


ily.gif all







Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


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QUOTE (Jay @ Apr 29 2004, 02:33)
*No its only you & no one really cares.




"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Louise @ Apr 29 2004, 13:39)
trying to prise people away from london is hard......there is only a selected few that will venture out and about

trying to prise ppl INTO london is hard.... blink.gif


After Lisa had told me about the Atomic Energy's/Chichime's, and a workmate invited me out to one of them, I've RAVED about these nights.


Did anyone want try one of these non-Wildchild events? did they fek sad.gif

  • CTW Admin
QUOTE (Mark 2 @ Apr 28 2004, 22:53)
The biggest buzz for me is just meeting new people and sharing that experience. Surely this is what CTW is all about & what its been created for...? If anyone is looking for it to fill every other void in their life, then it isnt going to happen here (again, an anology).

100% correct mate



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  • CTW Admin
QUOTE (Stu @ Apr 26 2004, 16:50)
who's actually gone?

(meant as an open question rather than an arsey reply)



I think the people who have an issue with certain people 'leaving' the site should list them.


Personally I have contacted many of the people I miss to see why they have left and 99% of the time its not actually down to the reason they stated on their 'final' post but in fact a whole host of other issues with life in general, or just completely bored of the whole message board and/or clubbing scene (or specific genre scene).


I think people should be a little more honest as to precisely why they have 'left' the board.


I have joined many boards but never left any - I just have long 'breaks' - its all down to time and whether I can be arsed. I DO think we need some fresh faces on here to please the people who have got bored of the regulars on here (perhaps :s) and this is why I intend on bringing a shit load of people to the site following events like Dance Valley this summer. I would LOVE to be out every weekend like I did with Kev 2 years ago but it just cant happen for either of us anymore due to money and many other issues. That said it doesnt stop YOU bringing new people to the board.


A classic line I hear from the 'funky' people is "whats the point in me telling people about ctw - its all hardhouse. This to me is the CORE of the 'hh only' problem, or was, personally I think there is a HUGE varied mix of music tastes here. If you are concerned about too many trance or hh posts in event suggestions then post (and keep posting) alternatives - myself and many others are actually up for variation.


I've said it before but I think CTW is 'seasonal' - come the summer the members will double.


Whoever said it was 2,000 members and now 400 - we only ever had about 400 logging in on old board - this was one of the reasons for the clearout in the first place (however my hands were tied anyway because decided to just remove all my data/code - which cant happen again by the way smile.gif)


Re: old board better than this - personally i think THIS board is 1000% better - yes I need to spend time on the templates and make it unique to ctw but the funcionality is far superior and as you will see in the coming months (hopefully) there will be a lot more content on here. That said who cares if there isnt, we can all still check to see who's up to what and when and go out and meet - that is all we (and many other sites) do. Long term I do wanna travel more and I want you lot to join me if poss ...

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Clubbing the world together ...

Jay - tongue.gif


James - exactly what this site needs. :takeshatoffsmiley:

  • CTW Admin
QUOTE (DJ_Elemental @ Apr 29 2004, 01:29)
i dont associate ctw with the forums - but with the meetups - thats what its all about?

i see the message board as a place to post upcoming event dates and to keep in touch with those who for some reason or another, dont use MSN. its always nice to see new faces on the forum, tho i look forward to meeting them in person - as apose to talking endless codshite on the forums.

the forums like any other are just a communication point - the 'real' ctw is us lot getting together off the forums and having a hell of a time woot.gif

imo anyways yes.gif

well said Mark


we can only hope that in time people understand what we are really about

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