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I think certain Members had had enough when people decided to sign up bogus accounts (on old board and new) posting a load of tripe about certain Members.


Very uncalled for, too.



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  • CTW Members

I think going cold turkey, allowed some members to let go of the site.

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  • CTW DJs
QUOTE (Maria @ Apr 26 2004, 17:27)
I think certain Members had had enough when people decided to sign up bogus accounts (on old board and new) posting a load of tripe about certain Members.

Very uncalled for, too.


Nasty as it was, i don't think anyone actually gave a fuck.


The whole bogus accounts thing got stupid and certainly made me aware of even speaking to new people for fear it was just gonna be some waste of my time practical joke. Theres one currently doing the rounds now FFS. thumbsdown.gif





  • CTW Promotors

Just read this, my god i go away for one weekend & the place go to bits!! tongue.gifwink.gif


Right, my two penniths worth now w00t.gif


Some good points have been made by everyone, such as peeps change, the site change etc etc blahblah.gif What we need to do, is work out as a community, how we get around all these so called problems etc, may be the peeps who feel they are being unfairly warned etc, possibly think, why they are being warned & poss think before they type, well all of us, for that matter.


As stated before, clubbing generally goes hand in hand with chemicals etc, but I think James has set the rules/guidelines, to poss prevent everyone harping on how much they cained etc at the weekends, cos end of day, most of us know we did, so no need to have threads full of it shrug.gif


How about we all try to to think of a way to get the old members back?? Find out what caused them to leave etc, to me the board has been ok, building back up nicely, but a few new members dont seem to stick around, we need to ask ourselves why?? As peeps have already said, this is a members board & the members make the board, so we all need to look ourselves, as we are the key end of the day w00t.gifgrouphug.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

I didn't read the whole thread, but I figured I'd chuck in a few opinions smile.gif


Right... I originally joined CTW in the Summer two years ago now, hung around the boards a lot but was never a heavy poster, but still I got to know a lot of people and went to a couple of meet ups.


Back in those days it felt a lot more welcoming.


I then took a break from clubbing for 6 months or so, and came back in early 2003. Still it was very welcoming and felt right, and I ended up going on a lot more meets and club nights and made some good friends, but towards the summer of 2003 I lost interest again.


Instead of it being witty banter, but still a lot of friendly people, in my opinion it turned into a very cliquey and aggressive mess. I think it became a place where people felt more intimidated than a place where they could genuinely fit in and make some decent mates.


So I've been away from CTW for a year or so, and came back in the middle of some personal problems of my own. I remembered CTW and how at one point you could come along, fit right in and be accepted, and make some new mates/have some good nights to help take your mind off any worries.


But this time, apart from a few welcoming and friendly hello's from people who remembered me, I've not even had the urge to get my arse into gear and get to any of the meets. Again it is my opinion, but I do feel it is too cliquey and harder for people to fit in. I'd even go as far to say, after reading these boards again for a few weeks, there are people that seem to go out of their way to make others feel uncomfortable? I don't know if this is right? (This is not something that has happened to me by the way, just an impression I get)


Anyway, waffling over. There are certainly still a lot of fantastic people on here and some real stars, but I think the overall feel for any newcomer that can be a tad shy, is that it is hard to fit in and get involved




Ta ta for now smile.gif

  • CTW Promotors

Wel, I hope you do start to partake abit more daydreamer & attend some meets with us, as it would be great to meet you & I hope all your problems you have mentioned have been sorted thumbsup.gifhuggles.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

now i really don't mean to sound like a cunnyt, but if you do show up at only one meet-up and talk to a lot of people, you'll fit in like a flash. i get the impression its the members that post but don't club that get this unwelcome feeling... show up - everyone's lovely in real life.

  • CTW Promotors

I dont think thats true Stu, there are a fair few on here, myself included who do not attend every meet etc & get on great!!

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Lisa @ Apr 26 2004, 21:31)
I dont think thats true Stu, there are a fair few on here, myself included who do not attend every meet etc & get on great!!

i'm not for once suggesting you attend every meet - just show up and make yourself known. people can then put a name to a face and CTW will be a lot more accessible.

  • CTW Members

having re-read my post, i think you have misjudged the scope of the word 'only'. show up at ONLY one meet-up not ONLY show up at one meet-up.

  • CTW Promotors
grin.gif yeh with you now, think I get ya drift, of course, by attending meets, you get to know most of us on a more personal level & makes it easier I guess to join in on the board & feel a part of it, but as I say there are a few members who have not been out for a meet & have been welcome'd etc, I guess aswell it is down to the individuals personality, some peeps are confident enough to crack on in there & post away, where as others I guess are kinda shy, so, it is up to us the regular members to somehow make them feel comfy to post shrug.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW DJs

QUOTE (Stu @ Apr 26 2004, 21:28)
if you do show up at only one meet-up and talk to a lot of people, you'll fit in like a flash. i get the impression its the members that post but don't club that get this unwelcome feeling...

I'm not so sure about that mate. I think the site should be welcoming to people whether or not they have the intention (or opportunity) to come to meet-ups.


Some of the best banter I've had on CTW has been with people I have never met (or we had good banter before we did meet).


I do agree that there isn't enough banter any more ... I don't know if that's due to over-moderation and/or due to people leaving. I don't think it's to do with who does or doesn't go to meet-ups though.


I do think that some of the harshing has gone overboard in the past. A handful of the better-known members have used the fact that "everyone knows them" as justification for laying into people. Maybe it's only intended as banter, but the whole "I was 'blatantly' only joking" cliche doesn't always wash online. Fair enough if your clique of mates (who've met you in person) know it's only a joke, but it's all very well outwitting everyone with your contrived humour when 95% don't get it... what's the point, who are you trying to impress?


Banter and piss-taking is cool as long as it it's not just blatant bullying / one-upmanship / some sort of popularity contest. There's a happy medium between being "proactively nice" to members, and expecting them to have a reasonable degree of intelligence / "thick-skinnedness".

  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Stu @ Apr 26 2004, 21:28)
now i really don't mean to sound like a cunnyt, but if you do show up at only one meet-up and talk to a lot of people, you'll fit in like a flash. i get the impression its the members that post but don't club that get this unwelcome feeling... show up - everyone's lovely in real life.

Well I can't show to the meet ups not as of yet anyways.. and as I was under the impression you wanted to go global. It's hard to have ppl from here join if they don't feel welcome.. I have tried to get ppl to join but they didn't cos they didn't feel it welcoming to them. I joined cos I met James and some others who I chatted a bit with at first and now I just got a few who I actually chat to. For the most part the ones I met at first are gone now..with exception of a few...so if thats what your gonna base this on the meet ups only then it leaves the ones who can't make it out cos of distance or for one reason or another...


I do like the ones I have met and or chated to...and would like to meet more of ya. yes.gif

Sweet and Innocent you decide....


Some people are such jerks....


Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me.. so throw me down tie me up and show me show much you like me....

  • CTW Members

The board has changed alot, not only in appearance (I prefered the old board), some things for the better some not, of course the nights CTW are promoting and the Dj bookings are excellent for CTW, but I don't think this debate is questioning that side of it at all, I believe it is predominatly about the forum side


I am finding myself reluctant to post on here more and more, can't put my finger on exactly why, but i'm sure it's not going down too well when some members are called tossers and statements like these are made with the word US in there.

I am NOT arsed if people go. As I said, it is theuir own choice. Would you prefer us to get down on our knees and beg them to stay ?


Maybe that is what this board needs. Fresh flesh. Fresh, genuine people who really are up for supporting ClubTheWorld


The moderation is not consistant, never has been, probably been my biggest grip about the board.


The talk about drug taking has reduced immensely, again it depends who's on about it as to if it gets 'moderated' or not, I have never thought the talk of what or who, has been excessive, but if it's for James sake ie: his family or work colleges reading this, I find that quite a strange form of moderation in it's self.


I wasn't around when the Kether or Jimmy (I believe they got a suspension) incident happened, but to be quite honest, some of the best/humourous/most enjoyable read, come from them, same as on the old board with wizzybb!!!!


Again the fake members, how many had/have them ... I fall for them each and every time, it doesn't annoy or offend when I find out they are fake.


How can anyone on here complain about the moderator/moderation when James has personally picked these people, they i'm sure would find out about the complaint and where would that get them? picked on? bitched about? slagged off? I think i'm right in saying they wouldn't 'get away' with it.


I'm also finding some of the replies very condescending (of course this is all only my opinion) and no-one has to read every post, you can come straight out of any if it offends surely.






  • CTW Promotors

IMO the banter is not the same because the site does not have as many members as the old board, for whatever reason, some we know, some we dont, peeps have left, also those that do come on now, spend a lot of their time in the arcade section, so the forums are quiet, unless people start to say what exactly is bothering them etc, what can we do, we cant force old members back by gun point can we, or Can We!! w00t.gif


Also I remember on the old board a fair few members who werent happy then, saying that certain members were harsh, name calling, the constant over use of the word c**t etc, so James has tried his best to eliviate this by setting guidelines & still peeps are not happy, it seems hard to get a happy medium at the mo, maybe everyone should make a list of what they want from the site & what they dont want & what bothers them & pop it in comments & suggs shrug.gif

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