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Aaron said...


One board that does seem to be full of sniping and back stabbing and all that bollox is the seriousworld board.



^ smile.gifsmile.gifgrouphug.gif


PhilB said...


as far as im concerned you get out of life what you put in, nothing is given to you on a plate. if you wait for things to come to you then youll be waiting along time


^ Totally AGREED smile.gif

Edited by Maria

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QUOTE (Aaron @ Apr 27 2004, 12:02)
One board that does seem to be full of sniping and back stabbing and all that bollox is the seriousworld board.



Serious world is a different kettle of fish to CTW. I don't know if you post on thier or not, but currently it's like the old CTW (without the monkeys, kids or people trying to cause trouble. Well, maybe one or two of the latter, but that's their perogative. ). Seriousworld we are all friends both on and off the board (like here), and I am honestly at a loss as to why you describe it as you do. I actually prefer it over this place....


But that's seriousworld.... CTW now. Interesting Dawn.... couldn't have put it better myself!

QUOTE (Don @ Apr 27 2004, 14:12)

(without the monkeys, kids or people trying to cause trouble. Well, maybe one or two of the latter, but that's their perogative. ). Seriousworld we are all friends both on and off the board (like here), and I am honestly at a loss as to why you describe it as you do. I actually prefer it over this place....

But that's seriousworld.... CTW now. Interesting Dawn.... couldn't have put it better myself!

So we are all Monkeys on here, are we Don ?


That's something I would expect my 5 year old nephew to say.



  • CTW Promotors

& we are all friends on here to Don & we are not all monkeys, we had this disscussion with big E did we not!! rolleyes.gif



Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

Don Said :
Serious world is a different kettle of fish to CTW. I don't know if you post on thier or not, but currently it's like the old CTW (without the monkeys, kids or people trying to cause trouble. Well, maybe one or two of the latter, but that's their perogative. ). Seriousworld we are all friends both on and off the board (like here), and I am honestly at a loss as to why you describe it as you do. I actually prefer it over this place....


I dont post on the Serious board. CTW is the only forum/messageboard that i have ever joined, but i do go and have a look on there from time to time, usually after i've gone to a Serious event to see what other people have thought about the night.


Obviously this doesnt apply to everyone on the SeriousWorld board, but i have seen postings on there that start ofgf ok but then end up as slanging matches between members, but then having said that, the same could be said for here, but i've not been around long enough to see that yet. The atmosphere on here, to me, seems a lot easier going and friendlier and i hope i'm not proved wrong in the long run...

Edited by Aaron

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QUOTE (Louise @ Apr 27 2004, 15:01)
user posted imageuser posted imageuser posted imageuser posted imageuser posted image


Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Promotors
QUOTE (Don @ Apr 27 2004, 14:12)
QUOTE (Aaron @ Apr 27 2004, 12:02)
One board that does seem to be full of sniping and back stabbing and all that bollox is the seriousworld board.



Serious world is a different kettle of fish to CTW. I don't know if you post on thier or not, but currently it's like the old CTW (without the monkeys, kids or people trying to cause trouble. Well, maybe one or two of the latter, but that's their perogative. ). Seriousworld we are all friends both on and off the board (like here), and I am honestly at a loss as to why you describe it as you do. I actually prefer it over this place....


But that's seriousworld.... CTW now. Interesting Dawn.... couldn't have put it better myself!

oh one more thing Don, was you or was you not a mod on the old board?? Maybe thats what is wrong, chief baboon needed again tongue.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

Please note I didn't write Hard House Monkeys (HHM). Just monkeys. Or simians if you prefer - people that I don't really feel are up to human levels of thinking.


Yeah, I was the Head chimp on the old board. tongue.gif


Aaron - fair enough mate.

  • CTW Promotors
QUOTE (Don @ Apr 27 2004, 15:07)
Please note I didn't write Hard House Monkeys (HHM). Just monkeys. Or simians if you prefer - people that I don't really feel are up to human levels of thinking.

Yeah, I was the Head chimp on the old board. tongue.gif

Aaron - fair enough mate.

well no point posting the serious events then on here is there, really, seeings as we are of a low level of thinking, or not of human thinking eh!! shrug.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

QUOTE (Don @ Apr 27 2004, 15:07)
people that I don't really feel are up to human levels of thinking.

Oh please rolleyes.gif

  • CTW Members

Bloody wind up merchants, get em on every f'ing forum nowadays! lol.gif

I think what what everyones problem is that you have all run out of conversation.


Some people say there is a lack of satisfactory banter on the forum.


Maybe those individuals need to start composing INTERESTNG threads, then the people who DO have a problem, won't have an ISSUE.



  • CTW Members

The board really doesn't have the same appeal as it used too for me either but to be honest I don't think that it has anything to do with stuff thats happened on the site.


I've genuinely become a calmer person and don't go out clubbing anywhere near as much as I used too, which in turn means I don't meet up with people as often as I used too. I come on the board these days and really don't feel that I know anyone.


I think the main reason that I loved the old board so much was because it was like a afterparty, all your mates chatting with a few randoms. Talking nonsense and it was a laugh now I hesitate before posting stuff cos I don't feel comfortable posting as much complete bollox as I used too.


I think I will always come on the board and see how people are getting on but its never gonna be like it was and its very sad unsure.gif but I guess thats life and if I was really that bothered I could get to know all the new people. Just seems like a lot of effort wen the same thing will happen in a couple of years time.


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

  • CTW Admin

I'm replying in bits cos there is far too much...


1. Moderation is NOT over the top - every single decision we've made so far on the NEW board has been the right one. If people have an issue with the moderation why havent they PMd me once - apart from Kether.


2. "Being on moderation" - why is this a bad thing ? They are not banned they simply have their posts monitored - and this has only ever been for a period as long as a WEEK ! I cant work out why people throw their toys out of the pram so much on this site when they KNOW they have DELIBERATELY broken the rules. The people who were under moderation have finally PMd me and explained why they broke the rules and they are no longer being moderated (well, everyone is being moderated as we have moderators - and yes, we DO need them - most of you dont get to see most of the content which goes up which shouldnt go up)


3. It will never be how it used to be - but it can also be better than it used to be. Looks to me like everyone has run out of conversation or just cant be bothered to make new friends - personally I will only be visiting new areas and new events from now on - to bring more people to the board which hopefully some of you will also want to meet up with (the core concept of the site). I've not actually done anything 'new' for well over a year now - I feel this is precisely why the site has stood still in some respects (also due to the 'hassle' we had with previous host), but then it shouldnt just be down to me (or kev or anyone else) to bring peopel to the site.


4. We go through 'seasons' on CTW - I think right now people are just bored of either clubbing or message board - once people make the effort to do new things and meet new people (should they want to - its not mandatory!) then we will all have new things to talk about when forming those relationships. I really dont see that its CTW or the forum software which is causing the problem - or any of the people who are donating their time FREE to help run this site. Of course if it really does end up being more negatve than positive then we'd be mad to carry on, but personally I think people are (yet again) blowing this whole thing out of proportion. I have personally taken the decision to concetrate on my main career again now - at least for the next few months.


5. Most people say 'I dont know what it is that is the problem' - in which case you shouldnt really comment. Many many ex-CTWers I've spoken finally admit that its not actually the community or the board they are bored with but the clubbing / the events they attend - or they just let a few spoil it for a few (which is what I'm no longer allowing personally, and why we DO have guidelines which we DO enforce). I really dont see the issue with following a few VERY VERY simple guidelines. The fact is if you break one you are on moderation for a week - BIG DEAL - get over it. The reason for this is simple - it saves me and the mods time, we can check the potentially dodgy posts when we want - not have to do it in real-time (which none of us can). And YES, I will repeat - we DO need moderation - as does ANY site. Anyone who thinks you dont you are probably still growing or in the nicey nicey phase we used to be in at first.


6. We cant control cliqueyness - no one can. I personally think we are NOT cliquey - if there is just ONE member on the board who isnt cliquey then you cant say the community as a whole is cliquey. I for one aint.


7. Mods are volunteers - I have been overseeing the currenty mods VERY closely (because I DO actually care about over/under moderation and I am also still learning. If you have a problem then PM ME as well as the mods - I've only ever had 1 PM off one member.


8. Please remember that we will never justify moderation decisions in public. More often than not there will be a whole history of events to take into account when deciding to moderation (NOT ban) a member.


9. Registering new fake accounts when under full moderation is NOT the answer (thankfully only 1 member has actually done this - that I know of).


10. Agreed with Tresh - sounds like a lot of people are just 'bored' of the whole message board thing - certainly not specifically this board IMO - this software IMO is the best out there - thats all I can do, choose the best software, set it up - hope people find it useful - if they dont fair doos - I know I do, but just because its there doesnt mean it HAS to be used day in day out, or that I have to send 50 PMs a day etc... To be honest it would be cheaper for me if it was all used less anyway ! I do get angry when I think what I am doing here is donating both my time and money for nothing and people STILL arent happy. What do people want - I dont get it ? If its not what CTW offers then please, move on and free up the bandwidth for people who DO find it useful.


11. I've gone out of my way for a lof of people on this board and when I read these negative comments it does make me lose the passion to do it somewhat - which is not what I want. I will however promise the people who continue to back me / the site properly that I will continue to support them and "thanks" for all your work thus far !


12. Can someone please PM me full details of how the moderation has gone 'Way over the top' - sounds to me like a lot of people are gossiping in the background (MSN most likely) about the REAL reasons for why SOME (like 3!) have been placed in the mod queue. If anyone can prove to me that I've made a wrong decision on this new board re: moderation then I will GLADLY hand the CTW keys over to them. Dont blame the mods - blame ME - they are under my instruction and I for one think they do a FANTASTIC job - if I had money to pay them I bloody would !


13. I really cant see why people get OFFENDED when we moderation the OFFENDERS ! I am really really confused. If you think its funny to have personal photos of 3rd parties posted on a message board without them knowing then fine but I dont and NO I wont let the members decide certain guidelines. I will also not allow anyone to break any of the other guidelines, such as having multiple accounts. If you dont understand the reasons for the guidelines in the first place then PLEASE PM me - I can give you a shed load of example as to why these are in place at all. CTW is not different in that its the ONLY site to have guidelines - its also no different in the types of things it moderates - in fact its VERY relaxed. If you genuinely want to post harsh/negative stuff then do it on the other board which allow it. Again, I fail to see why you get SO upset not being able to do it here.


14. Double standards - this is rubbish - again, if you have a problem then PM ME - NO ONE has PMd me ANYTHING about people 'laying' into people - if they had perhaps action would have been taken, perhaps not - this wasnt the reason a few people were placed in mod queue - so stop jumping to conclusions as to why a member is under full moderation ! Again, I sense silly rumors on MSN - PM me and I will explain the reason - but I wont do it publicly as its a never ending


15. If people TRULY want CTW to improve then it is only the MEMBERS themselves who can change this ! Not me, not the mods.


16. I wish the people who keep saying "I've had enough, I'm leaving, I'm off to would just go and stop bringing up these repetative posts ! I'm NOT saying we dont take on these comments and adapt CTW, we DO, but so far on this first page of responses I've seen nothing new.


I will respond to the 2nd page of responses when I can, this really does eat up a lot of time, but yes, its important - but sometimes I think its totally un-called for.


Just remember who you have met and why you have met them. Just remember the people who run this site never try to bring YOUR work/efforts down. YES I take this more personally than anyone on this board as my best is not good enough - perhaps I should just 'ignore' but I never have and I never will. I reckon its just a case of waiting until we have more members, more variety, more content, more meets, more to talk about. Until then there is feck all I can personally do about it. I still go out and I am looking forward to Dance Valley - its a pity more members dont make the effort for some of these meets as THIS is in fact what CTW is ALL about, and as you will see long term this is what it will ONLY be about - varied trips to varied locations with varied people.


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