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yes i am bored


iv had


4 dogs (2 dead, 1 police trained, 1 sitting at my feet chewing his tail rolleyes.gif )


6 hamsters (all dead and all called Biffy,,,,strange unsure.gif )


2 lizards (1 ate the other then died the following day.....serves him right mad.gif )


4 cats (3 still alive and the oldest has had 13 kittens.....all by the same dad, shes no tart shag.gif )


shitloads of tropical fish.....(gone to the goldfish bowl in the sky (toilet)due to powercut sad.gif )


3 rabbits (1 eaten by a fox...the others just escaped)


2 guinea pigs (sold because they liked human meat

user posted image


1 snake (swiftly followed the husband when i kicked him out....think its still alive)




I have had about 10 Stafordshire Bull Terriers.

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Can I include animals that I've had for a considerable length of time but not neccessarily pets though?

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dont see why not grin.gif

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OK...here goes....this is what I can remember...


12 dogs,

18 cats,

60ish rabbits,

20ish fish,

6 budgies,

3 hamsters,

1 wren,

3 pigeons,

4 hedgehogs,

2 squirrels,

2 toads,

3 frogs,

1 fox,

9 mice,

1 blackbird,

1 newt,

1 swallow,


I think thats it.


My mum and dad use to be volunteer helpers at the local wildlife preserve and we'd have animals brought to us by all the local kids so we could nurse them back to health.


Glad those days are over.

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QUOTE (Louise @ Apr 26 2004, 17:54)
shitloads of tropical fish.....(gone to the goldfish bowl in the sky (toilet)due to powercut sad.gif )

Didnt know you could get tropical fish that needed to be plugged in. blink.gifuhm.gif

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shut it lol.giflol.gif


forgot about the love birds and parrakeets i used to have wub.gif

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i only ever had one - a goldfish called sunshine and one of my brothers (never found out which one) flushed it whilst it was still alive sad.gif

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  • CTW Members
QUOTE (squeakage @ Apr 26 2004, 18:22)
i only ever had one - a goldfish called sunshine and one of my brothers (never found out which one) flushed it whilst it was still alive sad.gif


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Lets see....


Loads of fishies

3 Cockatiels

6 Parakeets

Loads of Finches(used to raise em)

6 Rabbits

Loads of Hamsters (used to raise em)

7 Dogs (3 of which we still have and one is my baby in my avatar wub.gif )

5 Cats

1 Albino Water Frog (which was eaten by the catfish mad.gif )


Think thats about it unless you include the 2 Turtles still in my sisters room...

Sweet and Innocent you decide....


Some people are such jerks....


Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me.. so throw me down tie me up and show me show much you like me....

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3 Dogs: Zackie, Chester & Sophie

2 cats: Pete & Batman

1 Hamster: Milo


That's it, Batman, Milo, Chester & Sophie are alive, Pete & Zackie are dead (RIP)

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QUOTE (sweet26 @ Apr 26 2004, 18:37)
7 Dogs (3 of which we still have and one is my baby in my avatar wub.gif )

i thought that was an owl blushing.gif

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QUOTE (Louise @ Apr 26 2004, 19:01)
QUOTE (sweet26 @ Apr 26 2004, 18:37)
7 Dogs (3 of which we still have and one is my baby in my avatar  wub.gif )

i thought that was an owl blushing.gif

She looks like a owl?? It's my poodle..she needs a haircut and a trim but didn't think she looked like a owl.. lol.gif

Sweet and Innocent you decide....


Some people are such jerks....


Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me.. so throw me down tie me up and show me show much you like me....

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6 Bunnys - all in bunny heaven

1 Cat - asleep on the sofa


My first bunny smokey was the the best pet ive ever had. wub.gif Took me about a year to get over her when she died! sad.gif



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