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Walking over pelham bridge (a big fuckin bridge in lincoln) i hear my mobile ringing in my pocket, on it was the name of the person i was on my way to meet for a night of total chaos and messiness! Little did i know that this was the route our evening at digital would take, as when i answered there was a quiet timid voice speaking to me down the phone, askin where i was, (i was late) it was none other than your message board friendly Mr Scream.


Upon meetin him outside the HSBC i thought he might wanna meet me in the lights of the High St incase i kidnapped him, we met and with great haste made our way to Martha's bar for the pre-party!

After a swift stella or two, chatting to my new aquaintance, introducing him to Jellybabyuk (Emma my gf), friend Russ and listenin to some cheesy hard dance, we made our way to PoNaNa for a night in with the men from tidy!


Once in with no search and a £6 charge, we immediately made our way to the near empty dancefloor and tried to get into the groove with a little bit of the medic!

Towards the end of his set Sceam and i were just sampling some goods, and thought it would kick in just in time for Mr Guyver! They didnt kick in, but Guyver did in extraordinary fashion, dropping some fierce hard trancers to get us in the mood, an hour later we were still waiting apart from the odd little wobble but by then we'd eaten another and Guy decided to finish off with Man on the Moon, to which Scream started fondling his arms due to Goosebumps, and proceeding to 'Come up like a bastard' i think the phrase is!?


After that I danced some more while totally wasted, and Scream became a permanent fixture at the back of the dj booth!

For anyone that didnt know him you'd think he was Lee Haslams minder! lol

Haslam played a blinder and to finish it off, ingo was awesome and closing with a few cd-r tracks made that day! So Hopefully they will be played a lot more or even released! Final track was a right headbanger!


One downer was ingo finished too late to keep the people from having their customary one more chant having to be turned down!

We left, happy people, from probably the smallest hard house club ever, but an awesome one at that!


Festivities did not stop, Scream then joined us for another head mashing at Emmas as we carried it on til sat lunchtime-ish, before dying in a heap!!!


Next Month promises to be as good with the Angelic Anne Savage takin to the tables bein joined by fave resident Ingo, and regulas Mark Leish and Jaymo 18th April!


Could be a good-friday warm-up for the easter Bank holiday weekend!!!

How about joining Scream, Jellybabyuk and myself, on the Digital\ssHQ\As\ssNorth bank holiday bonanza weekend!!!!!!


CTW Sexiest Male Member

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what a superb review there mate. I did i had to hold lee and matts hands through the set. WTF was i doin in the booth in the first place??? scratchchin.gifshrug.gif

  • CTW Moderators

Being messy! lol

CTW Sexiest Male Member

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When i first heard about this new hard house night that was gonna be held in lincoln ( first one was in october i think) i was like "about fookin time!!" so i wrote to the management saying how good it was and it was about time someone put a night like this on (to try and secure future nights incase they were having second thoughts) as the first few didnt seem to get many people in. I think ive been to everyone of them except one since then and always manage to have a spiffing good time! If u live near here its well worth a try! Anne savage at the end of this month and lisa lashes the end of April (which you have to book tickets for). I'll be the one doing cartwheels across the floor. bouncy.gif

  • ClubTheWorld changed the title to [ Guyver, Lee Haslam, Ingo ] Digital @po na na - (21st March 2003)

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