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PLEASE read and tell me what you make of this becaus eI for one am so confused

and a bit shit up as I have no idea why I dreamt / slept the way I did last night.


It's a bit long winded but it is something that has baffled me sinse I got up this

morning :s It's all f*cking strange to me.


I went to bed at 1am thi smorning feeling well tired and was looking forward to

a good nights sleep. The last 2 nights (not including last night), I have been waking

up in the middle of the night for no apparant reason, to which I never do this.

I ALWAYS sleep right through the night.


I ALWAYS dream when I sleep and they are always plesant dreams. When I say pleasant,

I mean they are not fucked up and confusing dreams that leave me baffled the following

morning. I seemed to be awake mostly all through the night lastnight and was

having various 'episodes' of what seemed like a 'series' of wierd, f*cked up dreams

to whih I can't put my finger on why I was having them.


When I hit the sack last night, I slept right through untill 3.05am this morning.

I woke up because I was dreaming that I was laying in bed, communicating with

my mother through this laptop I had, in the dark, then all of a sudden, I could HEAR

someone outside my bedroom window banging, what sounded like steel crates togeher.

Now in my dream, I could actually hear it. Then I remember waking up, lifting my head up

off the bed to look out my windown to see who was making that noice several time at that

time of the morning. Then I suddenly realised, I was dreaming it. But the mad thing was,

I could HEAR this banging.


I closed my eyes to go back to sleep (although I DIDN'T go back to sleep, I was very

lightly 'dozing') and I could hear something else. I leave my PC on over night,

and I can hear the fan in operation on my PC. I could suddenly hear the fan on my PC

BARKING, then going back to the noice it normally makes, then it barking AGAIN.

So I opened my eyes and though hmmnn .. strange :s


I closed my eyes again, and I could 'see' myself standing up on my bed, in the dark,

looking out my bedroom window and watching a trail of motorbikes going past my

back garden, again, I thought, wtf, at this time of night ? Untill I opened my eyes

and found myself laying in the sam position as I put myself when I went to bed to go to

sleep. I genuinly thought I was up looking out my window.


Then I close me eyes again to go to sleep, only to 'see' myself playing POKER

on my own, in my bed, in the dark, and I remember the King and the Jack on the playing cards

bouncing up and down calling me a loser repeatedly :s and at the time all these

little 'episodes' seemed very real to me and also very disturbing, and it kind

of made me afraid to go back to sleep because I didn't know what I was going to 'see' next :s


Anyway, as you do, I closed my eyes again, and this time I was running up a street

with Lisa, Shaney and Bushy. All of us runnign up this street shouting out 'what is Lucid dreaming !'



After waking back up and then going back to sleep, I could hear James, out on my landing just

outside my bedroom door shouting out "who the fuck turned the light out", and I remember

seeing him coming into my room, and I even HEARD my bedroom door open, which startled me into

waking up and turning over to see if my door actally opened :s


Then after that one, I remember being called up in my sleep by a friend of mine who lives up

the road (alot older than me and has children) from me, about 5am to go up and babysit her

children while she popped out for an hour or so, while they were asleep. I remember

being there, and being the time is was when she 'called' me, I jumped into one

of her spare beds to sleep untill the moening when she got home and I could go home.

I remember being woken up by one of her children to say they were going to school,

and I remember me thinking to myself that I didn't know how I got there, why I was

there, couldn't remember leaving my house to get dressed, put my clothes on etc and it seemed

REAL - and when I woke up to that one, I was sweating.gif so much because it all seemed

so strange, as though something was taking me through a tunnel of wierd experiences

and I didn't like it. Following that I remember laying in bed before I tried to go

back to sleep and I remember having this EXCRUTIONATING (sp) pain in my stomach, the kind

of pain I get before I faint (in past experiences) which was really wierd.


I stayed awake for a bit and was a bit baffled at these 'events' going on in my sleep

by this time I raly was petrified of going back to sleep because I kept thinking

if I go back to sleep 'something' is going to keep me in this 'journey' of unpleasantness.

But I just had to go back to sleep to see 'what happens next'.


The most bizzare thing happend. As I closed my eyes again, I went straight back into this

'episode' and the first thing that grabbed my 'senses', was the smell of k*tamine. :s

then I could 'see' myself sitting in my bed, holding a ladle with a saucpan next to me full

of mashed potatoe and 2 plates of chips at the end of my bed !! :s :s :s

I remember reaching out to them to feel the 'chips' to see if they were watm, and

I remember telling myself, by doing that, maybe this will tell me if I am dreaming

or not. They were very warm. Just cooked I do believe ! (lol) But then I remember 'seeing'

myself sit up in my bed and syaing to myself "what the f*ck is wrong with my head".

To which, I then woke up, didn't go back to sleep and laid in bed constantly thinking for about 2 hours

what the f*ck just went on in my head whilst I was trying to get some sleep tonight ? :s


I never EVER dream like that. Never have done. It might seem all funny to you,

to which, some parts do to me aswell, but it's got me thinking. Too much in fact.

I have no idea where all that shit in my head came from, and it isn't me to dream like that.


And to be honest, it has frightened me in some way or another :s




  • CTW Promotors

that sounds like lucid dreaming hon, I put a post up about it a few months back grin.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

You know, I have no idea what Lucid dreaming really is though.


I have never questioned it. Thought about it, but never really asked what it means.


But I did, in my 'dream'.



  • CTW Members

Dreams are just a collection of the days events, thoughts, ect... being organised, coupled with anything that is currently on your mind, over stretching yourself, lack of sleep, booze, drugs, etc... can lead to some pretty funky dreams.

  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Maria @ Apr 28 2004, 09:25)
I went straight back into this 'episode' and the first thing that grabbed my 'senses', was the smell of k*tamine

Says it all really grin.gif

the 1st 2 experences were nothing out of the ordinary if your shattered. i've had experences where i hear things that arnt there when i'm sleep deprived.


as the what happened after, if your scared and shattered your natrally going to have unpleasant dreams.


how real was these dreams btw? i've never had a dream that didnt seem 'real' at the time. people only seem to remember how 'real' they felt if they are bad dreams that play in your mind for hours after you wake up

  • CTW Members

I had a very weird dream last night where i came home from work and found that my flatmate had shot himself in the head... it was very messy, and then it went to one of my reletives (cantg remember who) who did exactly the same thing! uhm.gifeek.gifuhm.gif

  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Aaron @ Apr 30 2004, 14:55)
I had a very weird dream last night where i came home from work and found that my flatmate had shot himself in the head... it was very messy, and then it went to one of my reletives (cantg remember who) who did exactly the same thing! uhm.gifeek.gifuhm.gif

too spooky, I had a dream the other night, that my bf work firend shot himself in the head, and so did someone else, but not sure who that was unsure.gif

  • CTW DJs

you sure the house ain't haunted as well? yikes.gif




looks like you've had a right bad night of it. you eating and drinking properly?






to be honest, i don't know what kinda dreams you're having, unless i done a tarot reading with you and james being present. sorry.gif




here, have a huggles.gif off me. love.gif

always there for the beer, but not wanting to pay!!

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