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no matter how much sleep i have i always seem to be sleepy!


even if i have a early night or a weekend in im still always sleepy!


i dont eat a balanced diet but try my best!


ive started drinkin as much water as i can as i dont drink enough to see if that helps but nothin is!


any1 know of any ways i can get more awake and active?


dont wanna go to the docs and waste thier time!




  • CTW Members

Sometimes feeling sleepy all the time is blamed on depression. Might be worth bothering the Doctor, as they may be able to let you know some reasons for feeling tired and help you out.

  • CTW Promotors

you need to eat a healthy, balanced diet & at regular times, also getting into a good sleep pattern helps, probably the weekend attics catching up hon grin.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

I used to feel like this all the time too...it was about 2 years ago when I was out practically every weekend all weekend (and had been carrying on like that for about 2 and a half years) and it felt like I was having to drag myself around the place all the time and was never really awake...I have never felt so lethargic as I did then. I tried not going out for a couple of weekends but that wasn't enough...it was only after i'd stayed away from clubbing (and the 'things' associated with it) for a good few months that I started to feel like my old self again.


Not sure whether these are the same reasons that you're feeling run down of course mate but I just thought i'd mention it smile.gif

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i used to be like that and i narrowed it down to 3 reasons.



1, Getting Wrecked far too often

2, Shit Job

3, Smoking



1 - is self explanatry, i was doing it weekly... (bad bad boy!)


2 -Boring Job, not doing anything always made me wanna kip, as soon as it was home time though i miraculously woke up!


3 - I decided to give up smoking in november last year, and totally unexpectedly i found myself having much more energy, and actually getting up on time, and sometimes even before my alarm went off, which everyone at work thought was a bloody miracles, as I was renowned for sleeping in late and arriving at work 30 - 45 minutes late!

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ive had 2 weekends off now and still feel the same always sleepy and no energy!


i cant get regular sleepin hours due to the hours i work!


its no as tho ive been really cainin it on wkends out only have a litle bit of this and that not loads like i used to!



  • CTW Promotors

sounds like you need a tonic my sweet, go see your doc flowers.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

A sign of getting old.

most likely cos you don't have regular sleep patterns.

  • CTW Members
QUOTE (tidytart @ Apr 28 2004, 14:22)
ive had 2 weekends off now and still feel the same always sleepy and no energy!

i cant get regular sleepin hours due to the hours i work!

its no as tho ive been really cainin it on wkends out only have a litle bit of this and that not loads like i used to!

2 weeks is not a break steph .....try a month-6 weeks (if not longer) like i did......it really worked (and i realised that doing the same thing every week wasnt as much fun as it seemed at the time, which meant i enjoy it more now)


try doing a diet DE-Tox for a few days, thoroughly clean out your body, do exersise, even stuff like meditation, yoga, or pilates.


iv always worked lousy hours like you but i still find me time, dont use things pro-plus because they will only make you more tired the next day or cause insomnia if used over long periods of time

  • CTW Members

I eat a pretty shite diet but usually feel reasonably healthy these days – esp since I got another dog – I actually find I have more energy n feel more awake in work for getting up an hour earlier every day n takin him walkies b4 work! Try walking or running (or roller blading lol!), also I take shit loads of vitamins tablets so im sure that helps! smile.gif

QUOTE (Louise @ Apr 28 2004, 15:09)
but i still find me time



  • CTW Members
  • CTW Members

some big chemist,i thinks its boots are doing free diabetes checks at the mo,i know its a long shot the cause could be this,but as there are hundreds of thousands of people with diabetes who dont realise it and one of the symptoms being feeling tired all the time it couldnt do you any harm to rule it out.

  • CTW Members

Could be Seasonal Affect Disorder or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (Chronic fatigue syndrome) but im not a Dr so i think you should go see one, thats what the're there for wub.gifflowers.gif

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