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  • CTW Promotors

ClubTheWorld HQ: "Houston, we have a problem, we seem to have lost all contact with TW3 Att, no contact has been made on ClubTheWorld now for over 2 days"


Houston Control: "Yep, this is Houston, we have lost full contact - repeat - FULL contact with TW3 Att has been lost, we are working on the whereabouts of these people at the moment, we will brief you shortly with updates."


ClubTheWorld HQ: "Correction Houston, we need no updates or contact, we do not give a [censored] where they are or their whereabouts, please refrain from using any un-neccessary resources locating these people. Cease all active contact, repeat, cease all active contact, we do not give a [censored], repeat, we do not give a [censored]."

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW Members

Telford (CTW) Substation: "HQ, we are reporting anomalous readings coming from Prestatyn, and the appear to be localised in the area of Pontins. We cannot confirm this as yet, but it is believed that the entirity of the Pontins site has disappeared into a K-hole. This is an unknown phenomenon, but it is believed that if high quantities of horse medication and caners are gathered in a single location, a critical mass, the so called "K-point" is reached. At this point a K-hole is formed, and rather like the black-hole with which we are familiar, it sucks in all around it, but whereas black-holes suck in everything, including light, a K-hole merely sucks in caners and white powder. We have currently lost contact with our "embedded" reporter, LittleMissLoud, but should contact be re-established, we will bring you an immediate update"

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  • CTW Promotors

Houston Control: Mr Moo contact lost, we have no reported information. Agent Moo from DS Squadron Corps FM.t Col.23 appears to have been lost in action. Troop down, repeat, troop is down, we have lost all system contact.


ClubTheWorld HQ: It appears our closest allie, Mr Moo has been lost in action, no reports of any K experiences but believe he may have been dragged into this war, no further information has been recieved, we are sending in emergency contacts to re-establish links.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW Members

Telford (CTW) Substation: "HQ, please confirm fate of mission to extract LittleMissLoud from the site yesterday, 06/04/2003. Repeat, please confirm fate of mission, has our agent been extracted safely? No contact has been established with agent or extraction team since mission launch"

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