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should it become rountine in hospitals/GUM clinics?


could it cut down the spread of the disease if we all knew our HIV status and had routine checks?


your thoughts please





  • CTW Promotors

think you could be on to something Lou, would certainly help I guess, but how costly would it be, you know what the goverment are like!!

Techno, Techno, Techno

QUOTE (Louise @ Apr 30 2004, 10:01)
should it become rountine in hospitals/GUM clinics?

could it cut down the spread of the disease if we all knew our HIV status and had routine checks?

your thoughts please


I firmly agree, that yes, it should become rountine in hospitals/GUM clinics.


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If only people used protection when they're shagging some stranger. Or dishonest shit's stopped shagging about and infecting their partners. People stopped sharing needles... etc...


This would definately reduce the number of HIV cases.

I think compulsory testing for immigrants is a good idea.

  • CTW Promotors
QUOTE (Alex @ Apr 30 2004, 10:19)
If only people used protection when they're shagging some stranger. Or dishonest shit's stopped shagging about and infecting their partners. People stopped sharing needles... etc...

This would definately reduce the number of HIV cases.


Techno, Techno, Techno

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QUOTE (Lisa @ Apr 30 2004, 10:26)
QUOTE (Alex @ Apr 30 2004, 10:19)
If only people used protection when they're shagging some stranger.  Or dishonest shit's stopped shagging about and infecting their partners.  People stopped sharing needles... etc...

This would definately reduce the number of HIV cases.


blood transfusions (years ago here) but common in 3rd world countries (so i can see where kethers point comes from)


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QUOTE (Lisa @ Apr 30 2004, 10:26)
QUOTE (Alex @ Apr 30 2004, 10:19)
If only people used protection when they're shagging some stranger.  Or dishonest shit's stopped shagging about and infecting their partners.  People stopped sharing needles... etc...

This would definately reduce the number of HIV cases.


Read it again. rolleyes.gif


I was suggesting a simple way of reducing the numbers of infections, through people taking charge of their lives.


Infections by other means are pretty much out of the hands of those infected.

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another way is


Health workers can be at risk too because they often work with sharp instruments like needles and scalples and may be treating people who are injured and where there is a lot of blood around. Normally the skin acts as an effective barrier to HIV infection as long as there are no breaks in the surface. It is possible though that you could be infected by HIV if you had a cut, ulcer or another sort of break in your skin and this came into contact with infected fluids like blood or urine that carried the virus.




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i definately think it should become routine yes.gif

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its so easy to go and get yourself tested but for a lot of people they dont want to know or dont even want to even think about something as big as HIV.


iv been tested 3 times


once at a routine well woman clinic last september

once while i was pregnant

and once when i found out my X-fella was playing away and caught summat thumbsdown.gif


its offered to anyone & everyone when you attend a G.U.M clinic or antenatal its just a shame they dont do it compulsary

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QUOTE (twistlad @ Apr 30 2004, 11:41)
I go for a check up once per year to ease my mind smile.gif

thats what has made me post this........iv just had my yearly reminder through thumbsdown.gif


embarrassing but worth it blushing.gif

  • CTW Promotors

I think everyone should get them & especially on entering a new relationship, you both pop along get a full check wink.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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Who would you want it to be compulsary for ... couples who've been married for 30 odd years faithfully!!! People who've never had sex!!!!


HIV has dropped drastically in this country, purely with awarness raising, someone can go have a test and go stratight out sleeping around, testing wouldn't combat the problem at all.


Anyone can walk into the GUM clinic and have one at anytime.


The insurance companies would love your idea.


I'd be more worried about clamidia than HIV ... you can buy over the counter kits for this now though, (clamidia testing)




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