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any one who knows me will recognise that saying instantly (oh ello)


hi im jon


i popped in to speak to a friend i met on the gmmdi website

im from liverpool and do most of my clubbing at garlands any one who used the gmmdi web site should recognise the username as well.


as far as clubbing is concerned i dont get out of liverpool much but im sure i will in the future, ive heard a lot of good things about spedqueen but im not sure if its open lately


if you know of any clubs i mite want to visit in the future let me know im into funky house music and retro and every know and again i will dance to hard house


so hello again


from jonjon

i want to die in my sleep like my grandad


not screaming like the passengers in his car

  • CTW Members


speedqueen is still open aty a new place called stinky's peeephouse and where it use ot be at warehouse glashsosue have taken over to do differnt nite like vague and glasshsoeu @ warehouse and the funky stuff is good.

Ment to be getting ot garlands sooooo.


Hope you liek it on the board and welcome

  • CTW Members

Hello welcome to the site wavey.gif


Not quite made it as far North as Liverpool to go clubbing yet but hoping to one day. Wats good up there?


Hope u enjoy the site bigsmile.gif


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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hi pepsi/angelyodie


to be honest since cream shut liverpool really only has garlands but it is a top club


if its funky flamboyance your after (trannies dancers theme nights) garlands on a sat nite is the place dave and huey are the residents palying funky toons all nite


friday is more hard house and retro (funky in the boudoire)


sunday night is total how do put it err scouse house!!!! an aquired taste


but if you ever want to get up here its worth the trip


get on to www.garlandsmademedoit.co.uk and meet the regulars

on the message board im under the same name


nice meeting you and im already loving this site





i want to die in my sleep like my grandad


not screaming like the passengers in his car

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cheers capn


its nice to be here its like ive found a new toy


im still learning the ropes though

i want to die in my sleep like my grandad


not screaming like the passengers in his car

  • CTW Members

Hiyah dude, cuddle.gif yello and welcome 2 this wicked place. Sit back, relax and enjoy.

Laters dude

Geesus out spliff.gif

REMEMBER :- Geesus Loves U *mwah* xxx

And every1 else thinks ur mashed.

(heehee slight variation on the original sayin)


Dont stop a droppin!


Once u pop u cant stop!


I think Iam what clubbin peeps would call a cuddle-slut. Teehee

Laters peeps

Geesus out spliff.gif

  • CTW Promotors

Hiya Jon - welcome to CTW


Theres a few Garlands regulars already signed up on here

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Members

hi jon and welcome to CTW thumbs.gif

Dance hard, work less, play tomorrow and sleep the next day

  • CTW Admin

Hi jon mate - i used to go Garlands all the time for the first part of last year, until it burnt down frown.gif Been to the new venue a couple of times though and aiming to get up there more frequently again soon. Were you the jon I met at the first garlands party in ibiza last year too ? I'm useless with names but i've deffo met ya a few times i think - or seen you about.


btw - me housemate paul/pander runs the gmmdi site (its hosted on the same server as ctw)

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Hey Jonjon, glad u came on here! I hopefully will be seeing more of ya on this website! Again have a great birthday grin.gif Ill speak to ya soon!


X wavey.gif





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