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Ive just heard that they are hosting a reality show in America & the contestants are battling it out to win, wait for it...................................














a 16 years old baby!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How wrong is this or am I alone?? thumbsdown.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

yeah i read that to, it's fucked up.


one guy competing to win the baby said he thought it was quite sick too, but he and his wife are so desperate for a kid, they'll do anything


i think that's really fucked up, making entertainment out of people's desperation

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This is taking it too far IMO, it is sooooooooooooo wrong. Can you imagine in a few years, that poor child hearing it was won, on a sodding tv show nono.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

Anyone who watches the show should be ashamed of themselves

  • CTW DJs

Anyone who agrees to be a contestant should be shot..........


Well actually they're American, im not suprised at all.


Lets just bomb America

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QUOTE (Lisa @ Apr 30 2004, 18:05)

a 16 years old baby!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How wrong is this or am I alone?? thumbsdown.gif

do you mean 16 weeks....at 16 years i suspect he may realise theyre not his real parents...

its not right though,reality tv has gone to far with this one.it should be stopped

  • CTW Members
QUOTE (tronicz @ Apr 30 2004, 18:16)
QUOTE (Lisa @ Apr 30 2004, 18:05)

a 16 years old baby!!  WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  How wrong is this or am I alone?? thumbsdown.gif

do you mean 16 weeks....at 16 years i suspect he may realise theyre not his real parents...

its not right though,reality tv has gone to far with this one.it should be stopped

a 16 year old girl's baby

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cheers Nic wink.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

i don't think this is surprising as it sounds - it will definitely pull in viewers won't it unsure.gif


I'm sure all this reality TV started with the Truman Show - coule be wrong.


Isn't it more worrying, the fact that some producers came up with this idea, and it was probably thought through, discussed, and the 10s/100s of high-ranking TV official's signatures and approval, that was probably needed to actually get this show on the air. blink.gif

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if i was that child - and when i grew up i found out that i was 'won' shit i dunno what i would do!! their oviously not thinking of that child at all - their just money grabbing arseholes.


that child should be put up for adoption - not won as a fookin prize! mad.gifmad.gif

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Entertainment News 
Win This Baby 

A giant-sized controversy is brewing over a baby adoption special on "20/20" - and sending ABC execs into a tailspin. Millions of viewers across the country watched in surprise over the weekend as the network aired a sensational promo for Friday's segment, which pits five desperate couples against each other for the privilege of adopting a 16-year-old's baby.

A very personal, intimate process was made to look like a reality-show contest, with prospective parents dubbed "winners" and "losers."

Yesterday, complaints flooded into radio stations, Web sites and even the FCC - many of them noting that host Barbara Walters is not only a respected journalist, but also an adoptive mother.

"I've already sent my outrage to [the producer of "20/20"] making a reality show out of something so personal," wrote one user on the Web site eeadopt.com.

"While I haven't seen the show, it definitely sounds like the marketing department at ABC was attempting to add a reality TV spin, which is definitely an all-time low - especially when children are at stake," says radio journalist Jane Braverman, who's adopting a child.

"My friend's teenage son, who was passing through the living room when the promotion was airing, even found it offensive. He said, 'How could a child be a prize in a reality show?'"

The program, titled "Be My Baby," set to air Friday during May sweeps, follows five couples through open adoption, which means the adoptive parents and birth mother are in contact, identities are disclosed and there is the potential for contact in the future.

The birth mother, 16-year-old Jessica, is shown in interviews with the prospective parents and in childbirth.

Jennifer Marando, co-director of A Child's Waiting adoption agency in Akron, Ohio, which participated in the show, says she and her sister and co-director, Crissy Kolarik, were completely disheartened by the teasers.

"We didn't go into this to outrage anyone," she says.

"We chose to participate in order to educate people on open adoption. But it's not an educational piece at this point - it's an entertainment piece made into a reality-show theme."

Marando confirms A Child's Waiting has received a number of complaints from distressed viewers.

For its part, ABC said it intended "Be My Baby" to be a realistic look at open adoption in America.

Amid the fury, ABC has since yanked the promo and replaced it with a toned-down version that presents the program less as a reality show and more as a documentary.

Jeffrey Schneider, head of ABC publicity, blamed the controversy on the misleading promotional spots.

"Clearly, the first promo that ran was leaving people with the wrong impression of what this hour is all about," said Schneider.

"It is a thoughtful report on the process of open adoption that we think will be of interest to the American people. We simply wanted to make sure that people understood what we would be broadcasting."

Marando hopes the positive aspects of her agency's work don't get lost amid the uproar.

"The producers shot a follow-up at the baptism," she said, "then again six months later to show that open adoption can be successful."

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i agree this seems manipulative but, as usual, a lot of people seem to have the wrong end of the stick. this is not some game show where a baby is the prize:


here's the website: http://abcnews.go.com/sections/2020/Living...n_040430-1.html



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well after reading that article Alasdiar, it's not looking as bad however, the media & tv etc appear to be making look far worse than it as usual rolleyes.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW DJs

Yeah, i wa telling my ma & pa about that before, i think its sick!

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