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  • CTW Members

and I quote from your .sig:


"on the sixth day... god created base... "


did he really? shocked.gif


drugs are for mugs, whether you're the Almighty or not.

  • CTW Members

"I ended up doing pills 3 nights in a row"


Im sure thats what u said 2 me @ the train station.... rolleyes1.gif

  • CTW Members

its the base as in the other kind


u know the banging beat that acompanies all good hardcore tunes so u can bouncy.gifbouncy.gifbouncy.gif to it!


its the start 2 a [censored] wkd scott brown tape - its [censored] amazing as all the parts come in as they r said and eventually make up the tune it starts with - WAHEY!

  • CTW Members

raverbaby 69! - ive been so busy working i havent been on here much! been meaning to pm you but keep on forgetting!!


do you still wanna come down for my birthday do?!




  • CTW Members

My lips are sealed! laugh.gif

  • CTW Members

hey sophie!!!! wavey.gif


id love 2 come down depending upon wen it is???? so long as ive got the £££ ill def come!

  • CTW Members

hi hun! its friday the 25th april !


will be going out on the thursday aswell but that will be to a cheezy night! lol!!! with my uni mates!




  • CTW Members

well i dont get paid til the 28th april, an im completely skint at the moment so it will all depend on whether my parents will lend me some £££ - watch this space!

  • CTW Members

decided the world had had enuff of lookin at my beautiful arse, then asked moo 2 choose between 3 different avators (inc. my arse) and he chose this one!

  • CTW Members

The fool. Your arse could reduce grown men to tears at the thought... luvu.gif

Walks quietly but carries a big Fin.


  • CTW Promotors
decided the world had had enuff of lookin at my beautiful arse, then asked moo 2 choose between 3 different avators (inc. my arse) and he chose this one!


So whats Captain Vain to do with you then ? You shagged him then or what ??

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW Members

no creamy its just u who's shagged moo!


and 4 ne1 who wants 2 look the attachment is my arse! lol, but a better picture of it than the one in my avator! bumshake.gif

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