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YKTS about Glazby. :thumbs:

my mate got a call from him recently and she almost broke down over the phone and could hardly speak when she realised it wasn't a prank.

"hiya.. yeah.. it's paul. yeah, it's paul"..


you going Wildchild then? av it.

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Im going to wildchild for deffo.

Everytime i see that pic of Glazby on the stage that u just put up i get goose bumps! I swear i am guna be the female version of him. He inspires me so [censored] much its UNFUCKINGBELEIVABLE!!

He is the man and he is on FIRE!!

I have to meet him in person. My dream in relation to DJz would be to just have a conversation with him about mixing and stuff and have a top photo with him!


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too right, un-[censored]-believable.

he is a machine. he shows hardly any emotion - and in fact he looks weird when he smiles - but pulls out a wicked set and the crowd goes mental.

i really need to get stuff sorted for wildchild, because having only just seen that lineup today, i know that if i don't end up going i'll regret it for weeks afterwards.

my mate will probably end up trying to meet him (and going weak at the knees) if she manages to come down to wildchild as well, as she speaks to him sometimes over e-mail - we met him at the vicious night in sheffield a few weeks back, which was also [censored] quality.

  • CTW Moderators

Oh yeh, Viscous Circle I REALLY need to go and attend. VC my favourite record label by FAAAAAAAAAAR! I hear its absolutly wikid and as itshard as [censored] Glazby style I just know i will love it!

I think CTW need to plan to go to one. Would be wikid.

I met Glazby at SSHQ in Feb. Had a piccie taken with him just as he left! I was lucky coz all the bouncers were just telling us all to leave. TUFF [censored]!

I hope to be warming up for him in the future!

But I can only dream of that for now !

Yeh Wildchild should be a fooking blinder. Hard as nails.

And im fooking ready for it !!!!

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i posted about the last VC night and a couple of people threatened to come along, but in the end nobody really bothered, can't see why though. the venue was amazing, really dirty and it totally suited the music style, not that many cybers, just a dark room with minimal lighting and stuff, it was proper good.


(that was taken in the main room)

the next night is in September i think; you should go! i'm definitely making the trip down because it's well worth it.

i deffo want to see DJSG up there warming the crowd up before a glazby set at some point in the future. even if i would try and put you off by chucking stuff at you.

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Will have to keep my eyes open for the next one. i know James would love to attend a VC event. He loves Glazby too!! The more that attend the better. FEEL THE VC VIBE. Oh yes.


U never know, maybe one day i will be warming up for him! haha i fuckin wish.


And if u throw stuff at me u certainly wont have my autograph. Il just get u thrown out of the club haha erm..this is stupid talk! Im a bedroom DJ for [censored] sake!



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who cares, one can but dream.

this time next year carl cox will be warming up for me. ME, YOU HEAR.

i'll still chuck stuff at you when you leave. mwa

if i hear owt about the next Vicious night i'll post post post.

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yeah avin a bit of a mix just now in between CTW'ing. haven't been on me decks in aaaaaaaages and just got back on 'em again about an hour ago.... wheeyyyyyy....


wanting to get some practice in again so i can do a CD.


play shitloads of stuff at home, but would like to go down a bit of a chunky phat techno/hard-house crossover style. that's when i get some more dosh, that is. grumpy.gif

  • CTW Moderators

ah u dont wana do that! U wana be a hardhouse fanatic! wink.gif


I aint been on mine PROPERLY in a while. What with tidy weekender and working, cant have them up that loud in the mornings or at night thanks to the bleedin neighbours complaining! haha Had a bash when i got home from work tonight as i bought 3 records yesterday so i gave them a whirl. but not for long - just wasntin the mood. Well tired. I do make myself stay on them for at least an hour even if i aint in the mood - but u get nowhere coz u HAVE to be in the mood to progress and enjoy it. Every hobby is an effort tho I guess !

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that's rank about the neebors - i think a new group of folk have just moved into the flat upstairs and they have *rank* music taste, i keep hearing avril lavigne all the [censored] time!! banghead.gif


i am sooooooooo sorely tempted to just go for it full-on hoover style, lol, but i think there's too much competition! tell you who i think is also amazing... andy farley. wicked tune selection, proper tough, but chunky as well... think he sums up what i'd like to aim for! he even includes some more techy tracks in his sets, and his Hardbox CD is dope as. can't wait to see the both of them at wildchild. smash.gifsmash.gif


i used to play the pee-ann-o and used to be in a choir angel.gif so i've got a decent musical background so picking up song structure and beatmatching, etc, was proper easy. i dj every friday night in the student union, mostly house music (mainstream dance stuff) to a building of roughly 1,100 people!! it would be nice to be able to play the stuff i like somewhere else though....


that's why i was so pissed off at my really bad set in rm444 at the weekender... omg i was [censored] terrible. all i can remember is just an unimpressed groovster looking at me [censored] up mix after mix... lol... it was the decks i tells you!!!

  • CTW Moderators
that's rank about the neebors - i think a new group of folk have just moved into the flat upstairs and they have *rank* music taste, i keep hearing avril lavigne all the [censored] time!! banghead.gif


That's [censored] all mate. I had a letter thru the door..Why thru the door? Coz i couldnt hear them knocking LOL! I cannot listen to or play music unless it is loud. I just get the most amazing BUZZ from turning the volume up as high as poss! I guess they are getting old. Bless em'.


i am sooooooooo sorely tempted to just go for it full-on hoover style, lol, but i think there's too much competition!


I agree with that. I duno what it is but having some hoovers in these hard house tunes really make the tune FULLY GO OFF! every one loves the hoovers...it's what makes the tune top notch! And propa Glazby style spliff.gif



tell you who i think is also amazing... andy farley.

Same here. If there are 2 DJz I really respect it would be Glazby and Farley. Used to love Karim alot but i duno - I think he is too hard and too dirty. I do liek it hard and dirty but i think I have let Karim slip thru my fingers. He aint a patch on Galzby! He dont do it for me. Never used to like farley either. BK and Fergie were my favourite DJz! It was was those 2 DJz that i loved as soon as i got into the hard house scene. BK was my fav..but have gone off him also altho he does give out sum qwality tuneage !





i was so pissed off at my really bad set in rm444 at the weekender... omg i was [censored] terrible. all i can remember is just an unimpressed groovster looking at me [censored] up mix after mix... lol... it was the decks i tells you!!!


It most certainly was the decks! I couldnt even beat match on them. I just found them "slippery" and couldnt get the hang of them for the life of me! It's a good job i was a tad bolloxed really because I most certainly wouldnt have had the bollox to just get on them!!


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hahahaha stick a dummy in the old folks' gobs, that'll shut 'em up. baby.gifbaby.gif maybe if you were to cut up an accapella of a Fred Astaire or Vera Lynn tune over the top of "Full Metal" they might like it? it's worth a shot at least.


BK and Nick Sentience also rock. except BK played Barthezz "On The Move" for some reason at the weekender? definite NO SCORE, i almost chucked my pint at him.


oh and there's an UPDATE on my new neighbours situation. foreign bird from upstairs just came down 10 mins ago and told me to turn the music down because apparently it's too loud and she hears it "all the time"? ermm... WTF is she on, i don't wake before midday at the earliest wink.gif i can't believe she had the cheek to say that when it's her [censored] music that pisses ME off late at night. [censored] hell war begins tomorrow, with Hardbox CD2 on full-blast thefinger.gif


i hate bloody foreign students, all they do is work and moan about stuff. i didn't ASK to live underneath Princess Butters.

  • CTW Moderators

There is nothing funnier than this..


I went to see James on the wekeend, during my train journey up I was sat about 3 seats behind this guy in a suit. Obviously some travelling bisness man going to Paddington.


Now when yr sitting on a train it is pretty noisey as you know, going over the tracks and the carriage shakes and the noise of the train WOOOOOSHING passed yrs. Well, I had my Mini Disc on, listening to a Mix by Tony P. The dude comes up to me, and more or less demands i turn it down. WTF?!?! I said, "mate u cannot hear this..not on this train" and he said he blatantly could...i told him he could have a listen if he wanted! But noo. He then sat down..and i turned it back up (i couldnt fukkin believe he could hear this on a noisey train). The he tell the woman who is coming up thru the isel to check tickets to tell me to turn down my personal walkman - to which i stood up really pissed off and said "This isnt [censored] school you know!".


I couldnt believe it. The cheeky bastard told me to turn down my music whislt i was sitting on a train for 3 hours! Cheeky bastard.


He later apologised.



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i would have just said NO totally and told him he could move elsewhere. i mean a walkman... how is a walkman even intrusive? the guy has no right, unless you were in the quiet coach. good job he apologised, i hope you gave him a smack in return.


when you gonna get a mix CD done??



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