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Scream said:

Mr_Moo said:

laugh.gif nice 1 liam!


Just thought, i got caught by my mate twice... i was so pissed i grinned @ him and carried on..... spliff.gif


you sure you weren't lookin in the mirror while havin a wank?



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Got caught by my ex's dad once, we were goin for hit doggy on his bed with him stood up on floor and we heard his dad comin to bed so we quietened down and ask his parents door was next to his we didnt do anythin when we heard movemenbt near the door, we just kept quiet then all of a sudden the door opened and in walked his dad!! I dived under the covers (well im saying under them - i probably still had my arse poking out of them haha) and tried to pretend to be asleep (while shaking violently cos i was laughing so much), he dived behind me and tried to cover himself up and spoke to his dad, it was obvious to his dad what he had walked in on so u think he would have made a sharp exit but oh no, he stayed and said what he had to say and then carried on the conversation for a good 10 mins after it!! icon_smile_blush.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Ah the good ole dad I've just seen something I shouldn't have, so to make it seem like I hadn't noticed I'll talk for a while until they are convinced I didn't see em going at it hammer and tong!

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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Scream said:

isn't it strange we've all been caught by our mums but never our dads!!!!


i lived with me dad not me mum and he walked in on me, wasnt good he went ape [censored], i didnt even no he was comin home that nite. icon_smile_blush.gif

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not sex but embarrassin enuf - my mum had gone out last sat mornin - so we sneaked a bath - was ages in there - she only came home while we was in there icon_smile_blush.gif - she hasnt stoppedhavin little digs since!! icon_smile_blush.gif

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Capn_Jack said:

Ah the good ole dad I've just seen something I shouldn't have, so to make it seem like I hadn't noticed I'll talk for a while until they are convinced I didn't see em going at it hammer and tong!


haha yeah or "iv just seen somethin i shouldnt so ill stand here and make them feel really awkward for as long as i can get away with, thatll teach em for havin sex in my house muwahahaha" evil_laugh.gif




Or am i just paranoid? confused.gifwink.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

  • CTW Members

me boyfriends mum almost walked in on us the other week but he managed to stop her opening the door all the way - it was obvious what we up to. When i was 16 i stayed over at my bf's house, which at the time i wasnt allowed to do - but his mum was away but she came back in the morning to bollock him about something, ragged back the covers and there was little old me - i've never felt so small in my life. There's been lots of near misses tho hehe

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when me and my missus made love we got a knock on the door from my dad said it was supper but apart from that, thats the closest from being caught, phew.

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