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wahey, i had a fukin great night. i went round the pubs wiht my dad at first until i met my friends and then i went to the local cheese club for a boogey. I saw a girl who had beeen lookin at me all night in the pubs i had been in so i went and danced with her. She even saw my hair and she wasnt put off. good girl! She then told me she was engaged but her bloke wasnt about then i ended up in the womans toilets. heheheh oh yes and she then gave me a rose which i found on the toilet floor. lol.

then i went to an afterparty with lots of moo a drin and after pretending to laugh at [censored] jokes i left and came home, then i fealt abit ill and sicked up red sick. i fealt nasty but i feal ok now. raaaa!!! i think!!!


i dont know what to do now cus im not tired cus of the moo a drin and no-one is online. hmm maybe a funky one man disco!!! yeah, sounds good to me!! yaaaaay!!! hAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!!


OH YEAH, I ALSO got told i looked like enrique iglesias lalala la cant spell it. what bollocks. i do not!!! im goin to play footbal tomororw, woo come on! see ya soon everyone!!! :o)


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I cant stop thinkin ABOUT THER MARIRED WOMAN!. At first she said she was engaged but her bloke wasnt about and after we left the toilets she said she was marrid and her bloke was in the cheese club. she was fit as [censored]. i offerd her my number incase she got horny and got bored of her husband but she was abit hesitant. oh well. iom now going to listen to sum funky house. oh yesssss funky house. see ya later CTWers!! grin.gif

  • CTW Members

groovster couldnt u find the mens toilets scratchchin.gif

sarcasm is the lowest form off wit. if wit was [censored] you would be constipated

  • CTW Members

HAHA Groovster ... (hug) .. bet you're fast asleep now !


Am going to have a random sunday I think !!


So .. what actually went on in the toilets ???? I wanna know !! And .. was it good ?

  • CTW Members

GROOVSTER u [censored] head!!!! that is the most random set of drivel iv ever read!!

  • CTW Members

CLASSIC tho isnt it ! ? I LOVE random drivel ..... ((hugs)) to Groovster !

  • CTW Members

yeah very funny!! love the way he made two replies to his own post b4 anyone else got the chance to even read it!! lol.gif

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iiicck ive not fealt too good today. I was sick when i woke up after i had a few hours kip this mornin and then whilst my mate was driving us to play football i fealt sick again. So i decided id best go home and not play football. I was then sick more and have been in bed all day since.


Think i had way too much ephadrine in a very short space of time, and on top of the drink it caused me to be very ill. was a good night tho. smile.gif


groovster couldnt u find the mens toilets


well it was the woman that chose where to go, she went into the toilets and then told me to follow. so i did! smile.gif


So .. what actually went on in the toilets ???? I wanna know !! And .. was it good ?


just abit of kissing and touching. lol and yeah twas rather good. hehe



  • CTW Members
Groovster said:

wahey, i had a fukin great night. i went round the pubs wiht my dad at first until i met my friends and then i went to the local cheese club for a boogey. I saw a girl who had beeen lookin at me all night in the pubs i had been in so i went and danced with her. She even saw my hair and she wasnt put off. good girl! She then told me she was engaged but her bloke wasnt about then i ended up in the womans toilets. heheheh oh yes and she then gave me a rose which i found on the toilet floor. lol.

then i went to an afterparty with lots of moo a drin and after pretending to laugh at [censored] jokes i left and came home, then i fealt abit ill and sicked up red sick. i fealt nasty but i feal ok now. raaaa!!! i think!!!


i dont know what to do now cus im not tired cus of the moo a drin and no-one is online. hmm maybe a funky one man disco!!! yeah, sounds good to me!! yaaaaay!!! hAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!!


OH YEAH, I ALSO got told i looked like enrique iglesias lalala la cant spell it. what bollocks. i do not!!! im goin to play footbal tomororw, woo come on! see ya soon everyone!!! :o)


lol groovster....reading that has brightened up my sunday nite laugh.giflaugh.gif u make me laugh smile.gif

When am i not horny 😉 😊
Msn Messanger:tina_g_ukc@hotmail.com
Yahoo Messanger/Email ickle_cat_1981@yahoo.com



  • CTW Members
Groovster said:

if you were wanderin, moo a drin is a special happy thing named after my good friend mr moo!. yaaaaay funky house is amazing



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