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  • CTW DJs

Did anyone see the documentary on Channel 4 just now? It's about time these anti-immigration campaigners were shown for the small-minded (and stupid) bigots they are.


For the benefit of those who didn't see the program:


An investigation into the government's immigration and asylum policy seen through the eyes of the residents of a quiet seaside community who are fighting plans to build an accommodation centre for asylum seekers in their town. Award-winning Dispatches filmmaker David Modell charts the campaign by the residents of Lee-on-the-Solent to keep their town asylum-free and reveals how the issue of immigration is affecting real people in Britain today. Are Lee's citizens nice, respectable folk who are resisting something that is clearly undesirable or are they selfish NIMBYs with no empathy for people who have experienced dreadful suffering in their lives?

(quoted from in4mer.com)


With reference to the numerous attempts by the [racist bastard] campaigners, confronting pro-asylum opponents, to attempt to justify their views: anybody who thinks that the smug observation "haven't you noticed that you are in the minority?" is some sort of persuasive argument, shouldn't have the right to vote.


And the ignorant tossers who erected (and refused to take down!) one of their banners in front of the house of a woman who was opposed to their anti-immigration views should be shipped to a far-off country and have their human rights violated with a red hot poker. These idiots make my blood boil!


As a side note, the last Dispatches documentary was an eye-opener as well (undercover in the Royal Mail), did anyone see that too?

  • CTW Members

I saw the Royal Mail one, well dodgy! No one seemed bothered about the post, I'm sticking to email to send stuff or fax, I don't trust Royal mail after seeing that!

QUOTE (LiquidEyes @ May 6 2004, 22:27)
Did anyone see the documentary on Channel 4 just now? It's about time these anti-immigration campaigners were shown for the small-minded (and stupid) bigots they are.

For the benefit of those who didn't see the program:

An investigation into the government's immigration and asylum policy seen through the eyes of the residents of a quiet seaside community who are fighting plans to build an accommodation centre for asylum seekers in their town. Award-winning Dispatches filmmaker David Modell charts the campaign by the residents of Lee-on-the-Solent to keep their town asylum-free and reveals how the issue of immigration is affecting real people in Britain today. Are Lee's citizens nice, respectable folk who are resisting something that is clearly undesirable or are they selfish NIMBYs with no empathy for people who have experienced dreadful suffering in their lives?

(quoted from in4mer.com)


With reference to the numerous attempts by the [racist bastard] campaigners, confronting pro-asylum opponents, to attempt to justify their views: anybody who thinks that the smug observation "haven't you noticed that you are in the minority?" is some sort of persuasive argument, shouldn't have the right to vote.


And the ignorant tossers who erected (and refused to take down!) one of their banners in front of the house of a woman who was opposed to their anti-immigration views should be shipped to a far-off country and have their human rights violated with a red hot poker. These idiots make my blood boil!


As a side note, the last Dispatches documentary was an eye-opener as well (undercover in the Royal Mail), did anyone see that too?

Asylum/Europe is the only issue that I think could bring down the current government especially with The Sun and Daily Mail so opposed to any dealings with Europe or anyone coming here and "sponging our benefits".


Why do they think that people would come here just to sponge?


Britain has a massive derth of skilled workers, something that immigration could help with. People that come here want to work, they want a better lives for themselves and they don't need xenophobic wankers telling them to fuck off.


On a side note, I saw this man shouting at an asian lady this evening. He was pissed and started saying "go back to your own country" before a man got out of his car and told him where to stick it.


I hate racists.

  • CTW Members

i seen little bits of it, there is some narrow minded views on things like some woman saying she was at risk of rape and murder my the men lol.gifrolleyes.gif


i do kinda sit on the fence with this subject, i think living in leicester, white are the minority and do have a lot less done for us community wise.....but thats a whole different subject smile.gif

  • CTW Members

What people don't realise is that as we have such an aging population in this country, due to improved healthcare etc, we NEED to have a new young workforce coming in from over seas otherewise our economy would be crippled.


The tabloids make me sick when they talk about this subject - the worst thing is hardly any of the journalists actually believe what they write, they just play on peoples fears in order to sell papers. And they fucking go and complain when the BNP starts getting votes.

  • CTW Members

i really meant to see that post one... knew it would be good.

  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Kether @ May 7 2004, 00:15)

Britain has a massive derth of skilled workers, something that immigration could help with. People that come here want to work, they want a better lives for themselves and they don't need xenophobic wankers telling them to fuck off.

Why not improve the education system to provide those skilled workers, instead of putting 50% of people into uni to do sociology degrees that are worth shit?

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Tresh @ May 7 2004, 17:34)
QUOTE (Kether @ May 7 2004, 00:15)

Britain has a massive derth of skilled workers, something that immigration could help with. People that come here want to work, they want a better lives for themselves and they don't need xenophobic wankers telling them to fuck off.

Why not improve the education system to provide those skilled workers, instead of putting 50% of people into uni to do sociology degrees that are worth shit?

thats a slight over-exaggeration. anyway, it's only your degree thats worth shit.



QUOTE (Tresh @ May 7 2004, 17:34)
QUOTE (Kether @ May 7 2004, 00:15)

Britain has a massive derth of skilled workers, something that immigration could help with. People that come here want to work, they want a better lives for themselves and they don't need xenophobic wankers telling them to fuck off.

Why not improve the education system to provide those skilled workers, instead of putting 50% of people into uni to do sociology degrees that are worth shit?

I've been saying exactly the same thing for years. That doesn't change the fact that, at the moment, we lack tradesman.

  • CTW Promotors

But why do we lack tradesman/skilled men?? unsure.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

But at least there are plenty of tradesmen's entrances...


The argument is not quite as cut and dry as made out- it's necessary to make a distinction between legal and illegal immigration. The former I have no problem with- letting skilled people in who can benefit the country is what makes countries thrive (a la immigration from Africa, India, the West Indies into the UK during the 50's).


However ILLEGAL, or even the sort of 'legal' immigration legitimised by this government (re: the recent discovery that the government was rubber stamping all visa applications from certain countries whether the applicants were illiterate, un-skilled or had criminal records) is a disaster and has become a problem in parts of the country- north London has had some major problems with gang warfare between Turks, Kurds and other nationalities most of whom (after police rounded up some of the protaganists) entered the country illegally, were paying no taxes and were basically trying to corner the drug wholesale market in that area of town.


Of course that isn't to say we don't already have just as bad problems with people born and brought up in the UK.


Reality is you can't have a free for all, but rational, legal immigration where people can demonstrate they are going to contribute something to UK society is to be encouraged...





QUOTE (Lisa @ May 7 2004, 17:39)
But why do we lack tradesman/skilled men?? unsure.gif

Because the impression is given that you're a failure unless you go to university.


People at universities study degrees rather than the vocational qualifications that you'd study if you were to do an HND, NVQ etc and expect a good professional job at the end of it.


The reality is, that because nobody is studying these trades, there's a massive skills shortage there so you can get plumbers charging £100 an hour for callouts whereas you have people with degrees who can't even get an entry level job doing poxy admin so they end up working in McDonalds.

I don't think they are NIMBY's (Not In My Back Yard). have a look what has been going on in Dover - running battles between Kurds and Turks etc.


Too many view Britain as the new America - streets are paved with gold.


(When in reality, we all know that the UK is America's lapdog, ready to be abandoned at a moments notice...)


I honestly think that we should tighten our boarders, and expel the ones that are taking the p*ss here already. That will allow more spaces for deserving people.


Yes, I'm a fascist, natzi with dangerous views... blah blah blah...

  • CTW Members

I honestly don't care anymore about the migration habits of people.

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  • CTW DJs
QUOTE (Don @ May 7 2004, 18:48)
I don't think they are NIMBY's (Not In My Back Yard).

I guess you didn't see the program then... wink.gif


They were total NIMBY's - they couldn't give a fuck what the asylum seekers did as long as they didn't come to their little town of Royston Vasey, sorry I meant Lee-on-the-Solent. Quite clearly the majority of them had never even met a black man.


And it was all the more disgusting because they were very well-to-do, should-know-better people ... nice enough until they got together in a bunch and showed themselves for the xenophobic bastards they were.


All those comments about how "they" [the asylum seekers] wouldn't be able to control themselves if "they" came to our country and saw our women ... the way the protesters pathetically minced their words trying to insinuate that the immigrants were likely to rape our daughters etc etc. Racist twats.

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