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Well it's pretty much dominating the news lately. Just wondering what everyone thinks about it? The BBC News did a breaking news on people they were interviewing which i think was kinda wrong. As that isnt' really breaking news. Breaking news would be if they found them or something similar. Don't you think?

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Personally, i think they were dead inside 72 hours, which is harsh, but honest. Also, if it had been mean, with all that news coverage, I would have killed them as it increases your chamces of getting away with whatever it is you have done, and those appeals just admitted they weren't getting anywhere with their enquiries.


But it is all very sad [Confused]

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mean = me

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aye i know what you mean. It's a sad story, but what i don't get is why all of a sudden the extreme media coverage. Like you said that much exposure could push the person(s) into doing something that at first they wouldn't of thought about.

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You say it might push someone to do something they might not have thought about ... call me stupid, but why would they have taken them if not to do bad things to them (killing them included)- for tea parties in the back garden?? unfortunately, we all know this isn't gonna happen. I mean, what else could you do - you couldn't keep them could you and you could never let them out again for fear of them getting away and grassing you up and giving away your location.

I hope i'm wrong, i really do, but i'd have to agree with all of those saying that the girls won't be coming back. [Confused] I just hope and pray that when i've got kids and so have all the people i know, that nothing like this ever happens to any of them - I don't know what i'd do - I really don't.

Police and communities all across the land are blaming the internet more and more too. I think that the internet is probably one of the easiest ways to communicate with people without meeting them face to face - if i hadn't met any of you, i could be lying my arse off to you all and painting a really pretty picture in your minds of what i might be like. The point is, if we can communicate as clubbers in our group, all these nonces can do it just as easily, and whereas we organisse nights out to go clubbing and things, they're abusing the privilege for their own nasty means and uses. I hope to god that i'm wrong and that these girls do turn up safe and well and the bastard(s) that took them are caught and dealt with in the harshest manner possible.

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why do people kidnapp people and not harm them?? We don't know what's going on in their heads.

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Do you believe it after making all that fuss about interviewing those two people they have let them go as they didn't have anything they need.


I think this is the police scrappin the bottom of the barrell which is a very sad case. [Confused]

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DCI Creamy:


I would like point out that at approx 10th August 2002 at 6.35pm DCI Creamy arrested the caretaker of the school IN HIS MIND!


I knew that evil turd had something to do with it when he was interviewed last week, the sly little bastard, giving it "Oh, I wished I'd said something to stop them going off" bollox! If it is proved to be you buddy and your ugly fat girlfriend then let it be known that this whole country will want you to DIE IN HELL!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Apparently they've arrested both the caretaker and his g/f now. It happened at about 4:30 am and as yet, they've not been charged. The police found 'evidence' or something within the college grounds (which coincidentally is where their house is).

If it was these 2, i can't believe that they did it. How can you do such a thing to 2 people that know and trust you, and then have the nerve to go on tv etc, claiming that they were both shocked when they heard the girls had gone missing. BASTARDS!!

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nick people do it. there is one case where a boy had gone missing and this guy came forward and was all buddy pal with the family. Became really good friends with the family. Went on TV with them with the appeals and all that. He actually had killed the boy and the police found the evidence of that linking him.

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I saw on the news a short while ago that they've found 2 bodies [Confused]


CUNTS! Hope the bastards that did it rot in hell!


May the 2 girls rest in peace.

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To be honest i havent followed the story but ii have caught clips of it, i dont like to follow things like this too much for personal reasons but what i do see of things like this and especially this sickens me, makes me realise how lucky i am havin got thru things that have happened to me!!


My thoughts go out to their family and the people who know them!!




[ 18 August 2002, 00:38: Message edited by: Claire DC ]

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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to be honest after a week it was kinda conclusive that they were probably dead. But there is nothing wrong with hope. Why do people do these things??? [Angry][Angry]

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Whats happened is terrible [Confused]


I hope that the girls didn't suffer too much, I dread to think what has been done to them [Confused]


[Angry] The british justice system better make whoever has done this pay for what they have done [Angry]


Likes it HARD!!!!


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Originally posted by Mitz:

The british justice system better make whoever has done this pay for what they have done

yeah like fcuk !

The British justice system may aswel not exist, the sick shitbag who murdered the two little girls will prob get ten years or summit else along the lines of 'unbeleivable'.


Jury systems are a mash-up.

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
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