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Your example wasn't the best really was it. You gave the example of stealing (which is no where near rape and murder) and you also justified the crime by saying that they only stole because they were hungry. This is totally different and obviously the majority of people would say that it would be barbaric to chop their hands off.


However when you are talking about people that violate other people so badly and even take other peoples lives then a different set of rules must obviously be employed.


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Originally posted by Scream:


I mean look at America they have the death sentance but does it stop people from killing each other??? No, so what does it prove to torture them or take your anger out on them? QB]

But it does stop them killing again, and there isn't the burden on the general populous of having to support them whilst they serve out their sentence...don't forget, when the killers of those girls are imprisoned, it will be your hard earned money that will be paying to keep them in prison

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mitz my example was just right because the shop keeper was fed up with people shop lifting. So to stop it he had their hands chopped off because he was sick and tired of it.


LIKE i said he used his anger to take it out on that person. That's the point, why should you have the right to harm someone no matter what they have done. You don't!!! So remarks that they should be tortured and all that is just childish and shows a lack of keeping cool. If i seem heartless to this situation then everyone is free to think that. But i'm not prepared to go and use my anger to harm them. I mean we don't even know if they did it. I mean the police haven't made that conclusive yet.


Like i said the shop keeper took his anger out and chopped the persons hands off because they shop lifted.


You say the majority of the public would say it is barbaric to do so. When in middle east countries they actually still do this. Where as in some countries having sex with people below the age of concent is legal.


In question to the death sentence. You would think it would work as a deterant wouldn't you??? I mean put someone with the death sentence and you get rid of the problem. That's find and dandy, but isn't it better to seek the problem rather than stopping it at after it has been committed??


I mean kill someone and you get found out you could die too. Doesn't seem quite a good option to kill someone and get put in jail does it?


Like i said no matter how much you want to harm the people that do such horrific acts it wont bring the person(s) back, and what little sense of justice will fade and you'll be left with the cold hearted fact is that they are dead but it didn't bring them back!!


Also blink sticking them in prison may stop them killing too. Hey if they kill a cell mate it will also lower the prison populous wont it?? [bang Head]

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Fink I'm gonna have to agree to disagree on this one.....I've got far too much hate and bitterness towards sick individuals like these to think in any other way than the way that I do. [Angry]


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Hi Everyone,


I know I'm late on this one, but have some views I'd like to share.


I agree with you Mitz. I despise rapists and pedophiles and all such evilness. I think they should die.


Scream, could you honestly say that if your girlfriend/wife/daughter was ever sexually assaulted/kidnapped and even murdered, you wouldn't want the person responsible to die?


I have been on the receiving end of several forms of abuse and it is not to be taken lightly! Of course, having survived, it has still instilled a fear that I will live with forever.


So Scream, although I respect your views, I don't agree with the 'two wrongs don't make a right' theory here.



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honestly i wouldn't want them to die. As i know to me if they died it wouldn't bring that back and that little bit of satisfaction would fade away and the fact still remained what happened happened and there is no changing that.


Like i've said before it doesn't make it right to kill someone because they killed someone else. That's saying its only ok to kill someone when they have done something bad. I mean how [censored] stupid does that sound???


I think they call it double standards [Freaked Out]


Mitz i was going to say what you were going to say after my last post.


[ 19 August 2002, 16:00: Message edited by: Scream ]

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I see what you're saying Scream, and I respect that you do not believe in death by punishment.


I don't believe however that allowing someone ANY joy whatsoever (in this case, life) should be permitted when they have for example robbed a young girl from her innocence.


I must be speaking from personal experience, when I say wholeheartedly, that I'd want them to suffer more than that girl, who has lost her freedom. Taking away their freedom still allows them to have birthdays, visitors, family, friends, laughing and all good things, which to me is not acceptable.

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so what your saying is that they shouldn't have the right to play god in taking someones life away,


but we can when someone commit a crime such as this??


like i said double standards


[ 19 August 2002, 16:13: Message edited by: Scream ]

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Originally posted by Belle:

I see what you're saying Scream, and I respect that you do not believe in death by punishment.


I don't believe however that allowing someone ANY joy whatsoever (in this case, life) should be permitted when they have for example robbed a young girl from her innocence.


I must be speaking from personal experience, when I say wholeheartedly, that I'd want them to suffer more than that girl, who has lost her freedom. Taking away their freedom still allows them to have birthdays, visitors, family, friends, laughing and all good things, which to me is not acceptable.

haha, of course I meant punishment by death [Wink]

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Originally posted by Scream:

so what your saying is that they shouldn't have the right to play god in taking someones life away,


but we can??


like i said double standards

Well, society is built on double-standards. Pitiful to say, and I'm not using it as an excuse. I think we'd be in a far worse-off position if we allowed society to crumble and let everyone fend for themselves.


I truly believe that strict punishment should be enforced in certain cases.


In the case of America allowing the death penalty, there are only a few states that do. The problem in America is that the prison system is taxed, and that offenders are let back into society when they should not be. This is why they are killing eachother or the culprits in the cases we've seen in the news recently are repeat-offenders. The problem is far greater than 'do we allow the death penalty or not'.


Maybe if the tables were turned and if my brother was being accused of something like this, my tune would change. But as of now, I have 4 beautiful nieces who I would defend until death if it took that, especially in a sexual offence incident.

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Let's turn this around, a murder decides they have the right to take away someone's life, so they are saying that society has the right to take away their life as well. The murderer chooses to opt in to that scenario. How democratic is that, you chose to join that punishment scheme by commiting a murder, if you do not believe that society has the right to take away your life, then you must also believe that you do not have the right to take away someone else's life. If you don't want to be killed, do not commit murders. "Treat others as you would have others treat you". And seeing as they proactively took life, they are stating that they think it is fair to take life. Vive La Democracy.



Disclaimer, altho I am raising a valid point, that is pushed to a logical conclusion, when you meet me in the flesh, I am not some radical right-wing skin head fundamentalist, I am a rather nice guy, so flame my arguement, but don't flame me, OK?


[ 19 August 2002, 19:00: Message edited by: Blink ]

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Originally posted by Blink:

Let's turn this around, a murder decides they have the right to take away someone's life, so they are saying that society has the right to take away their life as well. The murderer chooses to opt in to that scenario. How democratic is that, you chose to join that punishment scheme by commiting a murder, if you do not believe that society has the right to take away your life, then you must also believe that you do not have the right to take away someone else's life. If you don't want to be killed, do not commit murders. "Treat others as you would have others treat you". And seeing as they proactively took life, they are stating that they think it is fair to take life. Vive La Democracy.



Disclaimer, altho I am raising a valid point, that is pushed to a logical conclusion, when you meet me in the flesh, I am not some radical right-wing skin head fundamentalist, I am a rather nice guy, so flame my arguement, but don't flame me, OK?

we seem to agree on a awful lot.

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Scream, I am actually pro-death penalty, like I say if they opt in by murdering, then it is fair to murder them. But hey, I admit that it is just vengenance, it isn't about justice, it is just "eye for an eye" vengenance, it isn't anything else, and there is always the problem of miscarriages of justice. Humans are just [censored] up, coming down from the trees was a mistake!!

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ok i miss read what you said then burn in hell you monkey lover!! lol

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Originally posted by Scream:

ok i miss read what you said then burn in hell you monkey lover!! lol

Yeah, you must have misread the disclaimer, no personal flaming [Wink] And I'm not from Hartlepool, wait, aren't they the Monkey HANGERS? Maybe I am!! [Wink]

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