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  • CTW Promotors

After the serious lack of clubbing by certain individuals out in Ibiza last week, I'm relying on the new lot out there this week or the 2weekers to redeem themselves!!! I outclubbed the lot of ya (hadn't expected that!)


My week went:

Sat: Dave Pearce Euphoria

Sun: Judgement Sunday

Mon: Manumission & after party at Space

Tues: Gods Kitchen

Weds: Garlands closing party

Thurs: Cream

Fri: Xtravaganza


Saw too many djs to remember and danced till my lil' feet were sore. Bunnykins was the only other one too keep up. So come on yous out there show us how its done!!! tongue.gif


  • CTW Promotors

i did

Sunday - arrive & Bar M

Monday - Bar M & Mambo

Tues - Godskitchen @ Eden

Wed - Garlands @ Space

Thurs - Tonic @ Eden

Fri - slept for 20 hours as got a chest infection

Sat - wanted to do Euphoria but wanted to survive the journey home!

Wish i was there for another week!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Members

Sounds amazing, fink I have to go next year! grin.gif


Likes it HARD!!!!


  • CTW Members

I'm upset now... take that back Elly


on my final night I was the nearly the last one leaving Privilege... infact I was at the end of every party.

  • CTW Members

not only did me n els do all those clubs we had some well wicked laughs when we werent actually clubbin too, the long hike across the beaches after euphoria was good laugh - thurs was def top nite (or mornin!)being how crap cream was - we landed up in Play 2 - ironically free to get into and loads betta than cream where we entertained the beer boys on the podiums then rollerbladed down to the bay after and gatecrashed a posh hotel 4 breakkie and got away wiv it laugh.gif

Def going 4 2 weeks next time tho coz was stil loads like to ahve done and didn't tho i reckon we crammed as much in as poss in that 1 week grin.gif

My fave clubs were manumission on mon and garlands party @ Space on wednes,

gotta admit i think 4 1st time ever i've overkilled clubbin as i just can't b arsed to go out this fri or even put any tunes on - jsut watched tv 2day - very unlike me!

was one top holiday tho - prob one of the best i've ever had grin.gif

  • CTW Promotors

Im def doing 2 weeks next year & gonna spread the clubbing out a bit more - ie 1 week on/ 1 week off. Will def go at same time of year again & stay extra week for the closing parties & DEF GET MORE SLEEP!

Tara, Bunnykins, Neil, Beccy - was cool to finally meet up with u all properly. smile.gif

Hope we can be out there same time next year again!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Members

I've decided I wanna go out 4 2 weeks 4 the opening parties in June coz i jsut can't wiat that long til sept!!! then go out again in sept 4 the closing ones, I'm also going away xmas but not sure where yet - thinking of somewhere 4 about 3 weeks like Oz, yeh lots i'm thinking about rite now - to get as far away from here as poss - hehe!! grin.gif

  • CTW Members

why was cream so bad? what was wrong with it? ..... when i was out there (july) it was the best night i went to! is it true that tiesto hasnt played at cream for the past 2 weeks due to illness???


next year i wanna go to ibiza again but im going to america from may till end of sept!!!

dreaming of paradise

  • CTW Members

We'd planned to go coz PVD n tiesto was there, we knew pvd wasn't at last min but told tiesto was - well when we got there - we heard he'd pulled out n the tunes inboth rooms were jsut crap - techno n just not very uplifting at all really - to top it we ahd [censored] pills - so called superman - more like the opposiste!! we were falling asleep in there , it was too packed, the club itself would've bin ok if the djs had been decent but the whole thing was jsut really crap and if we'd stopped any longer we'd have fallen asleep, we counted our losses and went back and enjoyed the westend a lot more smile.gif

  • CTW Members

so pvd wasnt there either?... who ended up playing? i heard pvd did 6 a hour set cause tiesto was ill?... i guess not.

cream was my fav night in ibiza....esp when it started getting light outside and you could see it inside too.... i thought that was amazing! grin.gif

dreaming of paradise

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  • CTW Promotors

Timo Maas was on~but was a bit too much for us in that sweltering heat!! And the funky room was a little dull!!


C.numb~I take it back, you outdid even me!!! crazy.gif

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