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  • CTW Members

so come on, whats the best sex?


dirty sweaty hard [censored]....


or nice touchy feely sex?


i know what makes me scream!! blush.gif

  • CTW Members

Hehehe can we be greedy and say both?!!!! (Depending on mood!) grin.gif


I wanna try sex on a pill....some people rave about it! grin.gif


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i am never ever horny when ive had drugs!


can be a bit annoying, but its the last thing i want to do!


maybe its cos im too facked when i get in all i wanna do it mong.


i took a pill and had sex when i came up on it, and it was really lovey romantic, but i wouldnt do it again.


POPPERS on the other hand... leave a bottle open in the room, fack, then try and stand up!!


i couldnt walk! laugh.gif

  • CTW Members
laugh.giflaugh.gif Must try it! laugh.giflaugh.gif


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  • CTW Members

I find I get well horny as I'm coming down - and it has to ruff n' sweaty



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  • CTW Members

all depends on the mood and atmosphere i think, but nine times outta 10, option 2 definitely ! grin.gif

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
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  • CTW Members

Both really, depends what kind of mood I am in.


Mitz - sex on pills is ace, but sex on Ket is outta this world !


  • CTW Members

I'm gonna try Ket for the first time at tidy!!! grin.gif


But my fella wont be there frown.gif


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  • CTW Members

Do not do it in a club, especially for the first time !


Promise me Mitz, it will just get messy and not fun messy, be with people you trust and be aware.


  • CTW Members

What do you mean not fun messy?


Isn't it a good idea in a club then?


Not gonna have too much, with it being my first time...I dont know what to expect! smile.gif


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  • CTW Members

I agree with you fish, I've done it for a while - but never in a club. I don't think I ever will. It absolutely knocks you're block off



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  • CTW Members

Totally, especially if you are taking it for the first time.


You have o be careful Mitz, the first time I took it, I went into a bit of a K hole, luckily I had friends who I could trust around me who talked me through.


I don't think this is a club drug, would you really want to be that wasted in a club ?


  • CTW Members

Probably not, I dont really know what its like tho?!


I generally dont get too fooked tho cus then you cant appreciate it....one of the best nights I had was last time I went to sundissential and I only had half a pill all night!


Think maybe I will try it once the clubs at tidy close and I will be careful....thanx for the advice! MWA! smile.gif


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  • CTW Members

I really like it, but save it till I get home or go to a mates after the club.


It will literally knock you off your feet and you will not be able to walk, somethimes you cannot even move on it.


Deffo not for clubs, if I were you, I would maybe think about doing it a different time or if you go back somewhere.


It really does wipe you out, you have to remember that this stuff is horse tranquiliser, don't wanna sound like I am preachin babes, just want you to be safe xxx


  • CTW Members

You dont sound like your preachin, its nice to get advice! Thanx! grin.gif


Likes it HARD!!!!


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