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Noticed the topic got closed - well I've only jsut read it since last week, and it does seem bit one-sided to me. I've got nothing against anybody on this board but it does seem some peeps only have 1 side of the story, I've got my views which I can't b arsed to put up, I had a wicked holiday and so did Elly and Tara but I do wanna say this - the newbie that came on and said Tara put u off the board - if u came to Ibiza with us and were told u weren't wanted on certain nites out because u were a girl and cramped certain peeps style ie - main reason making it harder to pull, would u jsut bugger off happily letting the main ones on this site carry on after inviting everyone out 4 a 'clubbin week' together? This comes across to me like certain ones wanted a 'lads ' hol - no girls invited!!! Mayb the 2nd week this didn't happen but it did the 1st ok! Well we did bugger off quite happily and had a fantastic week but i'm jsut putting both sides across ok! smile.gif

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The newbie hasnt been put off, they just said it brought the tone of the message board down hun, i have to agree that if someone gonna write something nasty then they should do it in private, fair enough they have a right to tell the story how they saw it/felt it was but i just think someof the comments were a bit nasty and that shouldnt be put on the board!! Again, my personal opinion!! smile.gif


As for the 2nd week, i was always made to feel welcome with everyone who was out, evenn the lads and even if they did pull, so maybe it was different to what u experienced, i dont know cos obviously i wasnt there!!


Anyway, i have quite a good tan to show for my holiday and there were no arguments or disagreements to do a write up on lol, so ill just say thanx to everyone i was with in ibiza, u made it a wicked holiday!! Cant wait for another one!! grin.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

  • CTW Members

Ive just read all that.

Quality stuff,its just like old times,now all we need is van dyke back!


Let the good times roll.

  • CTW Admin

must admit I'm really missing the Libster !

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Don't worry she'll be back.You can never keep a good physco down for long.

I mean,look at wub?

  • CTW DJs

Don't worry she'll be back.You can never keep a good physco down for long.

I mean,look at wub?

Many imitators, one original. Wub. For all your random shite needs. laugh.giflaugh.gif

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Members

I'm only new here but I don't think there is anything wrong with posting peoples opinions I didn't read it as a blatant attack on anyone and it makes for an interesting read for everyone else too smile.gif


disagreements happen with the best of friends... and holidays especially... I don't think we should hide it under the carpet and make out everything is all rosey just because it makes people that visit here think ooo I don't like these peeps they have disagreements... because it just wouldn't be true to life would it?


a problem shared is a problem aired... or is it the other way around?


anyway we are all still friends ain't we? why not have a laugh about it... I was going to have a go at Creamy and Fred myself to tell the truth about going up the west end and getting hold of a bit of skirt... nothing to do with being jealous that I never done the same myself one night now you understand tongue.gifsmile.gif


  • CTW Admin

I'm with numb on this one - the WHOLE POINT of the board is so that people CAN express their opinions and we can all grow and learn about each other together.


I [censored] up Big Style a few months ago posting a topic about wanting people to cut out the "random chit chat shite" only to find out that its exactly this kind of stuff that keeps the board alive and well and gets people coming back.


We all have our favourite members and our enemies and personally I love it as there is always something fresh on the board. I have had emails off people asking me to "get so-and-so off the board" - this is pretty silly and I'm telling you now I will NEVER block a member from the board - unless they are deliberately causing stress.


RELAX everyone - if you dont want to read a post dont read it - if you DuDu !

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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[censored] sorry James I replied to this thread before actually reading your posts on the Ibiza thread we are talking about and I have to say respect for your answers and respect to you's for dealing with this like good friends do... we all live and learn from each others actions next time we will remember what upset others and try and rectify these disagrements or come to mutual agreements.


and as for



One thing I've learnt recently is that there have been examples of people being 'nervous' or 'scared' to meet us as we are a bigger group now and they feel alienated. PLEASE DONT FEEL LIKE THIS - I know it was easier to meet up with us in the early days because it would just be like me or kev or say 5 people to meet but our group still really isnt that large that you should feel worried about meeting us




I can tell people now there is not much more of a nervous and quiet person out there than me when it comes to meeting new people and friends but as I've just posted on a thread a minute ago


I went out there on my own after not being able to talk any friends into going as well... I felt very unsure about doing this but for some mad reason and from a few chats with Tasha about the peeps on here I thought fcuk it I will and I booked the night before I left... anyway the first night I was out there I went to Judgement sunday and I can't tell you the buzz when I bumped into Tasha unexpectidly in there (Tasha was the only person I had chatted to from here before hand) and when she introduced me to some of the others... my holiday began from that point onwards really as I felt relaxed all of a sudden... and my holiday never looked back... I also remember meeting Tasha and Elle the following night in Bar M and them telling me to come and sit with them... (its going to sound a bit pants now) but it was very daunting as there was Creamy and Fred and yourself James and I had never met any of you before... but as soon as I sat down at the table and you all introduced yourselfs I relaxed straight away infact I remember after an hour or so thinking to myself it was like I knew the three of you's for years! smile.gif


anyway I think you and Tara should start a Kiss and make up thread now and we can all make up... Tara? James? come on... smile.gif and you Kev and Ray... I want you to publically apologise to me for all them girls you went and pulled up the west end as I was coming home from the clubs all by myself and lonely! wink.giflaugh.gif

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Can i just add aswell that i got an odd and unexpected reaction earlier, from a couple of peop. i thought were mates in the ' In my Sarnies ' thread.


If you feel pissed off about a subject - don't bother posting in it. Ive been pissed off with what people have posted before, yet since ive joined in March, never once complained - just got on with it.




TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



  • CTW Members

Can I just state for the record once and for all that I did not pull any girls in the West End. If you had seen the state of most of them, you would understand why.

And Grant, you're taking things far too personally ...

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

  • CTW Members

well i would like to say that i dont agree with the statement that the boys didnt want girls there- yeah, there was loads of joking about pulling, but at the end of the day i was always with the boys- and i had a really good laugh!


even looking back at my piccys now, its always me and the lads. fair enough i am going out with neil and stuff, but creamy ray etc have always been my friends too- and i didnt feel that changed in the holiday!

  • CTW Members

to be honest when i was there for the second week, there was only one night when i felt that i wasent really wanted around the lads! i think this was on the thursday. also its slightly different for me as i know that james and myself are not the same when were arround each other on a night out, so in my case sometimes i feel its best for james to be left to do his own thing! but i was happy as he slowly came in at 4 am for his bed time cuddles!!!! laugh.giflaugh.gif


as for all the other nights out, i wasent too fussed, i get on better with blokes then girls, and to be honest i kinda find it quite funy watching the lads pulling tactics!! tongue.gif


as i said i get on ten times better with guys, and i think thats why i diddent feel left out!?? as for me and claire, considering we had only met once before, and we were going on honliday, i think we got on like a house on fire!!! we diddent have any arguments, and we seam to be on the same wave length! so all was good!!!


i think also it may have been different for me as i went to ibiza for the second week for one main reason, and that was to be with james. i was, and i was happy. i think in the whole week the only thing that really pissed me off was the fact i got a rotten cold on the friday, and so couldent really enjoy my last night out! frown.gif







  • CTW Members

Can I just say that I DID NOT PULL !


FredTheBaddie stole the show - and thats NOT the only thing he stole !

Hey, the better man won. And I wasn't the only one mad.gif

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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