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Having already heard the missus sings the praises of John Kelly @ Manumission, and the Garlands party, I was just wondering what everyone else enjoyed most about the white isle this year?

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Els has prob told u but our best laughs was the nite we went to cream and it was crap!! coz we went to trance place in the w end that was wicked then rollerbladed along the front - done some poppers, then gatecrashed a posh hotel by the beach 4 brekkie - lmao at the looks on the maid's faces when we walked into brekkie in our cyber gear - we didn't get kicked out neither!! laugh.gif

Manumission n Garlands was def my best nites in the clubs tho grin.gif

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There's loads really, but i lurrrrrved Rob Tissera and Lisa Lashes at slinky!!


Also got quite fond of goin on the missing list so iv been told oops blush.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
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I've got 3 in no particular order:


1st was Gods Kitchen @ Eden, back in July, shame it wasn't as good second time around.


2nd was Dave Pearce Euphoria @ Eden. The foam party was AMAZING, apart from where I nearly drowned!


3rd was Garlands closing party @ Space, WOW, what more can I say?!



  • CTW Promotors

i think the highlight had to be Tonic @ Eden, being stood in the middle of the foam right at the end to the sounds of Rank 1 - Airwave and Chicane - Saltwater!! Chillingly beautiful!

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Definately Godskitchen @ Eden in the second week, but that's not really to do with the music wink.gif !


Apart from that would have to be the Garlands closing party @ Space, it was absoultely fantastic on the terrace, what a night !

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
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-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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Was ne1 here in ibiza between 10/7 - 20/7? Need someone to share the magic with!



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walking into Space to hear Laylo and bushwacka bashing out Love Story to the Sun glistening terrace.... grin.gif

  • CTW Members

walking into Space to hear Laylo and bushwacka bashing out Love Story to the Sun glistening terrace


I hear that grin.gif That is one big fat chooooooon laugh.gif

I just remembered I heard it in Space as well - having previously raved about it blasting out at Manumission the night before.


Sow and thou shalt reap, oh brother.

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1. Going to Judgement Sunday @ Eden on my first night and being kinda nervous about being on my jaxx and then bumping into Bunnykins and meeting others from here just after meeting my first superman... didn't half increase my buzz that night knowing that I now knew some people out there as well.


2. Sunset cruise party... one of the most beautifully fluffy days of my life... meeting a couple on the boat that lives down the road from me having a cheeky spliffy session with them while listening to wicked chill out choons as we watched the best sunset I've ever seen... DJ then moved up the tempo with some faster beats as we sailed back (slowly) to San Antonio... was some sight coming back to the bay at night and a right laugh when we let everyone know at Cafe Mambo as we sailed past who the VIPs was smile.gif


3. My last night at Xtravaganza @ Privilege out of my 5 nights of clubbing this was my most enjoyable the club was superb, really enjoyed the music and met some great people... including the group of 20 or so built like [censored] houses gay lads from Manumission and only about 10 other clubbers who I ended up with left outside the club and being told there is no more busses and no where to get cabs back to San Antonio! very funny but not at the time really lol. teaches me for being one of the last ones leaving the club!


but to tell the truth every day and night was something I wont forget in a long while.

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