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This "no cameras" thing intrigues me, as I've never had it happen to me before (but obviously eventually will one day). Having only just got a new camera I'm now pretty pissed off at the possible prospect of being told that I can't use it to capture things I'd like to be able to keep.


So where aren't you allowed to take them - which clubs in the uk, Ibiza, and what about uk all-night arena events?


Is there any reason why not? Besides the obvious "buy one of our disposable ones on the door", if that's the excuse.


  • CTW Members

I think, to a degree, it is to protect the club, don't want too many images of fuct people to get out, and also to protect the patrons, someone with a camera could take a picture of you fuct on a sat night, and post it on the internet to the entire world on Monday. I have no objections to people taking piccies of their friends on a sat night, but wouldn't appreciate too many piccies of me out clubing knocking about (but I did try and get into one of the "official" SS ones on sat

  • CTW Members

Yeah its really out of order that you can't use 'em in some places.

In Eden in Ibiza they told me not to use it but didn't take it off me.

In Space, Privilege and Amnesia it wasn't allowed.

A good tip is to stick it in your sock, my boyf did that and we sneaked camera's in a few places ok. They don't really search you over there so you never get caught!


I think they do it for 3 reasons:

1. To protect the club (as said above!)

2. So you buy the official photographs

3. Some promotors don't want their copyright breached, they want pictures of their club night to be exclusive to their web site, etc.

  • CTW Members

in ibiza it's really just about the "we can make money from selling our own" thing


i take loads of pics and cream is the only cub in the uk i know of that you can't take a camera into... i've never been stopped anywhere else!


i've just got the new Sony P9, which is well smart, finally got round to getting a digital so now it won't cost me loads to keep getting stuff developed and take ages!


In Ibiza just take a disposable, then if you get busted, they will make you pay to get it back, but if you are not bothered about loosing pics on it, then dont bother... if it was your proper camera, then you'd obviously want to pay!


Space is probably the worst for cameras, but I've taken mine into Privilege and amnesia and never had probs.


really depends on the night to be honest at some places.

Eden you should not have any problems at!


It's true though, they are more bothered about you taking a camera into some clubs, than other things wink.gif

  • CTW Members

it's surely an image thing. if you have a camera, you can take an image of the club and use it in whatever you like. you could use it to criticise them or make money somehow. they don't want you doing that. sounds sucky but it's their club at the end of the day...


it's hardly ideal but if you don't like no camera policies, don't patronise those clubs...


if i had a club i'd allow people to take pictures. still, it's easy to say that now...



"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

  • CTW Members

We must have been fortunate then in Ibiza, camera in;

Space (Sundays @)

Pacha (Monday)

Cream (Thursday)




Only took 1 pic (in Space), 3 in Amnesia hmmmm


why won't my misus give me anal?

  • CTW Members

Same as.


I took a camera into Pacha and Amnesia, but only came out with limited photos - and even they weren't particularly good.



  • CTW Members

having a camera in pacha/amnesia isn't a problem that I've come across, at space they will take it off you if they see you..


think it's only cream@amnesia that they don't like cams, I think that is a Cream thing though rather than anything else as I have had mine there lots of times.


speak of which it's the cream closing party tomorrow night and I'll be hitting that as soon as I arrive!


Did the cream closing last summer and the re-opening this year so can't wait! bring on the megatron!

  • CTW Members

So what doU reckon they will do about these new mobile phones with camera's? Be a bit hard to confiscate those off people, I certainly wouldn't let a bouncer nick that off me!


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

  • CTW Members

So what doU reckon they will do about these new mobile phones with camera's? Be a bit hard to confiscate those off people, I certainly wouldn't let a bouncer nick that off me!

yeh interesting one that!! like to se 'em try - but space - they took ur phones off ya too - w**kers mad.gif and charged u 4 the privilege mad.gif

but the 2nd time i was prepared and hid it and got some wicked pics - c 'em on the site grin.gif

  • CTW Admin

Sorry if I go off on one but this particular issue really FUCKS ME OFF ...


All clubs who wont let you take your camera in are effectively TWATS...


1. Gatecrasher NEC - wasnt allowed it in which RUINED my night. I was only after pictures of my mates and the new members - just shots of PEOPLE not the structure of the building etc... I WONT BE GOING AGAIN - WHAT A WASTE OF £50. The nail in the coffin was finding SEVERAL people with digital cameras in there and also that analogue ones were acceptable ?!?! GO FIGURE


2. Privilege I wasnt allowed it in but sneaked it in - wish I hadn't bothered as the club was shite and the sound system wasnt up to scratch. I did put the pics up but removed them as they were just of a load of mashed up people in a huge warehouse - didnt look particularly spectacular.


3. Space - Garlands Closing Party - DESPITE phoning up to prior arrange I still wasnt allowed - and again once I got in there I was F*CKED OFF TO SAY THE LEAST that loads of people had managed to get their cameras in.




4. Cream, Liverpool - well I dont wanna go back there anyway and its closed


CLUBS BEWARE (not that you care) - any club where I'm not allowed a camera in I WONT BE COMING BACK. I ONLY want to go to clubs where I can record the event and actually REMEMBER what a great night it was.


I cant understand why clubs dis-allow it - ITS ONLY IN THEIR FAVOUR - the pics get shipped around the net and email servers with people stating "you've GOTTA go Sundissential" etc.. etc...




THANKFULLY there are only a few of them out there...


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Hi James ooo.gif


I cant understand why clubs dis-allow it - ITS ONLY IN THEIR FAVOUR - the pics get shipped around the net and email servers with people stating "you've GOTTA go Sundissential" etc.. etc...


I totally agree!


I started up a new clubbing web site for Scotland about two months ago with the idea of doing lots of reviews and galleries and never even gave the whole camera problem a second thought. I saved up to get a digital camera (which I just did on Friday) so when I go out to places and review them I can take some snaps for the site, and it was literally on Friday afternoon (after I'd just bought the camera!!) that I was reading one of the Ibiza threads on CTW where someone said something like "oh shame I couldn't take the camera into Space..." I was like, er.... excuse me?!! What? No cameras? Huh? First I've heard of it.


That's definitely bad if even something like GC @ NEC wouldn't let them in. And I was kind of wanting to go to that this year, but definitely I'd like to get some photos to remind me of the night. Is that too much to ask?


I reckon I might try and blag it as "Press", using the excuse that I run a web site but dunno how far that'd get me. I don't mind if they vet the photos first before they go online, I'd just like to have at least something to remind me of nights.


Thankfully all the nights I go to here in Edinburgh don't have that problem at all!



Cream, Liverpool - well I dont wanna go back there anyway and its closed


LOL, that bad eh? laugh.gif


Funny that because Cream has never really interested me as a club. I've never been, but it just doesn't... interest me. Full stop. Same thing with MoS. Maybe it's the compilation CDs, I don't know...


  • CTW Admin

Hi Tom !


Trust me Cream wasn't worth going to - full of sweaty/stinky Beer Monsters stomping on your shoes and spilling beer down your back - not nice.


O, and I personally thought MoS london was SH*TE - NOT what I expected at all from what is meant to be "The Don" - again maybe it was me expecting something HUGE with it being "Ministry" an all - very disappointing club/layout/sound system etc...

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  • 1 month later...
  • CTW Admin

lets hope we can smuggle as few cameras in NEC this time!!!!!!!

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