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  • CTW DJs

I once got thrown out for balancing three bottles on top of each other. I went for number four the the bouncer grabbed me, so they all fell over.

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Members

Didn't get thrown out but when I went to subway city I got pretty fooked n a bouncer grabbed me and dragged me outside....I [censored] myself but he was totally cool n just told me to stay outside for half an hour and get my head together! grin.gif


Likes it HARD!!!!


  • CTW Members

How old are you ??!??



TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
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  • CTW Members

Its true....he was sound! grin.gif


Likes it HARD!!!!


  • CTW Members

I once got chucked out for pouring my own drink behind the bar when the bar staff were not looking.. I leaned over the bar and turned on the larger and stuck my glass under ..... needless to say I was quickly lobbed outside !!! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

  • CTW Members

Thats quality! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


Likes it HARD!!!!


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  • CTW DJs

We've done that several times and got away with it. Much to the chargrin of other clubbers.....

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Members

i wasnt kicked out or anythin but my mate was taken out of insomniacz @club WOW in sheffield cos she was really fukt on ket, i too had been takin it and was shall we say errrm rather confused hehe.......anyway i was asked if i wanted to see her by some people (found out to be paramedics andpolice peoples the day after lol), i hadnt actually gone out to the club with her, just seen her whilst out, as u do, so i said yeah i wanted to see her and they pointed her out to me in a "van" so i went in and sat next to her and the people started to close the doors of the van and i thought this was weird so the other people (police) said could either go in "the van" or go with them so anyway, we stayed in the "van" and a man in a green suit (a paramedic lol) started askin me my name, i answered claire, he asked my 2nd name and when he asked this i "realised" we were bein kidnapped so i told hium i wasnt gonna tell him my name cos it was nothin to do with him and he didnt need to know, he then asked again so i dsaid my surname was "messy" he asked if it was cos i was messy and i said yeah, i started gettin panicked when i found i couldnt move or stand up (i didnt realise theyd strapped me in lol) and foned my bf at the time and told him i was "in a van with some men i didnt know and i didnt know where they were takin me and i didnt know whsat was goin on" (talk about scarin the crap out of someone as he hadnt come out and was art home inmanchester oops lol) so anyway, the van stopped and we were taken outside and the man in the green suit started guidin me towards a building and i told him to "get his fuckin hands off me, dont touch me" while still on the fone to my bf, so he was absolutely crappin himself wonderin what was goin on, i walked into the buildin and was still talkin on my mobile i was told not to use my fone in there so i walked out sayin "i dont even wana be here in the fuckin first place" (my language was attrocious blush.gif ) i kept sayin this over and over again and then i saw a nurse or dr and i realised i was at a hospital and the van was actually an ambulance but i was still annoyed that id been taken out of the club to a hospital when i hadnt asked to be so was still swearin and stuff, so a nurse came over to me and said "ur gonna either have to quieten down and stop swearin and be checked in, or u can go" so somethin made me think to myself *is this a psyshiatric hospital* so i turned and asked her "EXACTLY WHAT KIND OF HOSPITAL IS THIS?" she answwered "what kind of hospital do u think it is?" somethin clicked in my head that it was a and e so i just said "a fuckin [censored] one" and walked off...we got a mate to pick us up but while waitin at the bus stop for them we were doin ket still, right outside hospital lol....oh dear, we were fukt, ill never forget that tho, one of my messiest yet!! blush.gif



You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

  • CTW Members

Just the once, from Sundis about 2 months ago, for possesion. Got back in tho grin.gif


And Claire, that is a great story, but I will add it to my reasons not to do ket

  • CTW Members

Definitely, but I'm not a fan of getting "out of it", probably why speed is my fave, I still feel very much in control on that

  • CTW Members

Never been thrown out of one but I was barred from Yates for shouting that the bouncer had a small dick smirk.gif

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