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I need help with an idea for my dissertation. I'm thinking about writing my project on how over commericalisation kills the club scene. I'm talking in terms of the club night rather than the music. As Gatecrasher has now turned monthly and the future looks bleak for Cream, do you think that becoming to commercal was a big factor in them losing customers?


Any help would be very much appriecated grin.gif


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

  • CTW Members

AH HA! Another "Commercial" debate.. hehehe... laugh.gif


I think its the downfall of many... but commercialisation is what actually made alot of them in the 1st place... then when they get blinded by the £ sign its commercialisation that bought them down... all IOM ofcourse!!



  • CTW Members

my friend mark did his on drugs, ive not actually read it but he got a 2/1. ill find out for you and see if he has any tips he can pass on. his teacher said it was brilliant and ''from the heart'' lol!

  • CTW Members

commercialism has killed tha big parties i reackon, tha whole thing about a big party is tha atmosphere, if ya get tha right people at a party tha atmosphere is awesome but if ya get that wrong crowd, a few of those dickheads wreck tha party like abusing drugs or fights or whateva,thats why i luv tha underground parties tha best, cool people who just go 2 dance 2 awesome music and maybe just maybe have sum party treats LOL


  • CTW Admin

yeah I guess what goes 'up' must come 'down' - and the bigger / higher you are, the harder you fall, unless ...


You strive for continuous improvement and ensure there is always something 'new' about your organisation / what you are achieving to keep it exciting & new.


There are far too many companies & people out there who think that once they've made it they can sit back and watch the profits - this is B*LLOX - it is an ON-GOING process.


For example, if clothes shops stocked the same clothes every year they would all go bust. If banks didnt alter their interest rates to beat their competitors they would collapse etc...


I think there are too many 'things' out there 'too big for their own boots' and dont worry, long term they will see it !


nuff said !

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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I think that the biggest thing that has killed clubs is the cost of DJ's !! Once upon a time, when I first started to go clubbin, any club that had a big name DJ was pretty much gonna fill the club to capacity. This is now not the case. I don't follow the big names DJ like I used too. If a club get a big name its gonna have to fill to capacity to make a profit, if numbers dwindle then they make be lucky to break-even !! Once this starts to happen the club will close. After all its a money making concern and not a charity !!! I think that you will fing a trend of clubs going more underground and at smaller venues. So, you could argue that comercialism has effectively killed off the club, mainly due to the elite statuses that many DJs have obtained !! smile.gif

  • CTW Admin

Dogz - this is why i CANT WAIT to get our own CTW night and all the (half-decent! hehe) DJ members can get a slot to play / make a name. Of course we will still have "bigger name" DJs 'fronting' the event as well.

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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When are you thinking of having sommat like this. I would be more than happy to help with some of the organising etc. I keep meaning to come out with you guys, but I'm defo gonna make your Birthday in Nov.

  • CTW Admin

not sure on any of the detail yet but its one of the things on the agenda for this weekend when I speak to Sarah & Kev.


Hope to see you out soon mate!

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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Thanx's every1 for your help grin.gif


It's interesting that small clubs like Sundissentials are doing quite well compared to so called superclubs. Do you think people prefer going to smaller club nights rather than superclubs and thats why they are doing better? or do you think that dance music is losing its appeal and there are less customers to go around?


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

  • CTW Admin

Personally I think the larger "superclubs" aren't personal enough - just a huge room full of loads of strangers - where's the fun in that ?? And unless the sound system is up to it its gonna sound appalling - personally I dont know whats so great about half of these big outdoor events as the sound is naff unless you are right up the front.


I liked Garlands so much because it was smaller and more personal. Fabric is also an awesome club because of the layout/clarity in the sound systems.


I hate it when people quote "20,000 clubbers going" etc.. as if it makes me wanna go even more because of the size - err - NO - its not the size / amount of people going that interest me personally - unless I know them all !


Cant wait to have a night where we all know each other - this is why I think smaller nights like Sunny D are doing so well because people recognise each other and it makes the whole experience MUCH better.


ps. I would call Sunny D a Superclub personally ! Shouldnt be gaged on sized of buildings / attendance.



Edited by FredTheBaddie

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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Definately with James on this one, I much prefer smaller clubs.

Smaller clubs have better atmosphere's and everyone seems much friendlier.

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

  • CTW Members


I think the club scene is def moving on. Everybody moans about the problems of vastly overpaid dj's and the fact that most of them are old enough to be your dad. Sooo what happens, smaller trendier night's have abandoned the concept of 'Star' dj's and made the night about the music, the vibe and the sort of clubbers that go.

So Peach, Shindig, Hed Kandi, XLR8, Tidy, Sundisential, Indulge, ect are all filling venues, whilst Gatecrasher ect are going monthly.


Don't get me wrong PVD rocks, and his gatecrasher night's are wicked, but the rest of the superclubs / big name dj's are def losing the plot.


So IMHO, the CTW nite doesn't need big names just a v. friendly venue, wicked music and all of us to make it the best nite ever.



  • CTW Members

i have a few observations:


1. the club scene, like anything, is constantly changing. "it's not as good as it used to be" is as much a comment on the consumer as the supplier... change is a good thing.


2. while one can generalise, big clubs are not automatically worse


3. while one can generalise, small clubs are not automatically better


4. what are you doing about it? i bit the bullet and threw my own party earlier this year - i chose a venue, invited DJs (flying one friend in from Berlin to spin) and kicked ass on getting the word out. 400 people showed up and i had one of the best nights of my life. and i got paid to do it!


take control of your clubbing experience. remember, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do.





"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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