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Tonight Scott Bond came to play at our union and he was [censored] great! Played some quality tunes, dropped in Insomnia, Seven Cities and The Prophet into the mix. Shame the crowd had to go and spoil it all just by being [censored] - someone even came up and requested Shakira. WELL DONE SILLY BINT.


Spoke to him backstage and his mate was banging on about the NEC gig in November ... ahhhhhhhhhh. So if (no sorry, WHEN) I go to the NEC, I'll have to get cunted and peer over the barrier and just shout random crap at Scott in the hope that he'll remember who I am. Yeah right.


Oh meeting superstar DJs! So that's two then - Zabiela and Bond. I honestly don't know what to talk to them about. Any suggestions for next time (might be getting to meet Carl Cox if he comes to our union in Nov... yikes!)


Well anyway I have got to that tiredness stage where you get horrible cold shivers and you have to go take a big dump. confused.gif BED.


So yeah, post about meeting DJs and what you say to them (not funny stuff, just stuff to make you look cool in front of them, haha..)


  • CTW Members

In my experience trying to look cool in front of anyone makes you look a complete pratt..

best advice just be yourself afterall Dj's, superstar or not are just people and as such want to know YOU not someone you are pretending to be..

Met morrillo at code on his birthday and told him I had heard him play much better sets and tonight was flat. I was not kicked out of the dj box and ended up having a laugh with him he really is a funny guy........

EMAIL ... davewebster66@hotmail.com

MOBILE... 07979 494721

TELEPATHY.. *concentrate*


Do what you believe in ......Believe in what you do

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Aye right, the only problem is that I literally had NOWT to say! I was just sat there, like, "errr... yep".


"So then. You're from England are you."


"I hear you play dance music then."


"How much do you get paid then."


(All the above weren't actually said, by the way!)


But yeah I'm not going to say stuff just to make me look cool or anything, I just mean saying stuff that doesn't make you look the opposite - a complete div.


  • CTW Promotors

There is only 1 way to be when meeting DJs - BE YOURSELF! After all they are only people just like everyone else - there to do a job. Behave with them like you would with your mates & they will act like they are your mates.

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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After all they are only people just like everyone else


amen. i've told a few people here this already so i hope you don't mind me dragging it up again...


in may, i threw a party and, afterwards through a set of coincidences, Lee Burridge and Cass came to my house for the afterparty and spun for 6 hours. it was so much fun - a pair of totally regular guys. afterwards they thanked me for such a good time!




be yourself... as ever, excellent advice sarah.



"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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OK, it isn't exactly a DJ, but I did meet Mariltn Manson, the band once. Got chatting to Zim Zum, the, then, guitarist. We chatted about another band on Nothing, Prick. He was really cool, and at the end shook my hand and said to look after myself. Obviously far too cool, which was why the kicked him out.


One of my friends bumped into David Bowie backstage at Reading, and came out with the all time classic "[censored] Me, it's David Bowie". You can't beat that as a statement

  • CTW Members


In a given social situation, say at a party or a dinner, if you are with anyone famous, you'll probably end up talking to them. it's almost impossible to let the fact that they are 'a celebrity' get out of your mind. no matter how much you might want to. So you end up asking them much more detailed questions about them selves their [censored] than you other wise might. This demonstartes to them that you are aware of their celebrity status.

Given celebrity out with childhood friend, will have less of this, but will still ineveitably be asked questions, and have his staus re-afirmed.

At home with the partner, given celebrity appears on the telly, Again reminding them both of the celebrity status.


Being as it's so hard to become one, and that know you will always be recognised and reminded 24/7, means that wanting to be a celebrity, means that you are deserios of the recognition.

Becoming a celebrity like Top DJ, Footballers or Chef and having celebrity thrust upon you. You Might even SAY that you are not in it for the status, just the [censored]. Fair enough up to a point, but for every one top DJ, their are 500 wannabees, and EVEN AMONGST HIS PEERS ALONE, he has sought, advancement, aclaim, and the desired recognition + many will also have the desire to be famous for it's own sake, as well being a top DJ.


So what has all this verbose bollocks been leading up to.


DJ's want to be famous, they want people to talk to them, so even if you're talking bollocks it's proably making them happy inside, even if they ignore you.


On a side note, is the ability to segue someone else's music together, and read a vibe, more worthy of recognition than someone who every working day saves someone life?


On the face of it yes.


But In fact i [censored] well hope not...go talk to an ambulanceman, he'll tell u a great many more intresting things than a DJ will.


Let the Dj's play, the promoters promote, and the venue owners do their best, with some very bad jobs, and dance, enjoy the [censored] music, and the atmosphere, and the crowd, and the loved up ness, much more fun than talking to a DJ. wink.gif

ahhh aint that sweet! wink.gif

working like crazy!! sorry i left my phone at [censored]! this is the only chance i've had all day! crazy.gif

wash like any other normal person!!

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