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Would you stop dating someone or start dating someone if you discovered that…. .

(given they fit your other standards…ie. looks, sense of humor, etc.)

  1. he/she is ultra conservative: faith in god, didn’t like dance music, didn’t like to dance, financial well-being is one of their main goals in life (the belief that money means contentment).
  2. he/or she is a BAD kisser (which means they’re lacking at WHAT ELSE??)
  3. he/she is slept with (many) more people than you (IS IT significant?)
  4. he/she listens to Britney Spears while working out in the gym (enough said) /images/graemlins/help.gif
  5. he/she believes that “what you don’t know, won’t hurt you” is ok in relationships. (is honesty always best?) :shhh:
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1. he/she is ultra conservative: faith in god, didn’t like dance music, didn’t like to dance, financial well-being is one of their main goals in life (the belief that money means contentment).

If this one were the case, chances are I wouldn't have met them in the first place.

  • Kissing - people can be taught.
  • Shagging more people - only an issue if she was noticably 'loose'
  • britney spears - if we all like the same thing, the world would be a very boring place.

What you don't know..... - now, this would be an issue. Whilst it would in effect give the other person in the relationship the ability to 'roam-free', IMO it would be the beginning of the end. They might find someone better.....

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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yea wub is right how would u met this person on the first place, but if i was out of my head, i would shag her... and then would have a headache for few days just think about it...

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oh, no no no...

The game is....each one is a separate "what if" entity...


Not all hypothetical questions apply to ONE person...that many problems, oh god, OF COURSE you would not date her/him!! My head hurts just thinking about it banghead.gif



If he/she was a bad kisser, why would you want to teach them if its EARLY on in the dating saga?? Isn't that a sure turn-off?? Or, it really isn't that important???



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i dont think u can get a person u described in real life... or can ya?

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1. he/she is ultra conservative: faith in god, didn’t like dance music, didn’t like to dance, financial well-being is one of their main goals in life (the belief that money means contentment).

Must like same music as me otherwise would get extremely pissed off with my 24/7 listening to hard trance!

3. he/she is slept with (many) more people than you (IS IT significant?)


4. he/she listens to Britney Spears while working out in the gym (enough said)

As for question 1!

5. he/she believes that “what you don’t know, won’t hurt you” is ok in relationships. (is honesty always best?)

Must be honest & truthful!

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but u did think about it didnt ya Sarah,

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  1. Ultra conservative - No way !!!
  2. Bad Kisser - If they can't kiss, they are defo gonna be a [censored] shag.
  3. Slept with loads of ppl - Don't really bother me.
  4. Doesn't bother me either.
  5. Tricky one this. Depends on what type of relationship you wnat. If it just a shaggy type relationship cos you are bored then fine. If you are really into that person then prob not cos you just gonna get hurt .... maybe ?
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1. he/she is ultra conservative: faith in god, didn’t like dance music, didn’t like to dance, financial well-being is one of their main goals in life (the belief that money means contentment).

Have been out with a member of the god-squad, but she like to party too, so that was OK. I don't think they have to share the same TASTE in music as me, but must have the same LOVE of music as me.

2. he/or she is a BAD kisser (which means they’re lacking at WHAT ELSE??)

We were all bad kissers once, and got taught how to be good kissers, so I would try and teach them

3. he/she is slept with (many) more people than you (IS IT significant?)

The godsquad girl had, before she discovered god!!

4. he/she listens to Britney Spears while working out in the gym (enough said)

Britney Rocks, and what is the problem with keeping yourself fit?

5. he/she believes that “what you don’t know, won’t hurt you” is ok in relationships. (is honesty always best?)

Honesty and fidelity are the cornerstones of a strong relationship

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i went out wiv a guy who was all this in 1 about a yr ago - how bad is that!! knob.gif(even the britney spears- we use to train togther - so i know - lol)we lasted all of a couple of months - then he jsut had to go nod.gif

wot a nitemare - never again fake_eek.gif

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1/ .. a little conservative can be nice but must have that wiggle.gif and love music and dancing . god is a personal thing i suppose so long as it doesnt stop them living...and money ...i suppose i could get used to sitting in a ferrari grin.gif


2/ bad kisser ... i would assume innocence and lack of experience, which isnt a bad thing smirk.gif


3/ no not significant unless it runs into the hundreds laugh.gif


4/ brittany can get the body moving better than mozart


5/ honesty is very important and try to encourage it , what i dont know does hurt me , coz it usually comes out sometime ! angryfire.gif

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Blink-nothing is wrong with going to the gym. we all LOVE sexy, fit bods.... tongue.gif


Let's say it was a man/woman in their 30s or 40s who listens to Britney. Could it indicate something of their maturity? the fact that Britney is considered teen pop music. Or should/could one's musical tastes NOT reflect character traits?


Then again, maybe they're just infatuated with Britney's hot body & the music brings to mind the mental image laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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for the god one i doubt i could manage that laugh.gif

for the kissin, well im sure i could help um out alittle with a few tips lol grin.gif

britney spears....i wud just tek the piss wink.gif

and if they believe what u dont know wont hurt u, then feck um off! flipa.gif

About as innocent as a Nun doing pressups in a Cucumber field

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1. Not a problem as long as they don't impose their beliefs on me. Saying that, doesn't sound like we'd have that much in common, where would you go out together ?

2. I'm inclined to think that kissing and the rest of it should be instinctive and not something thaat can or should be taught. If you're a bad kisser it's indicative that you're bad in bed.

3. No problem. I would expect a girl to not have a problem if I'd had more partners than her, so I can hardly complain if it's the other way round.

4. As long as it's confined to the gym bigsmile.gif Nah, variety in all things is good, it wouldn't be a problem if the girl wasn't into the same [censored] as me.

5. This is the clincher. No way, Mr Jose. Got to have honesty above all else. As soon as the white lies come in, it's time to walk. I'd rather be hurt and know, than hurt more after being lied to .

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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Teska did u had bad experience or something, what bring u , 2 ask this question? i just wondering...

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